For those that wanted Edsel

James Franklin? Good young coach, but I wonder if the Maryland folks are regretting letting Big Ralph go after a 9-4 season. In retrospect, they probably should have kept in around with Franklin as "HC-in-waiting."
This is what I'm was trying to point out above. They couldn't do that. Franklin left BEFORE Ralph was fired (the rumors are that he didn't want to wait around to be a HC anymore). In fact, it appears like Franklin leaving is what spurred the Maryland AD and president into making a rash firing decision. So your scenario is impossible. They had 2 choices in retrospect that would appear to have been better. 1) Get rid of Fridge soon and promote Franklin. 2) Don't freak out after Franklin bolts and make a quick decision to fire Ralph just because their original plan was now shot. Keep him for another year and lay the groundwork for another search if he struggles.

I was not an Edsel guy, but in his defense, I had heard there was a discipline problem at Maryland before he arrived. Plenty of off field issues that weren't made public. Plenty of character issues. It could just be spin, but that is what I heard.

This is what I'm was trying to point out above. They couldn't do that. Franklin left BEFORE Ralph was fired (the rumors are that he didn't want to wait around to be a HC anymore). In fact, it appears like Franklin leaving is what spurred the Maryland AD and president into making a rash firing decision. So your scenario is impossible. They had 2 choices in retrospect that would appear to have been better. 1) Get rid of Fridge soon and promote Franklin. 2) Don't freak out after Franklin bolts and make a quick decision to fire Ralph just because their original plan was now shot. Keep him for another year and lay the groundwork for another search if he struggles.

I didn't follow the situation that closely, so I appreciate the information. I guess the point I was making (and I certainly made it indirectly) is that if (and it's a big "if") Franklin was viewed as a "comer" by the Maryland athletic hierarchy, they should have found a way to promote him to the extent he could be kept around. Maybe there wasn't a way to do that and maybe Franklin is a flash in the pan. Time will tell.

I didn't know where else to post this, but it appears as if Danny O'Brian, the Maryland QB who is transferring, is "taking a closer look" at Wisconsin.

P.S....if you ask for a source, google is your friend.

Wasn't there just a situation like this where a basketball player couldn't get a release from his school to transfer somewhere else? Was it Temple maybe?

Sally Jenkins at the Washington Post with a satirical take on the Edsall situation. Did I mention I am glad we did not hire this clown? Rose? Kaliq?

Agree. I was never really impressed by what he did at U-Conn because I thought that in the Big Ten it was likely to translate to a level of mediocity below that which Glen Mason already accomplished. It now looks like he would have been an even greater disaster than Brew.

I think Edsall ultimately knew the Big Ten would chew him up and spit him out. I think he figured his experience in the Big East would be more transferable to Maryland.

The paralells between what happened at Minnesota and Marlyland are fascinating.

Wasn't there just a situation like this where a basketball player couldn't get a release from his school to transfer somewhere else? Was it Temple maybe?
St. Joseph's. Phil Martelli wouldn't release the kid to transfer ANYWHERE (and still hasn't). The guy is paying his own way at UAB and isn't allowed to play.

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