For next year, how would you market Gopher Football?

Nov 20, 2008
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The kids are home for Thanksgiving and I was reading Reusse's T of the Y article too them, including the shot about TCF Stadium. The question I posed is you have a beautiful stadium, but not the football team to compliment the stadium. How do you market a 2-3 win football team that has been in the doldrums for 50 some years?. We could easily lose another 5% of our season ticket base for next year. Is winning the only marketing tool we have? My one daughter is working toward a marketing degree at Bemidji State. She thinks the Gophers need a employee setup program with the Fortune 500 companies. She believes it is a waste of dollars to market outstate Minnesota because of the population base.
She would approach the Student Union and ask for suggestions on better
student participation. Ask them what they would like to see; just don't throw something out there. For the non/conf games she would setup a giveaway with the Minnesota State Lottery. ( Minnesota scratch offs) Maybe a problem with the NCAA, but something to consider. Idea's ??

I can't remember what they call themselves but there is a student-led Gameday group that was formed when TCF opened. I agree, they are the keys to improving the student experience and thus the GameDay experience.

As far as marketing, show the team parading Floyd and the field rush. The tag could be something like, "Look what we did in Kill's first year. What will happen this year?"

5% is probably low. Ticket brokers will likely drop their tickets because the resale market will be miserable next year.

If the Vikings leave it could be "When it comes to football not only are we the best game in town we are the only game in town."

I don't think Ziggy's greed is going to play well during these tough economic times. It too bad since it will be a loss to the community.

The kids are home for Thanksgiving and I was reading Reusse's T of the Y article too them, including the shot about TCF Stadium. The question I posed is you have a beautiful stadium, but not the football team to compliment the stadium. How do you market a 2-3 win football team that has been in the doldrums for 50 some years?. We could easily lose another 5% of our season ticket base for next year. Is winning the only marketing tool we have? My one daughter is working toward a marketing degree at Bemidji State. She thinks the Gophers need a employee setup program with the Fortune 500 companies. She believes it is a waste of dollars to market outstate Minnesota because of the population base.
She would approach the Student Union and ask for suggestions on better
student participation. Ask them what they would like to see; just don't throw something out there. For the non/conf games she would setup a giveaway with the Minnesota State Lottery. ( Minnesota scratch offs) Maybe a problem with the NCAA, but something to consider. Idea's ??

I disagree with the bold part.

Rewards Point - 2% off/year season ticket holder @ Goldy's Locker Room (max 14%). Bonus points for spend in stores/concessions/other games attended. Students get discount @ bookstore
Tickets sold at malls - kiosks? Goldy's Locker Room?
Tickets/Presence at county fairs in metro area
UMD/Crookston/Rochester students - cheap tickets + "Road Trip"
Recent graduates section in stadium
High School football day
High School Band day
Cross-athletic ticket incentives
Student game attendance - 100% = lottery for gear, future season tickets, partial scholly, XBox/PS3 style achievements/trophies
Student academic incentives - honor roll or deans list students with tickets get refund of $XX, no tickets get free set for next year (or other sport of choice)
Engage, teach, entice international students - teach the game, traditions, conferences, NCAA, etc
"Professor Kill" videos on general football knowledge, strategies, etc
Advertisements on LOCAL channels. Advertise the U academics and athletics all at once. Advertise for gamedays
QR code viral marketing for students - free tickets, free food, etc
Superblock gameday party for students - big DJ/band, cheer contests, volleyball tournament, cheap food. Students coordinated walk to stadium
On-campus tailgating - $5/head, park in lots/garages and set up on Knoll, McNamara Plaza, Mall area. Wristband 21+
Get ESPN on CAMPUS for a game!!
Better color coordination for games - print it on tickets CLEARLY with a discount at stores for color of choice
Beer garden in open end of stadium, 1 drink per person
More away games on big screen. Have fun events during it
E-tickets on phone
Gameday app (iOS, Android) - parking, activities, maps, traffic, food locations, social media feed, etc
Student tailgate lot
Shirt giveaways at games (ask for shirt size at ticket registration)
Band part of Athletic Department
Band away trips
More 2:30 games
Create lots north of the research park for tailgating
Get hockey at TCF Bank Stadium
"Super Tailgate" event - multiple games in one day. Flat fee gets tickets to all + parking.
Close off streets in Dinkytown (Washington Ave in future) allowing giant "beer garden"/block party across multiple restaurants
Remote tailgating using public transportation to get people in. Downtown bars?
Partner with local teams for ticket offers and/or events
Send out small groups of the band to bars or tailgate lots before game
Foursquare promos at the stadium, Goldy's Locker Room, etc
Improve call/3G/4G at stadium
"Learn to Tailgate" videos/recipes/etc, partner with local food manuf or stores for deals
TCF site for UMN sponsored little league games or citywide championship (or out-state vs metro)
Donation boxes @stadium - 50% goes to X UMN thing, 50% goes to charity XXX
Home weekend deals within Gopher sports or with pro sport - buy 3 tickets to Fri game of one and Sat of another and UMN pays hotel bill
Drawing to win trip for XX or something sweet like ultimate tailgate car each year (there was a sweet link to a van earlier this season)

