For the last time on sitting or standing....

Just so everyone knows. Dan Barrerio said he is going to spend time on his show tomorrow taking calls from Gopher fans complaining about people blocking their view of the game. Just as I expected this is becoming a huge local issue. Today he took a call from a young mother who was complaining that her children could not see any of the game.

You jerks in Section 231 better be careful. You could be responsible for the U being the first college/university in the country that enacts a fan behavior code that puts limits on the times that people can stand during football games. If it can happen anywhere, it can happen in Minnesota.

Just so everyone knows. Dan Barrerio said he is going to spend time on his show tomorrow taking calls from Gopher fans complaining about people blocking their view of the game. Just as I expected, this is becoming a huge local issue. Today he took a call from a young mother who was complaining that her children could not see any of the game.

Gopher fans, calling BARRERIO?????

We've reached the end of civilization......:(

The flaw in this arguement is if both are standing, they can both see the game too.

No, they can't. Kids and shorter people can't see when standing. I am not very short (5'10") but there is invariably a taller guy in front of me and when standing, I have to look around to actually see anything. And I am not complaining about that. I stand plenty and at all the appropriate times and would expect others to do so as well. But just because everyone is standing does NOT mean everyone can see. How do you expect a ten year old to see over adults when standing?

Too bad there isn't a middle ground with this very important issue.

Maybe there is:

If everyone in one row all stands up, for a few seconds, at the same time while the rows in front, and behind, stay get a piston effect. Imagine rows; 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, etc.. all standing up for a few seconds while rows; 2, 4, 6, 8, etc. are all starting to sit down. Up-down-up-down... Maybe not.

Standing during big plays to get the team amped and excited is totally legitimate. Standing the entire game unless you are in the student section is rude and lame. If you want to stand the whole game move to the upper concourse, or stand in the open end of the stadium behind the endzone. I agree the obstinate standers ruin the game for those behind them, especially for older people and families. If you want a full stadium it does no good to make people feel like they would rather watch from home because the stadium experience was awful because some jackass blocked their view the entire game.

No, they can't. Kids and shorter people can't see when standing. I am not very short (5'10") but there is invariably a taller guy in front of me and when standing, I have to look around to actually see anything. And I am not complaining about that. I stand plenty and at all the appropriate times and would expect others to do so as well. But just because everyone is standing does NOT mean everyone can see. How do you expect a ten year old to see over adults when standing?
You're right, kids can't see. I addressed that in my original post that I'm thinking you didn't see. I wasn't including circumstances like kids or shorter people in the scenario GoAUpher and I were in the middle of during the post of mine you quoted.

The point most of you are missing is the ticket holder is not REQUIRED to sit down. Is it rude if they stand the whole game? Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that if they want to be rude and stand the whole time, that IS their right to do so. The main reason I got into this discussion is I have found that the battles happen when the sitters demand people sit down instead of asking politely. I'm pretty sure that even the ones who stand the whole game would be more agreeable if they were asked nicely to be seated so the people behind them could see instead of demanded rudely to sit down. The problem is that rarely happens, so the standers generally ignore the people yelling at them, or they turn around and tell them to stuff it. That in turn starts arguements, and calls to security.

At this point though, I feel I am beating a dead horse so this will be my last post. My belief is basically this, the ticket holder paid for their ticket just like everyone else. If their game experience is better when standing, they have that right to stand. However, if people behind them politely ask them to sit down in order for children or people with physical limitations to see the game, they should make every attempt to comply. That being said, you can't reasonably ask someone to sit down when they're cheering for a big play, cheering to make noise to help the Gopher defense, or when the Rouser or Hail Minnesota are playing. If you're asking someone to sit down when they are in the act of being a fan, I think that's selfish behavior too.

Just my $0.02, but I'm finished with this topic for now. :horse:

How about this...Rude people suck. Not as much as the Badgers, but they still suck. Sitting or standing, rude people suck. Solution? Don't be a rude person.

Done. :)

This is the policy that I have heard. If there are complaints of people standing, then security will go ask them to stand only at appropriate times to accomodate those behind them. Those people are allowed to continue standing if they please since it is technically their right to stand as this is a college football game and not the opera. The only reason someone would get kicked out is if an altercation happens. The U is meeting with security again this week to make sure this is clear to everyone.

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