Fleck vs Deion - Culture vs Talent and Who Comes Next?


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2022
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So here are two guys with entirely different philosophies when it comes to coaching football. Both have huge egos. One is all about the team aspect, togetherness, rah rah stuff, and the other is all about collecting the most talent, taking care of yourself first and foremost, and going full mercenary to just win baby. Both were huge gets for their programs. Both are not doing well at all on the field right now, although Fleck has strung together multiple successful seasons. One gets great results off the field from his athletes socially and academically and the other promotes dumpster fire behavior with no accountability.

If/when you move on, what's the answer? Especially when both are coaching at programs where the ego at the top is necessary to get the talent, as the schools in their current state don't have the chops in name or recent history on their own to pull in top tier coaches or competitive talent? Do you just just keep on pulling up the next big name in the MAC and cross your fingers? Do you try to get a big name Deion type to your program and hope that works instead of craters your program worse than it already was? Or do you hire an also-ran, known journeyman type who you know is gonna give you a win or two above or below .500 come thick or thin pretty reliably? Because those are really your only options if you're Minnesota or Colorado.

I'm seriously curious what people think the answer is being that there's a lot of disgust with our current coach and staff and how the hiring of these two fairly unique personalities will impact the future of their programs once they're gone.

Did anyone else watch the Colorado versus Oregon State game just before the half?

That dude does not know how to coach…. “Philosophy” doesn’t matter at that point….

The perception that Fleck has a “huge ego” is complete BS. It’s fine if you don’t like him, but the ego bit is a lazy fallacy.

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