Fire Joel Maturi


Senior Member
Dec 18, 2009
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Joel Maturi should be fired. Our major sports programs are mediocre at best. Brewster has been a bad choice. The basketball program looked to be turning the corner and now is a mess again, especially after the Royce White saga. Hockey is a joke. Get rid of this guy fast!!!

You are simply wrong. The basketball program is fine. The hockey program will fix itself. The football program.... who knows? But that isn't Maturi's fault. Let's see what he does with the football program.

I'm a basketball fan so all I really care about is the fact that Maturi brought in Tubby. This is the basketball forum ya know. Try not to sound like a Kentucky fan.

Joel Maturi should be fired. Our major sports programs are mediocre at best. Brewster has been a bad choice. The basketball program looked to be turning the corner and now is a mess again, especially after the Royce White saga. Hockey is a joke. Get rid of this guy fast!!!

you created an account to post the same thing on the football and basketball boards?

basketball is fine, football has been bad for a lot longer than maturi has been here.

He inherited the basketball mess and hired the right guy. A lot of ADs would have been fired if their performance was based on the football program. Did you watch ESPN2 last night before you posted this?

I survived the Dan Monson era. I have no problem where the basketball program is headed. I'm glad Tubby Smith was hired on Joel Maturi's watch. Now go back to playing with your X-Box and make-pretend video games.

The hockey team was ranked number 1 in the ctry just 12 months ago, until the coach got sick, so I think Maturi has no blame there...

As for football, Maturi took a big risk with Brewster, but really, the team is no worse than with Mason. Is this grounds for firing Maturi? Probably not...

Basketball - Up until 6 weeks ago, there was talk of Final Fours, B10 championships, etc. And with the talent and coaching staff, this was well founded. So Maturi probably had an A+ rating then. Since then, I do agree that he and Tubby have taken several missteps with the behavioral punishments of Royce, TM, and Bostick. Indefinite suspensions are huge distractions to the team, fanbase, etc. and should be avoided at all costs. For every crime there is a DEFINITE punishment. If I break the law, I'm not thrown in jail indefinitely, I know what I have to do and how long before I'm released. Not to mention, they did Royce a huge disservice by pushing him away from the team when he needs the team now more than ever. I place equal blame on Royce, Maturi and Tubby for how this situation has been handled. I don't think Maturi should be fired for it, but he definitely needs a reality check.

Fire your brain

Joel Maturi should be fired. Our major sports programs are mediocre at best. Brewster has been a bad choice. The basketball program looked to be turning the corner and now is a mess again, especially after the Royce White saga. Hockey is a joke. Get rid of this guy fast!!!

It's obviously not doing a good job.

Joel Maturi should be fired. Our major sports programs are mediocre at best. Brewster has been a bad choice. The basketball program looked to be turning the corner and now is a mess again, especially after the Royce White saga. Hockey is a joke. Get rid of this guy fast!!!

HA! GopherFish, 3 posts, and a self appointed "Senior Member"

You are a phony.

Joel Maturi should be fired. /snip/
Welcome to the board, GopherFish.

While I haven't agreed with everything that Joel has done, I have tons of respect for Joel Maturi and the overall job he's done. The bottom-line, IMO: he has the best interests of the athletic programs at heart.

HA! GopherFish, 3 posts, and a self appointed "Senior Member"

You are a phony.

Haha The phony self proclaimed doctor is resorting to name calling because he doesn't like my posts. Now Beat it!! Oh, wait thats what you best-Dr. Sticky Fingers.

I posted something on the football board in a thread about Maturi a week ago or so. I think he should consider himself lucky to have the job at Minnesota considering the amount of time he has been here and the lack of success our Men's Basketball and Football programs have had in that time period. For example, we have not won so much as 1 NCAA tournament game during the Maturi era and we have also failed to make a Jan 1 type Bowl game (despite the Big Ten often getting 2 BCS bids in recent years). Neither the Gophers Football team nor the Men's Basketball team has finished even as high as 3rd in their own conference during the Maturi Era.

Joel might be a very nice guy, but the results have been very poor during his tenure at the University of Minnesota. I am willing to give him credit for Tubby Smith and his role in the new football stadium on campus. That said, at some point the results on the field/court need to be much, much better than they have been under his watch.

Joel might be a very nice guy, but the results have been very poor during his tenure at the University of Minnesota.
It's always interesting to see how differently people look at someone's leadership. When I look back over the past nine years, I think he's done pretty well.

When Maturi arrived in mid-2002, the financial condition of the athletic department was bleak and darn near everyone was convinced that two or three non-revenue sports would have to be trimmed. The department now runs in the black and no sports have been terminated.

