Rewards Point - 2% off/year season ticket holder @ Goldy's Locker Room (max 14%). Bonus points for spend in stores/concessions/other games attended. Students get discount @ bookstore
Tickets sold at malls - kiosks? Goldy's Locker Room?
Tickets/Presence at county fairs in metro area UMD/Crookston/Rochester students - cheap tickets + "Road Trip"
Recent graduates section in stadium
High School football day
High School Band dayWorked at Wisconsin
Cross-athletic ticket incentives
Student game attendance - 100% = lottery for gear, future season tickets, partial scholly, XBox/PS3 style achievements/trophies
Student academic incentives - honor roll or deans list students with tickets get refund of $XX, no tickets get free set for next year (or other sport of choice)
Engage, teach, entice international students - teach the game, traditions, conferences, NCAA, etcWorked at Wisconsin
"Professor Kill" videos on general football knowledge, strategies, etc
Advertisements on LOCAL channels. Advertise the U academics and athletics all at once. Advertise for gamedaysWorked at Wisconsin
QR code viral marketing for students - free tickets, free food, etc
Superblock gameday party for students - big DJ/band, cheer contests, volleyball tournament, cheap food. Students coordinated walk to stadiumWorked at Wisconsin
On-campus tailgating - $5/head, park in lots/garages and set up on Knoll, McNamara Plaza, Mall area. Wristband 21+Worked at Wisconsin
Get ESPN on CAMPUS for a game!!Worked at Wisconsin
Better color coordination for games - print it on tickets CLEARLY with a discount at stores for color of choice
Beer garden in open end of stadium, 1 drink per personWorked at Wisconsin
More away games on big screen. Have fun events during it
E-tickets on phone
Gameday app (iOS, Android) - parking, activities, maps, traffic, food locations, social media feed, etc
Student tailgate lot
Shirt giveaways at games (ask for shirt size at ticket registration)
Band part of Athletic Department
Band away tripsWorked at Wisconsin
More 2:30 games
Create lots north of the research park for tailgatingWorked at Wisconsin
Get hockey at TCF Bank StadiumWorked at Wisconsin
"Super Tailgate" event - multiple games in one day. Flat fee gets tickets to all + parking.
Close off streets in Dinkytown (Washington Ave in future) allowing giant "beer garden"/block party across multiple restaurantsWorked at Wisconsin
Remote tailgating using public transportation to get people in. Downtown bars?Worked at Wisconsin
Partner with local teams for ticket offers and/or events
Send out small groups of the band to bars or tailgate lots before gameWorked at Wisconsin
Foursquare promos at the stadium, Goldy's Locker Room, etc
Improve call/3G/4G at stadium
"Learn to Tailgate" videos/recipes/etc, partner with local food manuf or stores for deals
TCF site for UMN sponsored little league games or citywide championship (or out-state vs metro)
Donation boxes @stadium - 50% goes to X UMN thing, 50% goes to charity XXX
Home weekend deals within Gopher sports or with pro sport - buy 3 tickets to Fri game of one and Sat of another and UMN pays hotel bill
Drawing to win trip for XX or something sweet like ultimate tailgate car each year (there was a sweet link to a van earlier this season)
Target Markets (in order)
University of Minnesota Students
Families and Kids across the state of Minnesota (targeted within the metro)
Recent University of Minnesota graduates (ages 22-30)Worked at Wisconsin
High School kids (future students and possibly players)Worked at Wisconsin
Obviously this is a lot to execute on in one year but I honestly think they aren't doing enough to gain the mindshare of Minnesotans, students, and average sports fans. Particularly in a big college football conference and even more so in an are with SO many options.