Florida State Appealing NCAA......

my feelings exactly..."It's not fair that others have to suffer". NCAA sure made lots of others suffer with the U of M situation.

WOW 3 scholarships taken away bigwoop!!!!!

hope they have to take just as much heat as the gopher basketball program was required to take. the scale of the fsu scandal far exceeds what happened with a couple players on the gopher bball team.

f the ncaa! their idea of justice is so unequal it is not even funny.

Unless some evidence surfaces that Bowden himself was involved in the cheating, our scandal was far worse. They may have had more players (and sports) involved, but when the head of your basketball program is personally paying someone to help his players cheat, you have a much more serious situation.

I am not convinced that to this extent of 10 different sports and 61 different athletes involved that Head Kahunas did not know about it.

I'm surprised that Akron isn't getting the death penalty over this;)

NCAA will probably put Cleveland State on probation again.

Unless some evidence surfaces that Bowden himself was involved in the cheating, our scandal was far worse. They may have had more players (and sports) involved, but when the head of your basketball program is personally paying someone to help his players cheat, you have a much more serious situation.

you look at the scope side of it. i look at the scale side of it

you look at the scope side of it. i look at the scale side of it

The NCAA will always come down much harder on schools that actively cheat vs. ones that have players cheating without their knowledge. Clem Haskins was directly involved in the cheating. At this point, I haven't heard anything indicating that Bowden was directly (or even indirectly) involved in it. Therefore, our scandal is much worse. It's the classic "lack of institutional control".

I fully agree with 2727. If it is directed by people in authority at the university it becomes much, much worse.

That said, I fully believe there are almost no BCS D-1 programs that don't have tutors do too much of the work. I also suspect coaches work very hard to remain in the dark on this one.

If the NCAA truly wanted student-athletes, they would forbid any extra help that wasn't available, free of charge, to all students. Of course the quality of play would go down dramatically.

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