When he arrived, Glen Mason was in his fifth year. In Mason's 7th year, the team had a 10-3 record -- a marked improvement over past years. While you and I might feel that he should have eased Mason out a year earlier than he did, there were only three seasons of "mediocrity" and he took action after the third less-than-substantial season. However, the two seasons after the 10-3 season were winning seasons.

When Maturi arrived, Monson was in his fourth season (2002-03). Two years later (2004-05), the team made it into the NCAAs for the first time since Clem's tenure. While again you and I may have felt that he should have pulled the trigger after the 2006-06 season, he pulled it early in the following season (and raised all sorts of eyebrows outside the state of Minnesota doing so during pre-conference).

When Maturi arrived, Lucia was in his 4th season as head coach. In Maturi's first year, the hockey team won the NCAA Championship for the second straight year. During Maturi's tenure, the team held 1st place for two seasons in the WCHA and progressed to the NCAAs every year but last. You might argue that Lucia should have been fired last year -- I disagree. I'm still unsure about how this year should be handled as the season is still incomplete.

As to the other non-revenue sports -- which are still a part of the athletic department over which Maturi has responsibility -- Minnesota has historically performed well in the Directors Cup and during Maturi's tenure, the University has maintained that level of performance.

He's not the perfect A.D. -- I'm not sure such a person exists except in the nostalgia of memories after about 15 years of time have passed. But he's been a very good A.D.

It's always interesting to see how differently people look at someone's leadership. When I look back over the past nine years, I think he's done pretty well.

When Maturi arrived in mid-2002, the financial condition of the athletic department was bleak and darn near everyone was convinced that two or three non-revenue sports would have to be trimmed. The department now runs in the black and no sports have been terminated.

When he arrived, Glen Mason was in his fifth year. In Mason's 7th year, the team had a 10-3 record -- a marked improvement over past years. While you and I might feel that he should have eased Mason out a year earlier than he did, there were only three seasons of "mediocrity" and he took action after the third less-than-substantial season. However, the two seasons after the 10-3 season were winning seasons.

When Maturi arrived, Monson was in his fourth season (2002-03). Two years later (2004-05), the team made it into the NCAAs for the first time since Clem's tenure. While again you and I may have felt that he should have pulled the trigger after the 2006-06 season, he pulled it early in the following season (and raised all sorts of eyebrows outside the state of Minnesota doing so during pre-conference).

When Maturi arrived, Lucia was in his 4th season as head coach. In Maturi's first year, the hockey team won the NCAA Championship for the second straight year. During Maturi's tenure, the team held 1st place for two seasons in the WCHA and progressed to the NCAAs every year but last. You might argue that Lucia should have been fired last year -- I disagree. I'm still unsure about how this year should be handled as the season is still incomplete.

As to the other non-revenue sports -- which are still a part of the athletic department over which Maturi has responsibility -- Minnesota has historically performed well in the Directors Cup and during Maturi's tenure, the University has maintained that level of performance.

He's not the perfect A.D. -- I'm not sure such a person exists except in the nostalgia of memories after about 15 years of time have passed. But he's been a very good A.D.

He's got one glitch on his resume, the football hire. Financially he's been rock solid, he got a stadium built, scored a huge basketball coaching hire coup, weathered a storm with the women's hoops program, has been able to handle and retain J. Robinson, and a lot of non-revenue sport athletes get to participate in great programs. The real accomplishment that doesn't get mentioned enough is that he fixed a toxic culture that existed when he took over and Chris Voelz exited.

I like that he's holding prized recruits to a higher standard and not running out department like an SEC school in regards to expectations. It's also not his fault that our football coach is a loose cannon, and Maturi is handling him tactfully even if next year turns out to be a wasted season. Hopefully we'll have a better program five years from now because we're doing the right thing now. I also appreciate that he's not smug and or a big shot.

It's always interesting to see how differently people look at someone's leadership. When I look back over the past nine years, I think he's done pretty well.

When Maturi arrived in mid-2002, the financial condition of the athletic department was bleak and darn near everyone was convinced that two or three non-revenue sports would have to be trimmed. The department now runs in the black and no sports have been terminated.

When he arrived, Glen Mason was in his fifth year. In Mason's 7th year, the team had a 10-3 record -- a marked improvement over past years. While you and I might feel that he should have eased Mason out a year earlier than he did, there were only three seasons of "mediocrity" and he took action after the third less-than-substantial season. However, the two seasons after the 10-3 season were winning seasons.

When Maturi arrived, Monson was in his fourth season (2002-03). Two years later (2004-05), the team made it into the NCAAs for the first time since Clem's tenure. While again you and I may have felt that he should have pulled the trigger after the 2006-06 season, he pulled it early in the following season (and raised all sorts of eyebrows outside the state of Minnesota doing so during pre-conference).