Target Markets (in order)
University of Minnesota Students
Families and Kids across the state of Minnesota (targeted within the metro)
Recent University of Minnesota graduates (ages 22-30)
High School kids (future students and possibly players)

Obviously this is a lot to execute on in one year but I honestly think they aren't doing enough to gain the mindshare of Minnesotans, students, and average sports fans. Particularly in a big college football conference and even more so in an are with SO many options.

4/$44 which includes 4 tickets, 4 soft drinks, 4 dogs. I think that program worked fairly well at the dome.

Based on our history, it can't be about wins. Even if this ever gets turned around, I expect we'll be cyclically good (like Iowa), rather than perenially good (like OSU).

What does that mean? Market fun. College football. Tailgating. Outdoor football. And it means taking steps to make it fun. Drop the ridiculous donation for tailgate lots (although you could give donors reserved spots). Don't just open Oak Street for the students, do something to encourage them to actually come. Givaways ... bands ... free food. Beg and plead with (or pay) local music radio stations to come and broadcast live from where the students are so those who aren't there think they're missing something and consider coming next time for the party.

The biggest problem is the student section. But whether you're a student or a 60-year-old, college football is a day-long event. People want to have fun. So help make it fun and market that. Yes, it costs money, but it will cost more to stay like this with a new stadium.

The kids are home for Thanksgiving and I was reading Reusse's T of the Y article too them, including the shot about TCF Stadium. The question I posed is you have a beautiful stadium, but not the football team to compliment the stadium. How do you market a 2-3 win football team that has been in the doldrums for 50 some years?. We could easily lose another 5% of our season ticket base for next year. Is winning the only marketing tool we have? My one daughter is working toward a marketing degree at Bemidji State. She thinks the Gophers need a employee setup program with the Fortune 500 companies. She believes it is a waste of dollars to market outstate Minnesota because of the population base.
She would approach the Student Union and ask for suggestions on better
student participation. Ask them what they would like to see; just don't throw something out there. For the non/conf games she would setup a giveaway with the Minnesota State Lottery. ( Minnesota scratch offs) Maybe a problem with the NCAA, but something to consider. Idea's ??

This comment in bold is absolutely ridiculous. She goes to Bemidji State and she thinks they shouldn't advertise to outstate minnesota. That makes sense. Apparently all that exists here is the metro area I guess. Wow.

As for everything else, I think RailBaronYarr made quite a few good points. Too many for me to list. IMO, we need to improve pre-game activities, once that is done, market those activities. A few things were hinted at in Rail's post. That is what seperates college football from the NFL for myself.

