Fleck, Harbaugh, Hetherman presser videos

Fleck likes Marcus Major a lot. And the freshman Ijeboi.

Harbaugh really, really, really likes Brosmer. Sounds like Driver can help the offense. Harbaugh also a Major fan.

RBs and TEs will be part of the passing game...Jameson Geers and Darius Taylor specifically mentioned.

Hetherman is intense. This defense is going to be different. He seemed very pleased with how some of the young guys are coming on. Rhyland Kelly got a nice shoutout from Fleck and Hetherman. Seemed really confident in Baranowski.

I listened to it but was doing something else at the same time - did Hetherman mention anything about guys developing as pass rushers?

My take after watching the presser is that I'm now really interested in seeing Majors after both PJs and Harbaugh's comments. I think one takeaway is that coaches love solid veteran players. So, once you get a guy on the practice field and realize you don't have to fix a bunch of stuff (little stuff like how to pick -up a blitz, breakdown tape, preparing yourself day to day) you get really excited. Plus, I'm getting the sense he has stepped up to also be a leader in that room.

The same goes for Max as you can see how excited Harbaugh is to get him out on the field. I think that has to do with experience as well as I said coaches love veteran players with good heads on their shoulders. So, when Harbaugh walks in the room like last year he probably spent 90% of his time teaching and fixing issues. Whereas with Max and everything he's seen, that's like 25% and the rest of the time you can actually have tactical conversations and share opinions about what you're seeing on tape and making adjustments. I think once you're at that spot you basically have an OC's dream.

I also agree on Hetherman's intensity (it's in the eyes). They didn't get into the DL much, but the media really didn't go there either. It's almost like there were no perceived issues there. There was more focus on the back end (LBs & Secondary) where I think there are more perceived weaknesses there. However, if there are he wasn't giving anything away because he was confidently speaking about how different guys have stepped up to fit their roles.

Is there any mention anywhere about who will be QB2 and QB3?
As far as I know, not from the staff. But both Ryan Burns and Chip Scoggins have said that Drake Lindsey was pretty clearly QB2. I believe they also said Wittke was QB3.

Having said that, if there is still a rule that you can play 4 games and still red shirt, I wouldn’t think we would see Drake unless something happened and Brosmer was going to be out for a while, especially early. Like, if Brosmer got dinged and had to come out for just a play or two, I don’t think we would see Drake come in for just a few snaps. If we get to the second half of the season and something were to happen, then I think we’d see Drake.

Harbaugh talked extensively about Lindsey and how well he ran the 2nd team in the Spring and how much he loves the kid.
I hope Drake is taking full advantage of someone like Max and watches how he goes about his business preparing and pays attention to the conversations Max is having with Harbaugh in terms of thinking your way through a game tactically.

Side note, possibly add " - UNC Preview" to the end of your thread title as it will pull in more views. Just a thought.

My take after watching the presser is that I'm now really interested in seeing Majors after both PJs and Harbaugh's comments. I think one takeaway is that coaches love solid veteran players. So, once you get a guy on the practice field and realize you don't have to fix a bunch of stuff (little stuff like how to pick -up a blitz, breakdown tape, preparing yourself day to day) you get really excited. Plus, I'm getting the sense he has stepped up to also be a leader in that room.

The same goes for Max as you can see how excited Harbaugh is to get him out on the field. I think that has to do with experience as well as I said coaches love veteran players with good heads on their shoulders. So, when Harbaugh walks in the room like last year he probably spent 90% of his time teaching and fixing issues. Whereas with Max and everything he's seen, that's like 25% and the rest of the time you can actually have tactical conversations and share opinions about what you're seeing on tape and making adjustments. I think once you're at that spot you basically have an OC's dream.

I also agree on Hetherman's intensity (it's in the eyes). They didn't get into the DL much, but the media really didn't go there either. It's almost like there were no perceived issues there. There was more focus on the back end (LBs & Secondary) where I think there are more perceived weaknesses there. However, if there are he wasn't giving anything away because he was confidently speaking about how different guys have stepped up to fit their roles.

Really good write up. Swingman too who wrote similar.

About veteran players, some say coaches now prefer veterans from the portal over top high school prospects, more and more.

So much news lately is gloomy. Possible injuries. Bad predictions from pundits.

But the coaches sounded optimistic.

Gophers favored by 2.5 in the opener. Maybe the doom pundits are wrong.

Did PJ say he had planned to have this intro press conference at his new house but it's not done yet?

Did PJ say he had planned to have this intro press conference at his new house but it's not done yet?
I think he was just throwing shade at his builder. Although, I've driven by doing work in that area and it's definitely big enough for a press conference.

Harbaugh mentioned a lot of great insights into Brosmer and their relationship. Comparing to what he said about AK last season, there are a lot more details on exactly what Max's preparation is, his understanding of offense and his providing input to what they want to run. Also details on what they have fine-tuned in the off-season, seems more mature/advanced than where AK was. Excited to see it on the field, but a well-prepared QB with "uncanny recall" and thinking 3-4 steps ahead regarding playcalling has to put us in a better position on offense. Combine this with Brosmer's knack for pre-snap adjustments and protection calling...could be exactly what we've been looking for. Contrast that with the skittish, Jekyl/Hyde inconsistency of AK.

Harbaugh also talked about a go-to pass on 3rd down (not named Daniel Jackson). Sounds like he trusts Darius, Jameson Geers, and Christian Driver. The amount of talk about Driver has me intrigued, I hope he can make be a real threat to take defense's focus off Jackson.

Lastly, he talked about how aggressive Hetherman's defense is. The word "aggressive" has been used by the whole staff to describe the defense. I don't think I would call Rossi's scheme as aggressive. That could be fun to watch.

listened to it while walking, so audio only. compared to Fleck and Hetherman, Harbaugh comes off (at least to my ears) as really laid-back. nothing wrong with that, just an interesting contrast.

one thing that stood out to me is that everyone seems to really be stressing depth. Fleck and both coordinators seemed to make it a point to talk about depth at various positions. Fleck said this team "has the most competition of any MN team he's coached."

I'm not questioning what they say. but they do seem to be making an emphasis on that topic - possibly in reaction to last year when the depth of the team was questionable, especially on defense.

listened to it while walking, so audio only. compared to Fleck and Hetherman, Harbaugh comes off (at least to my ears) as really laid-back. nothing wrong with that, just an interesting contrast.

one thing that stood out to me is that everyone seems to really be stressing depth. Fleck and both coordinators seemed to make it a point to talk about depth at various positions. Fleck said this team "has the most competition of any MN team he's coached."

I'm not questioning what they say. but they do seem to be making an emphasis on that topic - possibly in reaction to last year when the depth of the team was questionable, especially on defense.

If they have quality depth at linebacker, secondary, receiver that’s music to our ears.

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