For those that wanted Edsel

Maryland has turned nasty. It's a bad situation, especially being under the spotlight of the Washington Press. Reusse, Sansevere, and Souhan are completely indept. When Brew deserved bashing, they didn't have the ability to string together enough logic to really realize the issues. (See constant bashing of 2008 class rather than the emptiness of the 2007, 2009 and 2010 classes). Edsall's situation is under the microscope of the real reporters at the Washington Post.

I am kind of surprised this had played out this way for Edsall. I never wanted him over Kill, but I thought they were similar type coaches. It's hard to accomplish what Edsall accomplished at UConn without knowing your stuff. I am sure he knows football but it sounds like he really made the transition from Fridge to himself about as difficult as possible.

Mike Locksley for Gary Crowton, not sure thats an upgrade, but it might be a wash. Similar backgrounds, both HC's in the MWC.

hmmmmm....very interesting.....wonder if the student-athlete featured in the espn article would consider transferring home....and becoming a Gopher?

What? None of the players mentioned are from Minnesota, nor anywhere close to it.

Maryland has turned nasty. It's a bad situation, especially being under the spotlight of the Washington Press. Reusse, Sansevere, and Souhan are completely indept. When Brew deserved bashing, they didn't have the ability to string together enough logic to really realize the issues. (See constant bashing of 2008 class rather than the emptiness of the 2007, 2009 and 2010 classes). Edsall's situation is under the microscope of the real reporters at the Washington Post.

So you are going to bash Brewster for his 2007 recruiting class that he had two weeks to put together? And tell us how Brewster's 2009 and 2010 recruiting classes were much different than Kill's first recruiting class which is ranked at or near the bottom of the Big 10. I don't think either one of those classes were ranked that low.

So you are going to bash Brewster for his 2007 recruiting class that he had two weeks to put together? And tell us how Brewster's 2009 and 2010 recruiting classes were much different than Kill's first recruiting class which is ranked at or near the bottom of the Big 10. I don't think either one of those classes were ranked that low.

I agree that the 2007 recruiting class can't be held against Brewster, as he was hired not long before signing day. But after Brewster left the team in the ditch, it would be a real surprise if Kill had had a highly regarded recruitng class this year.

What? None of the players mentioned are from Minnesota, nor anywhere close to it.

If I recall(vaguely), O Brien is either a MN native or has family ties here and was hoping for a gopher offer. Spoonful of salt included, but I believe Sid was the source.
Can't say we'd be a spot he'd land now. Hopefully he doesn't sniff around wisky.

If I was forced to wear those god for saken helmets I'd be out the door as well!

According to his bio on the Maryland football web site, O'Brien was born in St. Paul.

If I recall(vaguely), O Brien is either a MN native or has family ties here and was hoping for a gopher offer. Spoonful of salt included, but I believe Sid was the source.
Can't say we'd be a spot he'd land now. Hopefully he doesn't sniff around wisky.

My mistake, he was born in St. Paul and moved to NC at age 12. You'll understand my apprehension given tinypenis's proclivity for making sh*t up.

And, like clockwork, Becky is interested. O'Brien will graduate this spring and be immediately eligible in the fall. Enema is always scouring the free agent wire, especially given his abysmal QB situation. Maybe the Vadg can buy another title built on the backs of players developed by other people.

Back in 1992 when Barry ran off 31 players there was 0 ramifications for cleaning house but since then the NCAA has put in some rules to protect the student athlete.

Damn Podoll, you're slipping.

Thanks to the OP for posting this. I wonder where Rosemountain and Kaliq are now? Guys who were very vocal about wanting Edsall over Kill. You know, Randy's 22-26 career record in the Big East was so impressive. The Maryland situation is really bad and on top of being a medicore coach at best, he appears to be a bad person. Great combo. I bet Maryland is wishing they kept James Franklin right about now... Regarding O'Brien, I would not be surprised if he ends up at a school not listed in any of the above linked articles.

I bet Maryland is wishing they kept James Franklin right about now.
I take this to mean "promoted him more quickly"? And yes, pretty much every Maryland source online has been wishing just that ever since Edsel was hired.

I take this to mean "promoted him more quickly"? And yes, pretty much every Maryland source online has been wishing just that ever since Edsel was hired.
Sure. Howver you want to put it. It looks pretty clear that Franklin was a much better choice than Edsall. Imagine if ND would have hired that clown when they were looking to replace Charlie Tuna? Their fans and alumni want to run Brian Kelly out of town already, who is a far superior coach to Edsall.

So you are going to bash Brewster for his 2007 recruiting class that he had two weeks to put together? And tell us how Brewster's 2009 and 2010 recruiting classes were much different than Kill's first recruiting class which is ranked at or near the bottom of the Big 10. I don't think either one of those classes were ranked that low.

I don't blame Brewster for the emptiness of the 2007 class, I just meant that classes emptiness is a big reason why Brew failed here.