When Maturi arrived, Lucia was in his 4th season as head coach. In Maturi's first year, the hockey team won the NCAA Championship for the second straight year. During Maturi's tenure, the team held 1st place for two seasons in the WCHA and progressed to the NCAAs every year but last. You might argue that Lucia should have been fired last year -- I disagree. I'm still unsure about how this year should be handled as the season is still incomplete.

As to the other non-revenue sports -- which are still a part of the athletic department over which Maturi has responsibility -- Minnesota has historically performed well in the Directors Cup and during Maturi's tenure, the University has maintained that level of performance.

He's not the perfect A.D. -- I'm not sure such a person exists except in the nostalgia of memories after about 15 years of time have passed. But he's been a very good A.D.

These are valid points. But I still can't get past the way Monson and Mason were dismissed. He clearly had decided to let Monson go in the Spring of 2006, it got splashed all over he media, then retracted. I've never heard a satisfactory explanation, but that just cannot happen. And once it was reported, he should have gone through with it whatever his reasons were for changing his mind. He kept a dead coach walking and wasted an entire season. The fact that he landed Tubby does not excuse the horrific handling of this matter.

Similarly with Mason, I've never heard a satisfactory explanation of what happened there. You don't fire a coach for losing a Bowl Game. Any bowl game. ESPECIALLY an Insight Bowl you weren't favored to win. If you're going to fire a coach you do it after the regular season so you have access to the best candidates and minimize recruiting damage. You simply do NOT do it after the Bowl Game unless there is some sort of very unusual circumstance. Again, there is really no excuse for the pathetic handling of this. Maybe we would have hired Brewster anyway. But the reality is that the terrible timing of this severely damged any chance we had of hiring an existing HC, which is why we were limited to position coaches and coordinators.

For all he's done right in non-revenue sports and with TCF, an AD in a major D-1 Conference is ultimately judged 75% by how he handles the hirings and firings in the two major sports. He handled the firings VERY poorly. It appeared that he either really couldn't stop dithering and make a decision or he wasn't really in charge and was following outside orders.

We all survived the Monson era. Barely.

Frankly, I was expecting more from the BB program at this juncture of the ts era.

The atmosphere in the barn has improved, slightly. Not as much as I would have envisioned. Could be due to the poor non-con schedules - I have to admit it is not much fun paying ticket $$ to watch a game where the U is up 20 points in 5 minutes against sister of the poor. No energy in the barn at all.

The recruits ts has brought in have been a mixed bag. RS and CI are about where I would have expected, and they look to have a very nice future at the U. Cobbs is a favorite of mine already, and I think he could be very, very good. RW is a joy to watch - young and a lot to learn but he glides - awesome. Bostick has been a bust, no other way to say it. No production, in trouble a lot, negative pub for the program. Same for R White, only to a higher degree. Very negative for the program, and the choices made are mind boggling. Warning signs were there. Tough not to recruit him, I know - however the situation at hand is a mess and could have been avoided by selecting a different player. It could be that a different player would have fit in better, we wont know. TM could have been a force. That situation is confusing at best - need to let it play out.

I thought the wins would be coming in bunches against quality competition. Just not there yet.

Another reason to fire Maturi--is that Brewster who pulled a snowjob on Maturi was hired without any head coaching or even coordinator experience and promised Rose Bowls and yet three years later we are still firmly stuck in the bottom half of the Big Ten, having an 0-11 record in trophy and bowl games, with our best players graduating and no real hopes of improvement in 2010. You gave us Brewster, now man up and resign.

The football coach hire after he decided to fire Mason is his defining act as athletic director. He totally failed on that task in the way he fired Mason and of course the hiring of Brewster is a total failure.

Another reason to fire Maturi--is that Brewster who pulled a snowjob on Maturi was hired without any head coaching or even coordinator experience and promised Rose Bowls and yet three years later we are still firmly stuck in the bottom half of the Big Ten, having an 0-11 record in trophy and bowl games, with our best players graduating and no real hopes of improvement in 2010. You gave us Brewster, now man up and resign.

Was your New Years resolution to "get stupid"? Sounds like it.

With all due respect. ...

this thread belongs on the football board. There all kinds of threads over there where you can air your grievances about Joel Maturi after yesterday's bowl game. You re-opened this thread to talk about football, not basketball. No need to be a tird about it & repeat it here simply with the intent to stir things up as Gopher basketball fans await the Iowa game.

Was your New Years resolution to "get stupid"? Sounds like it.

OMG, I want Joel Maturi fired and you go beserk--are you related or are you just a nut? Face it Joel's not cut out for the job and he brought us Brewster, its time for him to go.

It's always interesting to see how differently people look at someone's leadership. When I look back over the past nine years, I think he's done pretty well.

