For Your Consideration - Mike Tice

Triple D

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2010
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Hola Amigos,

New Gopherholer here.

I attended the NIU game, first game I have been to since graduating from CLA in '92. What a great stadium TCF is, it's a shame the team isn't doing better. While I have always been hopeful that the program would turn around with Brew, I think it's time for a change. I submit Mike Tice.

Why are we focusing on people that are not realistic as a possible new coach (Dungy, etc.). Why don't we focus on someone we know who wants to be here. Mike Tice wants to be here, it's a proven fact, see Star Tribune article before Brew was hired. As I write this Dungy is on The Dan Patrick Show stating that he is not interested. He wants to stay in Florida.

From what I'm reading, people want someone with coaching experience, and connections for recruiting. Who has all of these? Tice does.

Here's his resume:

QB Maryland: 1979 7-4 record
1980 8-4 record - Bowl Game

NFL TE: 1981-95 Seattle, Washington, Vikings

NFL TE Coach: 1996 Vikings

NFL OL Coach: 1997-2001 Vikings

NFL Head Coach: 2002-2005 Vikings

NFL Asst Head Coach: 2006-2009 Jacksonville

NFL OL Coach: 2010 Chicago

You can say what you want about him for the Love Boat things (not his fault, players fault) but it's a proven fact he is extremely well respected in football and NFL circles. If he wasn't why would he get hired so often, and put in positions of power. Think of all the coaches he knows and players he has coached and played with over the years, he would be a natural recruiter, he has pipelines all over the country. People he knows would be turning him on to good recruits all the time. We know he is a good recruiter, people forget that the only reason that Antoine Winfield is on the Vikes is because Tice showed the "want to" to borrow a buddies private plane and swoop him away before he visited more teams, and this to a slightly above average Vikings team at the time.

The guy is a natural coach, think of it. He was a QB, a TE, and an O Line Coach. He flat out knows and loves the game of football, especially offensive football. How many people have the msarts to play one position in college and another in the NFL? Doesn't happen very often.

Tice would know talent and how to coach it. I believe we would have one of the best O lines in the country with him as a coach and recruiter and think of his sales pitch to recruits. "Son, I know the NFL and I know people in the NFL who could help get you there", if I'm a recruit I'm thinking of that. Tice is well liked among former teammates and coaches and I think because of this he could hire a very good to great staff.

Think of this also, Tice could call up former NFL players (Bercich, Randle, Smith, McDaniel, Birk when he retires, etc.) to come talk to the team and help coach them up. If we want to pound the rock in the Big 10, what better guy to form that mentality than a former blocking TE and decades long OL coach?

I would love to also have Brewster stay with the program in recruiting if possible, unlikely to happen but would be nice.

Welcome, but this has already been beaten like a rented mule around here as well.

I didn't read you post for this simple reason: No college degree = no head Coaching

Points against:

1. No college degree, thus ineligible for the position.

2. Extra chromosome.

Someone can correct me if I am wrong because I only submit this as second hand information on what I have heard (althrough I have heard it a billion times):

This is a non-starter due to the U's rule that coaches must have degrees, and Mike Tice doesn't have a degree.

If that is true, and Mike Tice really wants to coach the Gophers... he'd get a degree.

How many people have the msarts to play one position in college and another in the NFL?

A. For the 8 millionth time, one must have a minimum education level of "bachelor's degree" in order to be a head coach at the NCAA level.

B. It's not that uncommon for a player to play one position and subsequently coach another. I'm not sure how you can ascertain one's "msarts" from this simple test.

A for effort, well thought out, but unrealistic.
Tice has no college degree, and although I do think he'd fit in the college game well, that fact alone discounts him as a candidate.
We can always use well thought out ideas around here, please don't be discouraged by any negative comments on your idea.

I'd take him here... but at no position higher than O-line coach.

Does anybody know for sure that he hasn't completed his degree in the 4 years since Brew has been here? Or are you just assuming?

Please excuse the "msarts" typo - CLA grad don't you know!!

I think Tice would be a great fit for the Gophers. With the Vikings he wanted to run the ball and stop the run, and I liked the vertical passing game (although M. Gray isn't quite R. Moss). McCombs gave him no support, and I think he did real well with what he had. I think high school kids would like him.

Unfortunately, he has no college degree, a requirement for the job. He larned about this requirement four years ago and wanted to coach in college so badly that he ... did nothing about it.

He must've been somewhat close to a degree after spending four years at Maryland. He just doesn't want to coach in college.

Great OL coach and even a better guy.
Wish he would've had more support from ownership. He may have been a pretty successful coach.
Would love to have a beer with him, but he is not on my list for head coaches.

Even if he was eligible (he isn't)
Even if he was a great coach (he isn't)

Please keep anything and everything Vikings as far away from TCF Bank Stadium as possible.

I agree, great OL coach. Poor head coach. This isn't a huge rip on him btw. Many, many great position coaches are not cut out to be head coaches.

I am neither agreeing or disagreeing with you, but what makes him a poor head coach?

Hola Amigos,

New Gopherholer here.

I attended the NIU game, first game I have been to since graduating from CLA in '92. What a great stadium TCF is, it's a shame the team isn't doing better. While I have always been hopeful that the program would turn around with Brew, I think it's time for a change. I submit Mike Tice.