As far as the 2009 and 2010 classes, they were colossal failures....
Out of the 2009 class, we still only have 8 of 20 players....
(Hageman, E. Olson, and Orseske are the only starters)
Out of the 2010 class, we still only have 14 of 26 players....
(Vereen, Perry, Gjere, Lenkiawicz, Epping are the only starter type players)

If in 2015, Kill's class (2012) only has 8 players and 3 starters, we'll be in serious trouble. Those classes, for whatever reasons, turned out terrible and they were the reason for Brew's troubles and for a lot of our problems last year.

Sure. Howver you want to put it. It looks pretty clear that Franklin was a much better choice than Edsall. Imagine if ND would have hired that clown when they were looking to replace Charlie Tuna? Their fans and alumni want to run Brian Kelly out of town already, who is a far superior coach to Edsall.
I only asked because Maryland didn't actually consider/interview both and then hire Edsel. Franklin had already moved on to Vandy by the time they fired the Fridge, possibly because he didn't think they were going to make that move.

If I remember correctly, Franklin had actually been named the head-coach-in-waiting upon after returning to Maryland to be the OC. At that time, the timeline for Fridge's departure was not known. Update...I did remember correctly. Fancy that.
You do remember correctly, but Franklin had still left prior to Fridge being fired. Most Maryland folks felt it was because he didn't see an end to the "in waiting" part of that title. So the whole thing was/is a mess, but it isn't the same as them considering Franklin against Edsel and making a bad call. It was them effing up once and letting him walk and then effing up again by freaking out to their "plan" going to crap which resulted in them almost immediately firing Fridge and ultimately hiring Edsel (after it looked like Leach would get it).

This thread is merely the spinning of Edsal to the OP's perspective.

C'mon, many, many first year coaches send a couple dozen players packing when trying to rebuild a program from the ground up. Grades, attitude, difference in system vs player styles, etc. It's way too early to say he's failing. Phase 1: get rid of the bad apples. Phase 2: recruit suitable replacements.

This thread is merely the spinning of Edsal to the OP's perspective.

C'mon, many, many first year coaches send a couple dozen players packing when trying to rebuild a program from the ground up. Grades, attitude, difference in system vs player styles, etc. It's way too early to say he's failing. Phase 1: get rid of the bad apples. Phase 2: recruit suitable replacements.

I agree with many that things appear to be out of control, but also agree with you magpie. It is too early to tell for sure.

This thread is merely the spinning of Edsal to the OP's perspective.

C'mon, many, many first year coaches send a couple dozen players packing when trying to rebuild a program from the ground up. Grades, attitude, difference in system vs player styles, etc. It's way too early to say he's failing. Phase 1: get rid of the bad apples. Phase 2: recruit suitable replacements.

IMO, Maryland wasn't rebuilding they were coming off a 9-4 season. I don't remember Ohio State having problems like this or even Michigan.

This thread is merely the spinning of Edsal to the OP's perspective.

C'mon, many, many first year coaches send a couple dozen players packing when trying to rebuild a program from the ground up. Grades, attitude, difference in system vs player styles, etc. It's way too early to say he's failing. Phase 1: get rid of the bad apples. Phase 2: recruit suitable replacements.

Really? I am going to have to disagree. Coaches can no longer come in and run off the bad apples. It really hurts the schools APR with the NCAA and can lead to the elimination of scholarships. Many thought Kill would do that here. How many left? It is not like before when coaches can do this without feeling it from the NCAA. In addition, this does not appear to be Edsall running kids off, rather, it appears to be kids bailing on Edsall. It is not just the OP or myself that feel this way about the guy.

Additionally, he was not rebuilding. Maryland went 9-4 the year before and had the ACC Freshman of the year returning to play QB. Plain and Simple, Randy Edsall has a giant ego for a guy who is a medicore football coach at best. I am glad the U did not hire him.

Also, both of his coordinators from his first year are gone. As Gopher fans, we know how well a coordinator merry-go-round works...

Thanks to the OP for posting this. I wonder where Rosemountain and Kaliq are now? Guys who were very vocal about wanting Edsall over Kill. You know, Randy's 22-26 career record in the Big East was so impressive. The Maryland situation is really bad and on top of being a medicore coach at best, he appears to be a bad person. Great combo. I bet Maryland is wishing they kept James Franklin right about now... Regarding O'Brien, I would not be surprised if he ends up at a school not listed in any of the above linked articles.

Don't know where those guys are, but I also thought Edsall superior to Kill (not by much, but by some). I'll admit that it appears I was wrong and I'll take my medicine as the Maryland situation appears to be a disaster.

James Franklin? Good young coach, but I wonder if the Maryland folks are regretting letting Big Ralph go after a 9-4 season. In retrospect, they probably should have kept in around with Franklin as "HC-in-waiting."

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