Our States and schools are so similar, I have been puzzled as to why some of the things you have mentioned have not been picked up by Minnesota already as they have been proven to be very successful compliments to the Wisconsin program and culture over the years.

I realize you're not necessarily the biggest fans of our "culture" but I think there are at least a few of the fun parts that should be seemingly easy for you to copy and improve your program from.

Rewards Point - 2% off/year season ticket holder @ Goldy's Locker Room (max 14%). Bonus points for spend in stores/concessions/other games attended. Students get discount @ bookstore
Tickets sold at malls - kiosks? Goldy's Locker Room?
Tickets/Presence at county fairs in metro area UMD/Crookston/Rochester students - cheap tickets + "Road Trip"
Recent graduates section in stadium
High School football day
High School Band dayWorked at Wisconsin
Cross-athletic ticket incentives
Student game attendance - 100% = lottery for gear, future season tickets, partial scholly, XBox/PS3 style achievements/trophies
Student academic incentives - honor roll or deans list students with tickets get refund of $XX, no tickets get free set for next year (or other sport of choice)
Engage, teach, entice international students - teach the game, traditions, conferences, NCAA, etcWorked at Wisconsin
"Professor Kill" videos on general football knowledge, strategies, etc
Advertisements on LOCAL channels. Advertise the U academics and athletics all at once. Advertise for gamedaysWorked at Wisconsin
QR code viral marketing for students - free tickets, free food, etc
Superblock gameday party for students - big DJ/band, cheer contests, volleyball tournament, cheap food. Students coordinated walk to stadiumWorked at Wisconsin
On-campus tailgating - $5/head, park in lots/garages and set up on Knoll, McNamara Plaza, Mall area. Wristband 21+Worked at Wisconsin
Get ESPN on CAMPUS for a game!!Worked at Wisconsin
Better color coordination for games - print it on tickets CLEARLY with a discount at stores for color of choice
Beer garden in open end of stadium, 1 drink per personWorked at Wisconsin
More away games on big screen. Have fun events during it
E-tickets on phone
Gameday app (iOS, Android) - parking, activities, maps, traffic, food locations, social media feed, etc
Student tailgate lot
Shirt giveaways at games (ask for shirt size at ticket registration)
Band part of Athletic Department
Band away tripsWorked at Wisconsin
More 2:30 games
Create lots north of the research park for tailgatingWorked at Wisconsin
Get hockey at TCF Bank StadiumWorked at Wisconsin
"Super Tailgate" event - multiple games in one day. Flat fee gets tickets to all + parking.
Close off streets in Dinkytown (Washington Ave in future) allowing giant "beer garden"/block party across multiple restaurantsWorked at Wisconsin
Remote tailgating using public transportation to get people in. Downtown bars?Worked at Wisconsin
Partner with local teams for ticket offers and/or events
Send out small groups of the band to bars or tailgate lots before gameWorked at Wisconsin
Foursquare promos at the stadium, Goldy's Locker Room, etc
Improve call/3G/4G at stadium
"Learn to Tailgate" videos/recipes/etc, partner with local food manuf or stores for deals
TCF site for UMN sponsored little league games or citywide championship (or out-state vs metro)
Donation boxes @stadium - 50% goes to X UMN thing, 50% goes to charity XXX
Home weekend deals within Gopher sports or with pro sport - buy 3 tickets to Fri game of one and Sat of another and UMN pays hotel bill
Drawing to win trip for XX or something sweet like ultimate tailgate car each year (there was a sweet link to a van earlier this season)

Target Markets (in order)
University of Minnesota Students
Families and Kids across the state of Minnesota (targeted within the metro)
Recent University of Minnesota graduates (ages 22-30)Worked at Wisconsin
High School kids (future students and possibly players)Worked at Wisconsin

Obviously this is a lot to execute on in one year but I honestly think they aren't doing enough to gain the mindshare of Minnesotans, students, and average sports fans. Particularly in a big college football conference and even more so in an are with SO many options.

