Former Players Planning Picket over Selection Process for New Coach

Ahhh I see.

I always thought the pro-Trestman crowd was like Bigfoot (you hear about it, but there are very few sightings). I thought it was a product of lazy sports writers who are only plugged into the NFL and made an obvious jump (who are coaches that they've heard of who went to the U? Dungy and Trestman). Just like how Dungy's name has been floated around non-stop in a fantasy like fashion, I thought the same idiots who don't realize that isn't happening are creating a false Pro-Trestman push. I could be dead wrong, but I just have a hard time imagining that a ton of alumni, booster and former players would love the idea of Marc Trestman.

He's the easy answer to a naive college football media market who doesn't have the inclination and/or the ability to their homework and come up with a realistic candidate.


I may not agree with them, but they have a right to protest, it is America after all. And protesting before something has happened makes a lot more sense than protesting afterwards. Before the hire is made is when you might be able to have some influence. Protesting in advance is like warning someone he needs to put gas in the car, it makes a lot more sense to do that than to just complain after the car is out of gas.

But aside from their right to protest, haven't we been down this road before? Brewster wasn't the only poor decision that's been made. The boosters aren't experts, we've listened to them before and been burned. I would rather listen to college coaches around the country, see who impresses them.

Jack Brewer's top 3
1. Scott Linehan
2. David Gibbs
3. Glen Mason


So basically his top 3 are coaches that he has direct history with. That is open minded.

I may not agree with them, but they have a right to protest, it is America after all.

They have the right to protest and we have the right to rip on them and even protest their protesting. If they are carrying signs asking for Trestman I will probably boo them when I walk by them on my way in to the stadium.

What former players? Are these players from Big Ten or National championship teams, or from the 99% of the rest of the players who played on teams with losing records.

Let's hear it for the former players. At least they are demonstrating a heightened interest in the program. That's refreshing and I don't care who they want for the job, I'm glad to hear about the involvement!

my name is on the wall.
I don't want Trestman, unless we are turned down by every winning head coach and coordinator in D1.
I have not contacted Maturi, Bruininks or anyone else. Hopefully they are just doing the right thing and realize a winner will make everyone forget. If they pick a loser, they will be the only people in the state who thought he was a good idea.

If anything, they should be protesting the comments the President made, making it sound like Leach is not a candidate.

Why is it OK for must of us here to be Monday Morning QB/Coach/AD and complain about every decision that is made both on and off the field? We (the general Gopher fan population, not calling anybody out in particular) protest by booing our coach, our team, our captains and show our displeasure by not showing up to the game in droves. Why can't the former players who have done more and given more for this football program want to have the same privilege of voicing their concerns? Would you be this upset if was some of your fellow fans picketing?

Best post I've heard to date. Former players actually have more passion and love for the program that the casual fan does so it makes perfect sense for them to be outraged at the current state of our program and taking a stand. As a former Gopher student-athlete (Wacker/Mason years) I applaud the former football players for speaking up.

I guarentee you that there is no organized picket by former players. There will be players there in support of the team, and comments will be directed to the right people in a civilized manner, but no picket. I don't know where some of these comments come from, but get your s--- togather.

It was the M Club that got us both Stoll and Salem. I was fine with Stoll, not so much with Salem. And it was the team itself that got us Gutekunst instead of Bobby Ross. I would hope that the search team can put on their big boy pants, look beyond understandable pressure, and get the job done satisfactorily.

Let them picket. It's their constitutional right.

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