Fleck again takes the blame but cites major problem with missed tackles

The inconsistency comes when he identifies specific deficiencies in others (even though he avoids mentioning them by name) but never any similar deficiencies with his own work (aside for the platitude "it's all on me."). Sure, the missed tackles were a problem in the loss. But, what were the problems with our game plan or adjustments? Or does he think they were perfect?

You are right about them getting ripped no matter what after a loss. At the end of the day, a coach's future will be (and should be) dictated by whether they win or lose, not what they say in the press conference. I can nitpick his comments, but what bugs me is we just dropped to 2-2 (and 1-6 against Iowa). If we were 4-0 and PJ had just won Floyd for the 6th time in 7 tries, he could get up there and read supermarket coupons into the microphone and I'd be happy.
He has doubled down on this on more than one occasion.

This loss is on me.


We had a great gameplan but we just didn't execute.

So was it all in you? Or you're perfect and the players just screwed up?

And on the point of getting ripped no mater what he says, Fleck, makes this worse with his determination to create a vocabulary outside of the game and use words and phrases that are great for the rec teams I coached, but not for a guy who makes $6mm a year to win football games.

The lightbulb has finally gone on for me!
In fairness to Fleck, the concept of what he's try to get across is there. Now if he was articulate enough to actually use the English language, he might have said:

Winning football games comes down to winning the battles in the game:

Lose the turnover margin, it's harder to win.

Lose the special teams battle, it's harder to win.

Lose the explosive play battle, it's harder to win.

Lose all three in the second half, nealy 100% of the time you will lose the game.

Instead he utters phrases and jargon that make no sense and then suggests if you don't get it, you're the idiot.

Which may be one of the problems with team development. If you have to tell them 100 or 101 times, try changing how you communicate.

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