For What It's Worth


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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-Reasonable responses to critics is usually the norm, it least in real life if not the Internet version.

- A lot of the defensive responses around here are the result of unrelenting critics and the out right hatred displayed for Maturi, Brewster and Bruininks by Mason supporters previously on the board. Throw in the constant Iowa and Wisconsin trolling and what would you expect from Gophers fan(atic)s on a Gopher Board?

- The difference in what people predicted for a season win total and their present vehemence is not necessarily laughable, but is mildly irritating and damned amusing. The majority of people figured they'd be 5-3 now and not 4-4. That should not bring out torches or put people on suicide watch.

- The play of the Offense is far below expectations. This is where most of the bitterness among people who want the Gophers to succeed comes from. It's been awful except for the Northwestern and Purdue games, a Quarter and Overtime against Syracuse, the Third Quarter against California and a few drives here and there. It's been a very long time since a Gopher Offense has been so futile for nine straight Quarters.:mad:

- The play of the Defense is probably neutral, to better then expected. The Cosgrove hiring was roundly mocked. People were convinced the Defense would give up hundreds and hundreds of yards and hundreds of points. The first has happened the second hasn't. If the Offense stayed on the field against Ohio State or Penn State the Scoring Defense would be playing well above expectations. That's what really counts isn't it?

- The play of the Special Teams is way beyond what anybody expected. New punter and a new kicker? I don't remember anyone thinking that would go well.

- You can find people that are upset with Brewster's refusal to lambaste his team or coaches in public. If you take out the people who just want him gone it becomes a small number but they are there. He's toned it down to be sure, but does anybody who wants to see the Gophers succeed really want to hear him bemoan their fate or rip his team?

- Mason raised expectations that's for sure. He won a few games that were real upsets at the time. Brewster hasn't done it yet. Mason followed Wacker. Brewster followed Mason. Mason's expectation level was much lower. Talent levels are still a matter of dispute. The truth is Mason's best years were bolstered by lousy Non-Conference schedules but he never had a one win season! Of course Brewster is going to suffer in that comparison.

- Recruiting under Brewster may be at the best since Warmath but who the hell knows!!

- People remember Glen's team dominating on Offense. Brewsters' teams have looked awful on Offense. People do forget that Glen's team very rarely came from behind, his special teams lost a lot of games for him and blowout's were not uncommon. Brewster's 55-0 is going to be remembered until he beats Iowa but his teams have shown they can come from behind.

- Take away the 10-3 team and Minnesota football has ranged from lousy to mediocre to okay since the mid 1960's!:eek: There were NO 7-0 or 6-1 Big Ten seasons. The last two loss season was NINETEEN SEVENTY-THREE!!!Going from that to good to very good will take more then 2 or 3 years! Iowa under Fry and Wisconsin under Alvarez are two good examples. They may have had a couple of good seasons here and there but you have to go back to the 60's or 50's before they challenged for the Big Ten title on a regular basis before those guys.

-The places where it been done in less then that time usually are places where the teams were good, went bad and someone came in and brought them back to their previous level. If the Gophers win four games in the Big Ten this year they ARE at the previous level for the Gophers. That's sad really, but it's the truth.

Brewster may turn out to be a bad Head Coach. Know one knows if that will happen yet. The fact remains that the ones who are proclaiming that he will fail the loudest seem to be people who are wishing it be the case.

I just want some more wins,starting Saturday night!:clap:

Pretty well thought out there Iceland. :) +1

pretty much summed it up for me too, Nice... Ice

Quite possibly the best post I have read here. It was enough to bring me out of simply lurking in the background.

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