Superblock gameday party for students - big DJ/band, cheer contests, volleyball tournament, cheap food. Students coordinated walk to stadium
On-campus tailgating - $5/head, park in lots/garages and set up on Knoll, McNamara Plaza, Mall area. Wristband 21+
Get ESPN on CAMPUS for a game!!
Beer garden in open end of stadium, 1 drink per person
Student tailgate lot
Close off streets in Dinkytown (Washington Ave in future) allowing giant "beer garden"/block party across multiple restaurants

Obviously this is a lot to execute on in one year but I honestly think they aren't doing enough to gain the mindshare of Minnesotans, students, and average sports fans. Particularly in a big college football conference and even more so in an are with SO many options.

I agree with most of your list, but if they would execute the items above, they could create an amazing student atmosphere. They need to cater more to the students and make the entire gameday ONE BIG PARTY and the students will fill the place and make it rocking.

Here's to the next AD not having a stick up his but like Badger Joel

Reduce season ticket prices and don't require 3 year contracts for best seats keep parking lots open for paid spaces instead of allowing tailgating in a third of the spaces and then turning away folks that have a prepaid pass!!!

Bottom line - Just Win Baby! That's it - just win.

The incredibly obtuse and foolish badger(stinking)joelmacturi would try to force...

season ticket holders to make large contributions for tail-gating lots and for seating, at the same time he WAS employing a totally inexperienced and incapable coach to run the football program into the ground, just because the team was moving into a beautiful new stadium from the damn dome site.

For 2012, ONLY a KNOCK OUT hire of a real FOOTBALL guy as the athletic director will manage to excite and rally attendance for the football games...and...Men's Hoops. (b(s)jm also has picked this season to bump a lot of long-time season ticket holding hoops fans out of their long-time seats because they wouldn't/couldn't pay the steep prices that the current ad is trying to EXTRACT from them. All the while, the product on the court has been trending downward in the Big Ten Standings to a 9th place finish last season.

The new AD is also going to have to energize the hoops season ticket buying fan base. An AD who "gets" that the Football Program MUST drive and excite the revenue sports crowds, with football leading the way will ALSO understand that an exciting...WINNING Men's Hoops Program is also a MUST.

And, in the end: being truely competetive is the ONLY way to jack up season ticket sales. Until the Big Ten wins is obvious that the season ticket buying public is going to need to have their butts kissed, their feet washed and to be treated with RESPECT by the athletic department.

OR: the fan base needs to GET EXITED about Football and Men's Hoops and Hockey. AN AD who the season ticket buying public can believe in...who can RAISE some seriously BIG corporate money & support & at the same time who can also give the masses some HOPE for the future can help reverse the trend that we see happening right now.

In other words, DUMP b(s)jm and bring in a REAL Football guy...a REAL AD who realizes that the REVENUE SPORTS drive the athletic department and that those fans NEED to be taken care of and that they NEED to have hope for the future IF things are not great right now.

The heat is on prexy k to GET BUSY and to GET IT DONE in replacing b(s)jm with a REALLY dynamic Football Guy for the AD job. That will turn things around...before things are turned around on Game Day Saturdays on the score-board. prexy k has GOT to take charge and SWING for the fences and SMASH this hire for a tape-measure WALK OFF four-bagger. THAT will stop the bleeding with the season ticket sales.

; 0 )

I agree with most of your list, but if they would execute the items above, they could create an amazing student atmosphere. They need to cater more to the students and make the entire gameday ONE BIG PARTY and the students will fill the place and make it rocking.

Here's to the next AD not having a stick up his but like Badger Joel

I agree with your thoughts hence the list of people to target at the bottom in a very pointed order. Focus on students as they are the ones who create the traditions, noise, and party atmosphere and are the future alums. Treat them well, make them feel tied to their university and you not only have a loyal fanbase, you've got yourself potential donors (football or entire university). Obviously 80% of the seats are there for season ticket holders but these are people who are less excitable. Also, the programs I laid out aren't exclusive to only students - many of the "events" work for adults as well.

