For the last time on sitting or standing....

CP Gopher

Active member
Nov 21, 2008
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I've been to games in many stadiums, including, Auburn, Alabama, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, USC, UCLA and Notre Dame.
The overwhelming majority of fans DO NOT, REPEAT, DO NOT, stand for the entire game. It's only the students who do, and even some of those sections have many sitters.
All of these places have fans with common courtesy, and they only stand on 3rd down and big plays.
And don't blame the weather, I was at a Penn St./Notre Dame game several years ago where it snowed heavily from start to finish. The same common sense rules applied.

Something tells me this won't be for the last time.

Not sure there is a point to arguing with folks who think they're awesome for blocking the view of kids or senior citizens.

I stand for the following reasons:
1. I can’t see. If I can’t see, I will stand, period.
2. If the game situation calls for it (3rd or 4th down, other important plays, etc.).
3. The Rouser or Hail Minnesota.

Even with that system, which I think is more than fair, I’m still very rudely told to sit down a lot. Look, I agree that people standing the whole game is bothersome and somewhat rude; however, I find it’s the sitters that start things off on the wrong foot more often than not. Now don’t respond with your story of how you very humbly asked someone in a very polite way to sit down only to be given a profanity laced tongue lashing for your trouble, I get it. That happens plenty of times too. I just don’t see polite requests to sit down very often. It’s usually some condescending comment like, “Down in front!” How often do you think people are just going to do what you say with an opening like that?

Everyone paid for their ticket and like it or not, has every right to stand or sit at their leisure. You don’t have the right to demand for anyone to do either one. If you want them to sit, politely ask, don’t rudely demand. While you will still get people that won’t sit, it is still their right to stand. When people are polite, I politely tell them my 3 reasons for standing. I inform them that I will not be standing the whole game, but they will have to accept that I will be standing for those reasons. If they get rude after that, or if they are rude up front, I ignore them. I’ve never had to take it farther than that, but I would get security if it ever does.

The next time you’re at a game, pay attention to how the sitters yell at the standers. I’m sure you will notice that the sitters are the ones who start off with the rude and demanding behavior more often than the other way around. I don’t know about all of you, but someone starts making demands on me, they’re not going to get very far.

I've been to games in many stadiums, including, Auburn, Alabama, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, USC, UCLA and Notre Dame.
The overwhelming majority of fans DO NOT, REPEAT, DO NOT, stand for the entire game. It's only the students who do, and even some of those sections have many sitters.
All of these places have fans with common courtesy, and they only stand on 3rd down and big plays.
And don't blame the weather, I was at a Penn St./Notre Dame game several years ago where it snowed heavily from start to finish. The same common sense rules applied.

Completely agree. I've visited some powerhouse programs over the years and their fans do not stand for the entire game. In fact, you will get yelled at at a Nebraska game for making noise when the Huskers are on offense, much less stand.

Why is it such a "Badge of Honor" for some of the people here if they can stand the entire game?

Anyone demanding you sit without any manners or who ignores a reasonable stance like standing for big plays/3rd downs/etc is no better or different then those who think they're better fans then everyone else because they can keep fellow Gophers fans from seeing a game.

"I’m sure you will notice that the sitters are the ones who start off with the rude and demanding behavior more often than the other way around."

And therein lies the problem. So in your book it's not "rude and demanding behavior" (you're demanding that people behind you must stand up) to stand in front of people who would like to see the game?

A true fan of a sport would never stand for a game, may get up for an important play but standing for the game would destroy any and all ability to enjoy the experience. Pretty hard to focus on a specific part, say left side of the offensive line, when you are standing. I can't think of anything worse. People that stand aren't true fans of the sport, they are there for the party.

"I’m sure you will notice that the sitters are the ones who start off with the rude and demanding behavior more often than the other way around."

And therein lies the problem. So in your book it's not "rude and demanding behavior" (you're demanding that people behind you must stand up) to stand in front of people who would like to see the game?

In a situation that demands crowd noise/participation? Not at all rude or demanding. On 3rd and 4th downs, after scores, goal line stands, etc...these are times that the action on the field demands you stand and cheer for your squad. Standing is the default position in those situations.

In a situation that demands crowd noise/participation? Not at all rude or demanding. On 3rd and 4th downs, after scores, goal line stands, etc...these are times that the action on the field demands you stand and cheer for your squad. Standing is the default position in those situations.

With as big of a fan as SS I don't think that was his point. I'm guessing he was referencing those who would stand all game.

The poster he quoted/replied to was pretty explicit in pointing out that he stands only when necessary, and sits when the situation calls for it.

So far

standing and yelling on third down has been a futile exercise anyway. Ok. I am bitter after about 40 years of failing to hold ground on third down.