When Maturi arrived in mid-2002, the financial condition of the athletic department was bleak and darn near everyone was convinced that two or three non-revenue sports would have to be trimmed. The department now runs in the black and no sports have been terminated.

When he arrived, Glen Mason was in his fifth year. In Mason's 7th year, the team had a 10-3 record -- a marked improvement over past years. While you and I might feel that he should have eased Mason out a year earlier than he did, there were only three seasons of "mediocrity" and he took action after the third less-than-substantial season. However, the two seasons after the 10-3 season were winning seasons.

When Maturi arrived, Monson was in his fourth season (2002-03). Two years later (2004-05), the team made it into the NCAAs for the first time since Clem's tenure. While again you and I may have felt that he should have pulled the trigger after the 2006-06 season, he pulled it early in the following season (and raised all sorts of eyebrows outside the state of Minnesota doing so during pre-conference).

When Maturi arrived, Lucia was in his 4th season as head coach. In Maturi's first year, the hockey team won the NCAA Championship for the second straight year. During Maturi's tenure, the team held 1st place for two seasons in the WCHA and progressed to the NCAAs every year but last. You might argue that Lucia should have been fired last year -- I disagree. I'm still unsure about how this year should be handled as the season is still incomplete.

As to the other non-revenue sports -- which are still a part of the athletic department over which Maturi has responsibility -- Minnesota has historically performed well in the Directors Cup and during Maturi's tenure, the University has maintained that level of performance.

He's not the perfect A.D. -- I'm not sure such a person exists except in the nostalgia of memories after about 15 years of time have passed. But he's been a very good A.D.

Joel can be called out for hiring Brewster, but the other 22 sports he resides over, are on relatively firm ground. Minnesota currently resides at 20 out of 255 college athletic programs in the Learfield Director's Cup standings (final fall 2009 rankings come out 1/14/10). He actually saved the program from cutting sports and has operated it in the black for a few years (we'll see what the alcohol policy does to the bottom line in 2010...).

He is going to have some tough decisions with football and now it appears, hockey... His legacy will be TCF, Tubby, the chance he took on Brew, who he brings in to replace him, and perhaps finding Lucia's successor.

His work ethic cannot be questioned. The guy virtually lives in his office at Bierman. It appears he has the respect of those he works with, and the university's administration.

He will leave the athletic department a better place than when he arrived, and that is commendable.

Joel can be called out for hiring Brewster, but the other 22 sports he resides over, are on relatively firm ground. Minnesota currently resides at 20 out of 255 college athletic programs in the Learfield Director's Cup standings (final fall 2009 rankings come out 1/14/10).

I'm sorry to pick on you Sentinel but this is the type of thinking in MN that bothers me. Celebrating the success of non-revenue sports (as Maturi has done throughout his tenure) has always seemed a bit silly to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad those programs exist and I'm happy for the kids that participate in them but their success is a "nice to have" not a critical necessity.

He will leave the athletic department a better place than when he arrived, and that is commendable.

I hope he does and if so, you're right, it is commendable.

relax Fish, you're getting all worked up over something that the jury is still out on. Another very good recruiting class and more depth next year than we've had in looong time. Alot of potential next year if Fisch and the offense can get it together. I think Brewster needs one more year with his players.

The football coach hire after he decided to fire Mason is his defining act as athletic director. He totally failed on that task in the way he fired Mason and of course the hiring of Brewster is a total failure.

I would say maybe his "defining act" would be the new stadium or perhaps Tubby Smith. The football coach not impressing some internet grumpusses would maybe be 3rd at best.

I'm sorry to pick on you Sentinel but this is the type of thinking in MN that bothers me. Celebrating the success of non-revenue sports (as Maturi has done throughout his tenure) has always seemed a bit silly to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad those programs exist and I'm happy for the kids that participate in them but their success is a "nice to have" not a critical necessity.

I hope he does and if so, you're right, it is commendable.

Fair enough...

It would be interesting to see the job description for the position of Director of Athletics at the University of Minnesota. I'm sure there is no delineation between the revenue sports and the "nice to have" sports. The person who obtains the job has a responsibility to keep all 23 programs viable. What's necessary is the big three (football, basketball and hockey) generate the money to keep those other, equally important, sports afloat.

It's not a type of thought or a "Minnesota Nice" attitude. That the majority of fans only care about the big three does not diminish this fact - a football player is not more important than a gymnast within the athletic department.

I agree, that at the end of the day, Joel will be judged on how the big three performed during his administration, but the successes of the overall program is a legitimate point and needs to be considered in any discussion regarding his performance.

As much as I've disagreed with some of Maturi's decisions, I think he's safe at his job for the time being. The question may be if Brewster is fired, will the Administration want Maturi to hire his replacement?

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