For what its worth....


Sep 11, 2010
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PA is on with "Big Ten Football Guy" and PA just said....

"I was at the Timberwolves/Pacers game and talked to a very prominent Golden Gopher booster and he said it was quote 'Trestman's job to lose' at this point."

"Now that is just his opinion, he didn't say it was anything official from Maturi, but that is what he said"


Then he threw out Herm Edwards. PA just can't get away from the NFL coaches.

Man this makes me scared.


I love PA, but he needs to give up on Gopher coach speculation. I honestly think part of it is that he has a genuine fear that Leslie Frazier is going to leave the Vikings for the Gophers job. It's as though he's trying to will that to not happen.

This rumor loses all credibility at this point. Nobody goes to Timberwolves games, ESPECIALLY preseason games.

I am not ashamed to admit I was were some Gophers football players. I saw Dom Alford sitting with two other people in Gophers football gear I was unable to recognize from accross the court.

I love PA, but he needs to give up on Gopher coach speculation. I honestly think part of it is that he has a genuine fear that Leslie Frazier is going to leave the Vikings for the Gophers job. It's as though he's trying to will that to not happen.

I agree with you that PA is scared Fraiser will leave the Vikings, but that is going to happen sooner or later.

At the same time we have heard from multiple, albeit anonymous, sources that the Gophers appear to be very interested in Trestman. That makes me scared for two reasons.

1.) he is not the best realistic candidate.
2.) What is suppose to be a nation wide search is quickly coming down with a terrible case of tunnel vision.

The Trestman stuff is starting to go overboard for me. I no longer could hold back from e-mailing Maturi about it. :)

This steve who is pa's big ten expert is a hogeye. I did catch him this morning and he adds nothing to the show. I think they live on the same block. A bunch of useless stats and repeats everything everyone already knows. I hope he is not getting paid.

The Trestman stuff is starting to go overboard for me. I no longer could hold back from e-mailing Maturi about it. :)

Same here. I thought I could ignore it because of its ridiculous nature but this is getting out of hand.

This Trestman crap is really getting irritating.

This steve who is pa's big ten expert is a hogeye. I did catch him this morning and he adds nothing to the show. I think they live on the same block. A bunch of useless stats and repeats everything everyone already knows. I hope he is not getting paid.

Ok thats fine, he wasn't the one with the story. It was PA, therefore, "Big Ten Vibe Guy's" credibility is irrelevant.

Once again, this ins't PA just trying to throw out other candidates to make himself believe that Fraiser isn't leaving. We have seen this favoritism for Trestman in tweets, blogs, insider reports, and personal stories.

That scares me. Realistically we cant get Peterson, Paterson, and so on. But realistically we CAN get Leach, Golden, heck even Calhoun if the money is right.

What really pisses me off is that, if they really, truly hire Trestman...everything they've been saying since firing Brewster is lies. All lies. Nothing but lies.

The Trestman stuff is starting to go overboard for me. I no longer could hold back from e-mailing Maturi about it. :)

me too, its sad that we know our AD could make such a stupid hire that we feel compelled to email him. i think as many of us as possible should email him about Trestman, what a disaster of a hire. thats the current status of our GGs though.

i hate saying this, but if trestman gets hired how many people don't renew? I'm guessing the older lifer gopher fans will obvioulsy love the hire because he is "one of us", but the younger Gopher fans I feel would know how insanely pathetic of a hire this would be and would jump ship knowing that when the stadium is half empty and Trestman is getting canned in 4 years we could probably get better seats.

What really pisses me off is that, if they really, truly hire Trestman...everything they've been saying since firing Brewster is lies. All lies. Nothing but lies.

You mean you don't consider Treastman our "next Tubby Smith". I'd like to see you back that up with good evidence ;)

This Trestman crap is really getting irritating.

Sorry Khaliq, I agree.

But all the reports I read honestly say he is the current favorite.