I think it's very possible to get enough people excited about Gopher football as a "gameday" if you actually make it fun, even without winning.

I also think it's important to make this "Minnesota's Team" in the sense that every kid or person who will, is, or did attend a school in MN NOT the U of M can still be a fan of our team. Encourage UMD students to make a road trip down to the U for a few weekends a year. Heck, if our own students won't go to the game, maybe 100, 300, 500 of theirs will. Give unsold tickets to Augsburg, St Thomas, Hamline, etc students at 15% over UMN student price to help fill the stadium. We want everyone in on the party, and not just when we get good.. People apologie for the Vikings despite poor performance, still went to Twins games this year well after we were out of the division race. Why? They feel tied to the team. Let's get that culture here.

Come see our hot girls and party with our fans.

I also think it's important to make this "Minnesota's Team" in the sense that every kid or person who will, is, or did attend a school in MN NOT the U of M can still be a fan of our team. Encourage UMD students to make a road trip down to the U for a few weekends a year. Heck, if our own students won't go to the game, maybe 100, 300, 500 of theirs will. Give unsold tickets to Augsburg, St Thomas, Hamline, etc students at 15% over UMN student price to help fill the stadium. We want everyone in on the party, and not just when we get good.. People apologie for the Vikings despite poor performance, still went to Twins games this year well after we were out of the division race. Why? They feel tied to the team. Let's get that culture here.

People need to stop thinking of Gopher Football and Basketball as just for students and alumni of the U. It's the University of the whole state of MN. starting with kids growing up.

The U of M is the only D1 fb and bb team in the state. If you live in MN or grew up here you should be a fan. If you are from Iowa who do you support, Iowa or Iowa State. Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and many others the same.

Not marketing outstate MN? That it totally ludicrous. There are many Gopher season ticket holders here in Alex.(fb and bb). I'm sure it is the same with many other outstate communties and they bring money to the metro area. There could and should be more. Outstate MN is a 'sleeping giant'.

How many incoming freshmen(from Mn) at the U were not were not even conscious of Gopher teams when they enrolled. They should be fans before they even get there.

Going into convenience stores and liquor stores you see all the posters and schedules for Twins, Vikings and other pro sports but nothing Gopher related.

Like Railbaron said "Let's get that culture here".

Recall 1984 or so when Lou Holtz marketed the football program like nobody did before or since. He was everywhere, gopher gear was everywhere, students and fans turned out in droves. You have to put forth the effort. Joel is NOT the guy to get it done (he's strictly a bean counter) and if he is re-hired, the fans will speak by not renewing their tickets. A new A.D. is going to be the key to selling the program, and he'd better be able to do some marketing ($$$).

prexy k NEEDS to launch a: "...CASH for KLUNKER ad's..." campaign that will coincide with the naming of his FOOTBALL MAN AD!

Pathetic situations call for BOLD actions and STRONG, new leadership!

prexy k: trade in you klunker "macturi" and bring us a new, strong FOOTBALL GUY as OUR AD! Let us have the pride of ownership of our BEAUTIFUL, barely used TCF BANK STADIUM. Bring us an AD who can help us beieve in the direction Coach Kill and his staff will take OUR Football Program.

Use your head, prexy k. Be a leader. Listen to your people...the LOYAL season ticket holders. Don't lose any more of us. The people have been speaking to you by NOT showing up for Gopher Football Games and by NOT showing up at the BARN in sell-out numbers. It will cost you a hell of a lot more to win loyal, long-time season ticket holders back IF you drive us away or lose us. VALUE us prexy k. badger(stinking)joel macturi NEVER did value we loyal, long time season ticket holders. He took us for granted and thought he could do anything he wanted to do including putting a horrible, low-buck, inexperienced football coach on the field just because a new stadium was coming.

