For what its worth....

While we individual gopher fans have very little power over anything, there are a couple of weapons we have in our arsenal.

Let me give you all a hint:

Your e-mail account is your chair-leg. And the idea of hiring Marc Trestman is bucky's eye socket.
What will you do?

I leave it up to you, fellow Gopherholers.

I just sent him an email from my account. I'm tired of this Trestman talk.

My position on the MN connection angle is that a MN connection should only help you get candidates that would otherwise be unrealistic (Tony Dungy -- no other program would call him to ask him to be their coach right now -- because he would be above them). The MN connection should not help CANDIDATES it should help the SCHOOL. We should not reach for a candidate simply because they are from MN.

This is like saying the Vikings should have drafted Decker in the 1st round last year simply because he was a Gopher.

It is likely one of the same reasons Joe Mauer was willing to resign with the Twins (aside from the huge bundle of money we gave him). This is his hometown (there is clearly a lot of reciprocity on the side of the Twins/ticket/merchandise sales, too). If he was from Florida/East Coast/California etc. he probably would have bolted.

So, the guy who no one would ever give a HC job (or even a decent job) to finally lands a HC job. He wins a championship.

Now what?
I won a championship too. I won my school's spelling bee. Then I got my clock cleaned at regionals. Probably had something to do with having a whopping 25 people in my grade.

I won a championship too. I won my school's spelling bee. Then I got my clock cleaned at regionals.

Me too!!!!!!! I had way more than 25 in my class, and I still got owned by the kid at regionals who was slightly schizophrenic, mumbled a lot, and seemed quite abrasive. Didn't like him one bit, but he blew us all out of the water.

Another thing....for those of you who wouldn't think that this would be an absolute horrid hiring should keep in mind how terrible of a coach he has been at the college level.

His resume smells of a more experienced version of Jedd Fisch. Marc Trestman has exactly zero head coaching experience in the United States and 4 years of experience coaching college kids (only 2 of those years were in the past 25 years). In his two seasons at NC State their offense was brutal. I mean, it was 2009 Gopher Football brutal. To be more precise, the 2009 Gopher football team looked like the "Greatest Show on Turf" next to Trestman's offenses at NC State.

Lets compare the stats of the Jedd Fisch led Gopher offense of last year (I know, it hurts even revisiting it) and Marc Trestman's Wolfpack offenses....

2009 Gophers Passing: 2827 yards passing - 15 TD - 16 INT - 51.7%
2005 Trestman: 2282 yards passing - 14 TD - 14 INT - 52.6%
2006 Trestman: 2188 yards passing - 10 TD - 16 INT - 51.7%
* So their passing games in Trestman's first season was pretty comparable to Jedd Fisch, but it was slightly worse...

2009 Gopher Rushing attack: 1668 yards and 13 TDs
2005 Trestman: 1493 and 13 TDs
2006 Trestman: 1436 and 11 TDs
* Somehow Trestman was able to coordinate an offense that ran the ball worse than the 2009 Golden Gophers.

Now, i'm not saying that Trestman and Fisch are the same or anything like that. However, we commonly refer to last year as the Jedd Fisch debacle. I'm sure if you put up a poll on how well people like Jedd Fisch it would be incredibly poorly ranked. Now MArc Trestman has more NFL experience than Fisch, but their time at the college level was about exactly the same (except of course the Wolfpack regressed under Trestman and we luckily got rid of Fisch before we had to find out).

So... Gopherholers don't think much of the CFL I guess.

PA also said in that same conversation that getting players from your program into the NFL (a la Mason did) "is what Big Ten football is supposed to be all about."

Got a reply from Maturi:

Probably sending that to every fan that is e-mailing him. lol

Still love the fact that he even responds. He'll always have that positive going for him.

And Maturi is probably right, we are reading to much into these reports. However, its tough to ignore when several different sources claim something similar.

only thing i find interesting about this thread was the name "Herm Edwards."

He is a name that hasn't been mentioned. I know he didn't have NFL success, but I could see him being a Pete Carroll type in the college ranks.

Just my opinion....

Trestman would be a big disappointment. He might do well, but the odds are not there. It would be doing the "M" thing again, as with Cal Stoll, who - like Trestman - had only a few years as head coach and was around fifty at the time. If we'd accept a 54-yerar-old, how about 58-year-old Mike Bellotti?

It would probably be a good idea to start the student section chanting: "...DON'T hire Trestman...Don't hire Trestman and then Ditch Maturi...ditch Maturi..."

People had better be VERY afraid that the current administration might very well hire Trestman.

I'm a very long-time Gopher Season ticket holder and want NOTHING to do with Trestman.

Take it seriously though people. The time to act is NOW. Revolt against this rampant maturi/prexy b/Dave Mona conspiracy NOW. Take it to the stadium on the 3 remaining home games. If we let them stick us with Trestman, we have only ourselves to blame.

It may be a coordinator is the best choice. You won't find someone with head coaching experience who has a better record than Mason had, and he was fired. So next logical is either a Trestman or an OC or DC that knows the program. Sorry, but we won't get a Nick Saben.