There have been no interviews, and no decisions made. They are still gauging interest in who wants the job and maybe Trestman was the first person to respond, hence the early favorite.

After the interview's play out lets hope that Maturi has learned from his mistakes and he will look at a track record, rather than buy the snake oil like Brewster sold.

What really pisses me off is that, if they really, truly hire Trestman...everything they've been saying since firing Brewster is lies. All lies. Nothing but lies.

Pretty much this. Doesn't Maturi want a Tubby Smith like hire? Hiring Trestman would be far from that type of hire.

Is it possible that all of this Trestman talk is a smoke screen? Or would that be giving the powers that be too much credit?

i think as many of us as possible should email him about Trestman, what a disaster of a hire.

While we individual gopher fans have very little power over anything, there are a couple of weapons we have in our arsenal.

Let me give you all a hint:

Your e-mail account is your chair-leg. And the idea of hiring Marc Trestman is bucky's eye socket.
What will you do?

I leave it up to you, fellow Gopherholers.

If Trestman is hired it will not be because the AD/Prez screwed up, it wil be because he was the only one interested.

I did read that he has no escape clause in his contract, and that the owner up there is a hardcore businessman, and a bear to negotiate with. Not sure if the article has been posted, here it is:
Interesting and somewhat uninformed take, the U will not float a mil to buyout his contract.

Why not? If they're so unreasonable as to hire this bucket of spit, who's to say they wouldn't pay an assload of cash to do it.

Goddamn it. I'd almost rather they hire Mason back.

Got a reply from Maturi:

Too many great Gopher fans believe what they read on the blogs. We will hire the best fit for Minnesota taking into consideration many factors. We need to improve football – it has been a long time since we have had a contender.

Joel Maturi

Probably sending that to every fan that is e-mailing him. lol

Still love the fact that he even responds. He'll always have that positive going for him.

I did read that he has no escape clause in his contract, and that the owner up there is a hardcore businessman, and a bear to negotiate with. Not sure if the article has been posted, here it is:
Interesting and somewhat uninformed take, the U will not float a mil to buyout his contract.
There's probably a clause in there that his contact can be terminated via a log rolling contest or a bare chested wrestling match.

I did read that he has no escape clause in his contract, and that the owner up there is a hardcore businessman, and a bear to negotiate with. Not sure if the article has been posted, here it is:
Interesting and somewhat uninformed take, the U will not float a mil to buyout his contract.

It wouldn’t be surprising to see a rich booster write Wetenhall a cheque for a million or two in an attempt to buy Trestman’s services.

Hide yo kids! Hide yo wife!

Mofos be droppin' cheques all over this beast!

While we individual gopher fans have very little power over anything, there are a couple of weapons we have in our arsenal.

Let me give you all a hint:

Your e-mail account is your chair-leg. And the idea of hiring Marc Trestman is bucky's eye socket.
What will you do?

I leave it up to you, fellow Gopherholers.

I just want to say I do NOT think that Trestman wouldn't be a good coach here. I just think we have an amazing opportunity to make a very, very solid hire. Trestman has a very high probability to be the same sort of hire that Brewster was, and that terrifies me.

The 'Hole is blowing this out of proportion a little in its near-unanimous rejection of this guy. We are being unfair to him. He is a good guy, and a good football coach, and I would welcome him here immediately at another position; he is just not what we need right now for our head football coach. There are so many more attractive options than Marc out there. There are guys out there who bring a real opportunity to fully turn the program around almost instantly.

One has to wonder how these boosters got to be affluent in the first place. Smart business decisions? They sure know how to crap the bed if they're willing to bail Marc freaking Trestman out of Montreal.

In trying to be open minded, I will probably the only hiring that would be absolutely devastating would be to hire Marc Trestman. I won't get rid of my season tickets, but if this rumor has any legs I will be absolutely astonished.

So, the guy who no one would ever give a HC job (or even a decent job) to finally lands a HC job. He wins a championship.

Now what?

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