To add insult to injury, he paid a Men's Hoops Coach more than twice as much as his football coach....he went TOO cheap and TOO shoddy with the football coach...and then his ultra expensive hoops coach under-performed.

GET RID of that KLUNKER macturi ad and bring us a FOOTBALL GUY AD prexy k. Incentivize us NOW or it will cost you BIG TIME. You wanted to be the prexy at the University of Minnesota, prexy k: now get out there and take care of this problem that you have on your hands.

We long-time, loyal, season-ticket buyers are the people you NEED prexy k. The U made a huge committment to this new stadium and you have GOT TO make it work. You can't run...and you can NOT hide prexy k. You have GOT to bring in a FOOTBALL MAN as your AD...a FOOTBALL GUY who can make the Football Program work and be the driving force of the Revenue Sports...the three programs that will make ALL the other athletic programs work...

Ditch and de-bus that KLINKER: b(s)jm ad and bring in a REAL football man!
; 0 )

You have GOT to bring in a FOOTBALL MAN as your AD

So bring in a football man like Paul Giel (Gopher football legend) or Rick Bay (Michigan Wolverine football player) or maybe Mark Dienhart (drafted by the Buffalo Bills)?

This comment in bold is absolutely ridiculous. She goes to Bemidji State and she thinks they shouldn't advertise to outstate minnesota. That makes sense. Apparently all that exists here is the metro area I guess. Wow.

As for everything else, I think RailBaronYarr made quite a few good points. Too many for me to list. IMO, we need to improve pre-game activities, once that is done, market those activities. A few things were hinted at in Rail's post. That is what seperates college football from the NFL for myself.

My daughter was refering primarily to towns that have State schools associated with them. I have to agree. Why would you spend dollars marketing Gopher foot in places like Duluth, ( UMD, St Scholastica,etc) St. Cloud, ( Huskies,St. Johns) Moorhead, ( MSM, Concordia) etc. Remember guys you're on a budget and the Gophers are the bottom feeders of football success in Minnesota.

Or: you let the stadium sink into the crapper of "no shows...", " season ticket buyers..." and "...No student sections..." by sitting put until b(s)jm feels his retirement package is maxed out...

No maximus: this prexy k has GOT to bring in a football man to bring in some HOPE for the future of this program who also has the ability to fill the stadium and BUILD the Gopher Football Culture that Coach Kill wants to instill in you, me and hundreds of thousands of citizens across the state of Minnesota.

Mark Dienhard was doing a hell of a good job here until the haskin's scandal (of which he had NO part) scuttled everything.

wisky had a new chancellor in Donna S. She hired a human resources type exec from Oscar Mayer who also happened to have been an All-American Football Player at wisky and she gave him a green light to "go..."

This all rests on prexy k's shoulders right now. He's the new kid in town and he has GOT to own this problem and he has GOT to FIX this problem. It IS a real problem and prexy k can not run away from it. He HAS to "shalayla" the heck out of this problem. He has to "Richter"
his way out from under this problem by bringing in a FOOTBALL MAN to fix this "macturian-sized disaster he has looming ahead of him for the 2012 Football Season.

; 0 )

Print a different post from Wren on each ticket and anyone who can figure out what the hell he is talking about gets free, lifetime season tickets.

Alas, the printing costs and the size of the tickets needed would probably bankrupt the U.

Mark Dienhard was doing a hell of a good job here until the haskin's scandal (of which he had NO part) scuttled everything.

1) He did NOTHING about the cocoon Haskins built around his program thus he played a VERY large part of the Haskins scandal.

2) Remember Woog handing out money? Dienhart enlisted Woog's assistant coach to spy on him. Then the program tanked in back to back seasons shortly thereafter.

3) You talk about the U being a coaching graveyard....did you have a problem with Dienhart telling Wacker to win six games or get fired in 1996? Is that how you get the best out of your coach? Did you have a problem with that leaking out to the media?