A true fan of a sport would never stand for a game, may get up for an important play but standing for the game would destroy any and all ability to enjoy the experience. Pretty hard to focus on a specific part, say left side of the offensive line, when you are standing. I can't think of anything worse. People that stand aren't true fans of the sport, they are there for the party.

What? Are you serious?

"I'm guessing he was referencing those who would stand all game.

That is correct.

I understand & respect the desire to stand for key plays, etc. But the entire game, with no regard for others sitting around you?. ... not so much

I stand for the following reasons:
1. I can’t see. If I can’t see, I will stand, period.
2. If the game situation calls for it (3rd or 4th down, other important plays, etc.).
3. The Rouser or Hail Minnesota.

Even with that system, which I think is more than fair, I’m still very rudely told to sit down a lot. Look, I agree that people standing the whole game is bothersome and somewhat rude; however, I find it’s the sitters that start things off on the wrong foot more often than not. Now don’t respond with your story of how you very humbly asked someone in a very polite way to sit down only to be given a profanity laced tongue lashing for your trouble, I get it. That happens plenty of times too. I just don’t see polite requests to sit down very often. It’s usually some condescending comment like, “Down in front!” How often do you think people are just going to do what you say with an opening like that?

Everyone paid for their ticket and like it or not, has every right to stand or sit at their leisure. You don’t have the right to demand for anyone to do either one. If you want them to sit, politely ask, don’t rudely demand. While you will still get people that won’t sit, it is still their right to stand. When people are polite, I politely tell them my 3 reasons for standing. I inform them that I will not be standing the whole game, but they will have to accept that I will be standing for those reasons. If they get rude after that, or if they are rude up front, I ignore them. I’ve never had to take it farther than that, but I would get security if it ever does.

The next time you’re at a game, pay attention to how the sitters yell at the standers. I’m sure you will notice that the sitters are the ones who start off with the rude and demanding behavior more often than the other way around. I don’t know about all of you, but someone starts making demands on me, they’re not going to get very far.

Agree. Every time I've been "asked" to sit down it has been in a very rude manner. If I was asked politely I would respect their requests. I stand not to "party" but to help the Gophers. When I see Eric Decker on the sidelines waving his arms trying to get people to stand up and yell, I don't see how anyone can just sit on their hands and not cheer.

"I'm guessing he was referencing those who would stand all game.

That is correct.

I understand & respect the desire to stand for key plays, etc. But the entire game, with no regard for others sitting around you?. ... not so much

+1, I don't understand the thinking that you are a better fan if you stand the entire game. I stand a ton for key plays, 3rd down, and etc. I jump up for huge plays. My section has a very good mix of this and is great.

For starters, let's focus on getting your butts to the game on time and staying until the end of the game. Those are the fans I want to see.

"I’m sure you will notice that the sitters are the ones who start off with the rude and demanding behavior more often than the other way around."

And therein lies the problem. So in your book it's not "rude and demanding behavior" (you're demanding that people behind you must stand up) to stand in front of people who would like to see the game?
I'm not sure I'm inferring your post correctly but it seems to me that you're saying a fan that stands without a logical reason is being rude and demanding. If that is what you're implying, I disagree with you. A fan does not need a reason to stand. Simply standing without cause is not rude. Every ticket buyer has the right to stand whenever they want to. While I agree that standing the whole game or in situations that don't call for it can be rude, it is only rude if they continue to do so after someone asks them nicely to sit down.

The problem I see is people don't ask nicely. They demand that the stander sit. Why should the stander comply if someone rudely demands them to sit? I don't care why they are standing because they don't need a reason. They paid for their ticket too. If you want them to sit during appropriate times, than ask them nicely. It would help if you explained to them why you need them to sit. If there are physical reasons that make it hard for you to stand, or if you or someone in your group is too short to see even when standing, I find those logical reasons to want people in front of you to sit.

One other thing, why is the sitters desire to sit more important than the standers desire to stand? I'm not counting the people who have physical limitations or people at the game with children too small to see if people are standing. I'm talking about the people that just simply don't feel like standing. Why does their desire to sit trump the desire of the stander to stand?

One other thing, why is the sitters desire to sit more important than the standers desire to stand? I'm not counting the people who have physical limitations or people at the game with children too small to see if people are standing. I'm talking about the people that just simply don't feel like standing. Why does their desire to sit trump the desire of the stander to stand?

I think a sitter of the sort you mention here might say that both parties sitting makes sense because both people see the game. But if the person standing is not doing so all game I think this is a well intentioned but unrealistic argument that ignores the excitement and passion that attending sports brings out in people. It also ignores the fact that some people can't sit on a cold metal bench all game. And so on.