It may be a coordinator is the best choice. You won't find someone with head coaching experience who has a better record than Mason had, and he was fired. So next logical is either a Trestman or an OC or DC that knows the program. Sorry, but we won't get a Nick Saben.

That doesn't really make sense to me.

If coordinator is our best bet, there are plenty of coordinators who have done a ton more than Trestman (especially at the college level) who would be available. (Venebles, Luke Fickell, Kirby Smart, Gus Malzahn, Dana Halgorson, Paul Chryst that list goes on and on).

Additionally, there are a number of coaches who have similar if not better track records than Mason who would be plausible hirings (Leach, Bellotti, Troy Calhoun, etc.). It is possible to get a guy with head coaching experience who has been a winner elsewhere.

None of my suggestions have been pie-in-the-sky hopes of our future coach. You have to keep in mind that we are still a Big 10 school. Our best bet isn't the local version of Jedd Fisch (NFL guy who failed miserably in his only stint in college).

You won't find someone with head coaching experience who has a better record than Mason had

Seriously, do you talk just to hear your head rattle? It is not at all difficult to find someone with a better than .500 head coaching record. Plenty have been named on this board and elsewhere. Many of them are attainable, and many would jump at a Minnesota offer.

we won't get a Nick Saben

Nobody knows who that is.

I just want to say I do NOT think that Trestman wouldn't be a good coach here. I just think we have an amazing opportunity to make a very, very solid hire. Trestman has a very high probability to be the same sort of hire that Brewster was, and that terrifies me.

The 'Hole is blowing this out of proportion a little in its near-unanimous rejection of this guy. We are being unfair to him. He is a good guy, and a good football coach, and I would welcome him here immediately at another position; he is just not what we need right now for our head football coach. There are so many more attractive options than Marc out there. There are guys out there who bring a real opportunity to fully turn the program around almost instantly.

You say we're being unfair to Trestman in our near-unanimous rejection of him. But then why did everything else in your post explain exactly why we should reject him? Can you list his positive traits that would encourage, say Kansas, Boston College or Colorado to hire him?

A bunch of old white guys don't like basketball???

A bunch of old white guys don't like basketball???

I really enjoy the NBA. I was one of the gullible ones who had "mini" Season tickets for years. If you're going by Timberwolves crowds at Target Center there not only weren't a bunch of "white guys" who didn't like basketball but black guys, brown guys, red guys, women, children, grifters, drifters etc., etc.

E-mail Maturi. Tell him who you like and who you don't.

I told him I want Harbaugh (if possible), or otherwise Bellotti (and included MV's assumption that Boise's Bryan Harsin comes with Bellotti) in my e-mail.

I also said Trestman is absolutely NOT qualified.

Who is this Timberwolves you guys talk about?!?!?! :clap::clap::clap:

You realize that a huge chunk of the state says the same thing about Gopher football, right? I love Gopher football but we aren't really in a position to mock other teams.

A bunch of old white guys don't like basketball???
I love basketball. The middle of March is my favorite time of the year. I just don't give a damn about the NBA. After Malone, Ewing, Barkley, MJ and The Dream were gone, I found it tough to stay interested.

White guys who like college basketball, but don't like the NBA.


I really enjoy the NBA. I was one of the gullible ones who had "mini" Season tickets for years. If you're going by Timberwolves crowds at Target Center there not only weren't a bunch of "white guys" who didn't like basketball but black guys, brown guys, red guys, women, children, grifters, drifters etc., etc.

I was at First Avenue for a concert on Tuesday. I can almost guarantee there were more people at First Ave. than there were for the Wolves game that night. You wouldn't even know there was a game going on, and people were giving tickets away.

What really pisses me off is that, if they really, truly hire Trestman...everything they've been saying since firing Brewster is lies. All lies. Nothing but lies.

Effing THIS.


You say we're being unfair to Trestman in our near-unanimous rejection of him. But then why did everything else in your post explain exactly why we should reject him? Can you list his positive traits that would encourage, say Kansas, Boston College or Colorado to hire him?

I see your point. I am simply not ruling out the possibility that Trestman could do just fine here. He, however, should not be hired because he there is too much of a chance of massive backfire (see: coach Brewster). The way in which we are being unfair is that we have very quickly developed a genuine disgust for the man even though he has never lost us a single game as coach. People are starting to act like he is an ungodly plague of a football coach that should be avoided at all costs: that simply is not the case.

In other words, if Trestman were hired, I would be fully disappointed in Maturi. But I would be 100% behind Trestman. We have to avoid making this thing personal against Trestman. That is the distinction I am trying to preserve.

Freaking out?

You all don't think you might be freaking out over nothing?

Let's see, if memory serves me correctly, nobody had a CLUE that Tubby was going to get hired basically until it happened.

Brewster's name wasn't out there until virtually until the press conference announcing his hiring.

I don't know why this would be much different. This will take place behind closed doors, in secrecy, mostly through unattached parties not directly tied to the Athletic Department or the University.

Relax... Don't get your panties in a bunch...

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