4) Dienhart extended Wacker's contract in 1995...the same year the U football team had 17 players charged with crimes including multiple felonies.

4) What about Rufus Simmons...worked in the U administration and was in charge of the sexual violence awareness training for U athletes. In 1991 he was arrested for soliciting a prostitute. In 1999 he was arrested again for the same offense. It took three months after the second arrest for Dienhart to find out about it. Simmons retired...wasn't fired.

How would i market Gopher football next year? How about "with each single game ticket purchase receive one free year of tuituon." that ought to get at least a few thousand desperate souls to buy...

The problem is that Maturi tried to get the benefits of the new stadium on the cheap. When the Twins opened Target Field and sold out nearly all of the first season they still blasted the airwaves with commercials about how beautiful it was to have outdoor baseball and offer fans the chance to put a deposit down to get season tickets and be in on the fun in future years. The University didn't spend a dime on advertising the new stadium because they felt that with a sold out first season, they maximized their revenue so why bother. Well in year 2 and 3 when they started having some single game tickets they thought "Well, we only have 1,000 seats so it's not worth it to advertise, so let's just email the existing customers" and the result is empty seats.

1. Advertise - The Vikings have had commercials on for the past 3-4 months despite only having a few thousand tickets available each game. I must admit that their commercials have been well done (IMHO). They show images of past Vikings greats and how much this state lives/dies with the team. They also acknowledge the heart breaking defeats. The Gophers can do the same. Show some images of Memorial Stadium, some iconic glory figures, acknowledge what everyone knows in that the teams have broken hearts, and then showcase the stadium and how we want people to be part of a new beginning in TCF Bank Stadium. It can work.

2. Guarantee your price - It's probably a safe bet that the athletic department won't increase their price based on the difficulty of filling the stadium, so why not offer existing and new customers a chance to lock in their price/donations for the next 3 years if they purchase by a certain time? Everyone knows it's going to take a few years to build this thing back up so acknowledge it and market it to your advantage.

3. Get the alcohol issue resolved. I don't care what you do just get it done. If it's really costing over a million in revenue a year then Kaler should be pounding on doors at the capital to drum up support. Do something and build the demand back up for the premium seats.

4. Continue working on the students. 5500 is just way too small. Continue to make it a party atmosphere for the students and work on getting the number up. For those that do come, have some sort of giveaway promotion where when students show up by kickoff they get 1/2 of the promotional item and as they leave after the game is done they get the other 1/2...give them incentive to stay for 4 quarters is the gist of it.

Yeah! All those things were GREAT maxicusfoolishkiss. And how about all the CRAP that has happened under badger(stinking)joelmacturi's watch????????

BUT...but, but remember this: Mac Boston was in charge of the Athletic Department while Dienhart was at the U. haskins didn't report to Dienhart...he reported directly to Boston. MAC BOSTON was the dude calling the shots...getting the big pay check and getting ALL the glory in those days. So, what is it you are attempting to infer maximus?????????

; 0 )

There is just a ton of stuff that has happened while b(s)jm has been in charge that we could discuss.....some of it is not very good....or very nice at all. And talk about fiscal lack of responsibility. This b(s)jm has really been a loser...

If you want to go back down memory lane...we can do that maximus....

; 0 )

.25 taps of Busch Light would go a long ways to getting the students to the games. They would give the Badger student section a run for its money too. Maybe outsource the cheer squad to the gals on Washington Ave in the Warehouse District- ala The Replacements.

They need to re-inroduce the online seat-selection process. It makes no sense that this was a one-time-only thing.

Frankly, if they don't, I really doubt I will renew. It's just cheaper and easier to get excellent tickets on the secondary market. And it will be ridiculously easy next year.

The U has left no incentive for people to buy season tickets other than the "charity" plea. It's too bad. They have a lot to offer. But they just stubbornly refuse to do all of the obvious things required to successfully market and sell tickets.

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