Standing vs. Sitting: seeking interviewees

I am a reporter with The Wall Street Journal, reporting a story on standing fans versus sitting fans. If you are willing to be interviewed on the record, please send me an email at [email protected]

I think a sitter of the sort you mention here might say that both parties sitting makes sense because both people see the game. But if the person standing is not doing so all game I think this is a well intentioned but unrealistic argument that ignores the excitement and passion that attending sports brings out in people. It also ignores the fact that some people can't sit on a cold metal bench all game. And so on.
The flaw in this arguement is if both are standing, they can both see the game too. Keep in mind, I'm not that guy that will stand up and say the he!! with anyone who can't see. I may have 3 rules for when I will stand, but 90% of the time I'm standing because I can't see. What I never do though is even ask someone to sit, much less rudely yell, "Down in front!"

MNCH, I see you've provided another enlightening thought for our discussion today. Way to go! :rolleyes:

The flaw in this arguement is if both are standing, they can both see the game too.

Yes, but standing is just more physically exerting. You don't have to have a true disability, knee injury, etc to lack the ability/desire to stand for long periods.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling you out. Just trying to illustrate for those less considerate souls out there that there is another side to the argument.

As before, I agree that rudeness is uncalled for from a "sitter" or a "stander".

Yes, but standing is just more physically exerting. You don't have to have a true disability, knee injury, etc to lack the ability/desire to stand for long periods.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling you out. Just trying to illustrate for those less considerate souls out there that there is another side to the argument.

As before, I agree that rudeness is uncalled for from a "sitter" or a "stander".

Another side to the argument:

Saying that it is your right to stand for the WHOLE game is complete BS. It is not your right to ruin this experience for others who can't see because YOU want to stand the whole game.

I don't think anyone here is arguing that you can't stand up for big plays and such.

Ever notice at the Metrodome, Xcel Energy Center and other arenas and stadiums that the ushers will hold back people from going down the aisles until play is stopped. There's a reason for that and it does not suggest that it is your RIGHT as a fan to stand up and block everyone's view on 1st and 10 midway through the 2nd quarter.

Honestly, from reading all these posts at least it seems as though the "stand at all costs" people are in the clear minority. I don't understand why you guys don't just move over to the student section if you want to stand all game. There's plenty of room over there (which is a whole other sad topic)!


Minnesota has some of the oldest fans in the Big Ten! I look around my section and it is a sea of white hair, which doesn't bother me as long as they do their part. I stand on every 3rd and 4th downs and when their is a big play or for the rouser. I understand old people are tired and cold and can't stand and that is their choice! However, I choose to stand during big plays and to cheer my team on and that is my choice. I agree that the people sitting are usually the ones to argue and yell rather than the people standing. Why can't we all just get a long! This is a new stadium and a new era of Gopher football.... the Dome is over. You can sit at home and be warm and cozy and you don't have to worry about anybody standing in front of you. I have been to almost every stadium in the Big Ten and pretty much everyone stands for big plays and to get the team amped up. If we want to intimidate the opposing team we need to be loud and crazy!

I look around my section and it is a sea of white hair, which doesn't bother me as long as they do their part

Maybe they don't recall what "their part" is. It should be printed on the ticket application so they understand what is expected. Anyone unwilling to "do their part" should not be allowed into TCF Stadium. (JK)

I am not opposed to standers and would never tell anyone to sit down, if you want to stand, stand! However you are not obligated to "do your part" what ever that means. It is just a rude to yell at people for not standing as it is for them to yell at someone to sit down.

If you want to stand stand, if you want to sit sit but above all YELL for the Gophers.

I have not missed a Gopher home game in 10 years. Not once during all those games have I witnessed an unpleasant situation concerning the issue of someone standing and blocking another person's view. And during every one of those 10 years of football games, our section stood during every 3rd and 4th down when the Gopher were on defense, and for every other critical situation during the game. Not once did I hear a complaint from anybody.

For my own part, I only had issues with the people in front of me in the following situations:

1) For a period of two seasons the guy in front of me would jump up during an exiting play and obstruct my view of the action. I don't know if that is ever happend to anyone else in GopherHole, but I know from experience that it is not possible to react quickly enough to clearly see the play when someone jumps up in the middle of it. This should be the cardinal rule for all sports fans: NEVER JUMP UP IN THE MIDDLE OF A PLAY. PERIOD.

2) The group in front of me liked to stand during the half time entertainment. While I understand the desire for many people to do this, they need to recognize that some fans like to relax in their seats and watch the band. This is a very easy situation to resolve. If you have a need to stand up and stretch during half time - do it in the Concourse.

The only real issue is the bull headed fans that insist on standing during every play. Such behavior is extremely inconsiderate, and should not be tolerated at The Brickhouse. People who engage in that kind of behavior should be summarily removed from the game. If they get caught doing it again they should be banned from attending Gopher games for the rest of the season.

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