Why are we focusing on people that are not realistic as a possible new coach (Dungy, etc.). Why don't we focus on someone we know who wants to be here. Mike Tice wants to be here, it's a proven fact, see Star Tribune article before Brew was hired. As I write this Dungy is on The Dan Patrick Show stating that he is not interested. He wants to stay in Florida.

From what I'm reading, people want someone with coaching experience, and connections for recruiting. Who has all of these? Tice does.

Here's his resume:

QB Maryland: 1979 7-4 record
1980 8-4 record - Bowl Game

NFL TE: 1981-95 Seattle, Washington, Vikings

NFL TE Coach: 1996 Vikings

NFL OL Coach: 1997-2001 Vikings

NFL Head Coach: 2002-2005 Vikings

NFL Asst Head Coach: 2006-2009 Jacksonville

NFL OL Coach: 2010 Chicago

You can say what you want about him for the Love Boat things (not his fault, players fault) but it's a proven fact he is extremely well respected in football and NFL circles. If he wasn't why would he get hired so often, and put in positions of power. Think of all the coaches he knows and players he has coached and played with over the years, he would be a natural recruiter, he has pipelines all over the country. People he knows would be turning him on to good recruits all the time. We know he is a good recruiter, people forget that the only reason that Antoine Winfield is on the Vikes is because Tice showed the "want to" to borrow a buddies private plane and swoop him away before he visited more teams, and this to a slightly above average Vikings team at the time.

The guy is a natural coach, think of it. He was a QB, a TE, and an O Line Coach. He flat out knows and loves the game of football, especially offensive football. How many people have the msarts to play one position in college and another in the NFL? Doesn't happen very often.

Tice would know talent and how to coach it. I believe we would have one of the best O lines in the country with him as a coach and recruiter and think of his sales pitch to recruits. "Son, I know the NFL and I know people in the NFL who could help get you there", if I'm a recruit I'm thinking of that. Tice is well liked among former teammates and coaches and I think because of this he could hire a very good to great staff.

Think of this also, Tice could call up former NFL players (Bercich, Randle, Smith, McDaniel, Birk when he retires, etc.) to come talk to the team and help coach them up. If we want to pound the rock in the Big 10, what better guy to form that mentality than a former blocking TE and decades long OL coach?

I would love to also have Brewster stay with the program in recruiting if possible, unlikely to happen but would be nice.

Is that you Mike Tice???

Please keep anything and everything Vikings as far away from TCF Bank Stadium as possible.

You're telling me if Leslie Frazier threw his hat in the ring and wanted the job, you wouldn't hire him? That's just silly.

Degree or not, his ticket scalping fiasco makes him a real risk as a college coach. Any violations and the AD is gone for hiring Tice knowing he has acted unethically in the past.

Degree or not, his ticket scalping fiasco makes him a real risk as a college coach. Any violations and the AD is gone for hiring Tice knowing he has acted unethically in the past.

And don't play the same pulltabs as him at Bunny's when he's trying to do a bin run...he doesn't like that at all. Kind of d0uchy about it actually.

I am neither agreeing or disagreeing with you, but what makes him a poor head coach?

You're right, poor isn't the right word I take that back. Mediocre is probably more accurate.

Games over .500: -1
Super Bowl Wins: 0
Overall Championships: 0
Conference Championships: 0
Division Championships: 0

Ummmmm, does that mean we have to get rid of all Gopher players too if we have to worry about scalping issues, Cory Sauter comes to mind, hehe. Tice had to make money somehow since Red McCombs was so cheap.

An added benefit for Tice as HC, he would work hard on getting alcohol into the stadium, he likes his beer like the rest of us. Bunny's dedicated parking spot for God's sake.

I took the liberty of checking with one of the local sportswriters in town and he has confirmed that Tice has not gone back to school yet to finish his degree, so this thread is a mute point. I thought he may have gone back and earned it after he was told he would not qualify last time but apparently he is making enough money and is busy enough in the NFL not to worry about it.

Not trying to be smart or anything, but can anyone tell me if not having a college degree is solely of U of M requirement or is it an entire NCAA wide requirement, I've heard it both ways and was just curious if anyone knows for sure?

My question is with all of these people throwing out names (Golden, Bowden, Gruden, etc.), how do we know if all of them have the proper ed-ju-me-ka-shun (sp?) to qualify for the job? We could have another Tice situation.

And no I'm not Tice, I just really like the guy. I still believe that if McCombs had spent a little more money on some free agents the Vikings would have made deeper playoff runs under Tice. Imagine if Tice had what Chilly does rescource wise.....much better coach then in my opinion. Don't you remember the stories of Winter Park not even having functioning AC and a leaky roof, and Wilf even had to renovate the boat in front of Winter Park for curb appeal because McCombs was so cheap.

Just like any potential Gophers coach would be better with more help from the Admin., Tice would have been better too.

P.S., thanks for the kind words Ole.

You're right, poor isn't the right word I take that back. Mediocre is probably more accurate.

Games over .500: -1
Super Bowl Wins: 0
Overall Championships: 0
Conference Championships: 0
Division Championships: 0

He was 33-32 so plus 1 over .500, I agree not very good.

I remember reading an article about him shortly after he was fired and it was something about how they were like 20-25 million under the salary cap and had the lowest pay roll in the league. They also had the lowest amount of assistant coaches and also the lowest paid coordinators in the league. I think the fact that Red McCombs didn't give him the resources to be successful played into the win/loss record.

I am not saying I want Tice to be our head coach, but if he had his degree I could definately see him succeeding here.

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