Finish the sentence: Being a Gopher fan is like..

someone saying "Hey a picture of you and the Gophers".....


"I HATE the Gophers!" (punch).

Being a Gopher fan is like..

...finding no beer in my fridge.

.....being the last of your buddies to lose your virginity. They tease you about what is taking so long and how awesome it is (Badgers fan/winning analogy) but you know when it happens (winning) it will be awesome and worth the long and frustrating wait.

Now that I think about it this is sad...I actually lost my virginity at an age earlier than our most last relevant Gophers team.

Hopefully Coach Kill is the flirty new girl that just transferred you're tellin' me there's a chance.

Being a Twins fan, being a Wolves fan, being a Vikings fan, being a Wild fan.

.....being the last of your buddies to lose your virginity. They tease you about what is taking so long and how awesome it is (Badgers fan/winning analogy)

Yeah...but the red weasels have never lost their virginity. It's just been a long time since we closed the deal, and I ain't talking about some 2:00 a.m. "slump buster" either.

Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# the prom queen.

Yeah...but the red weasels have never lost their virginity. It's just been a long time since we closed the deal, and I ain't talking about some 2:00 a.m. "slump buster" either.

Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# the prom queen.
But it was also likely the last time.

being a gopher fan is like being the cartoon character Charlie Brown

Every time Lucy put's down the football, you get excited, I'm finally going to do it, you even start
believing it, and when you go to kick the football, Lucy always pulls it away. Lucy "Sike" stupid Gopher fan you will never get to kick the ball. One of these days we will kick that damn football, that is the hope that Gopher football fans hang onto.

That or being a Gopher fan is like being stuck in an elevator with a Hawkeye, Badger, or even a crappy NDSU fan and all of them just crop dusted you at the same time, and you do not get to get out of the elevator for another 17 floors. You have to just sit there and take the smell, that and there are 10 of them and 1 of you.

Yeah...but the red weasels have never lost their virginity. It's just been a long time since we closed the deal, and I ain't talking about some 2:00 a.m. "slump buster" either.

Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# the prom queen.


Being a Gopher fan is like..

..being Monica Lewinsky and "having to vote Republican because the Democrats left a bad taste in my mouth!"

Like being on a nine hour transcontinental flight with a seat between two 350 lb. women, both needing a shower.

Some days, some games, like Michigan this year, it’s worms on top of ice cream. However some days, some games, like Iowa last year, it's absolutely exquisite, exciting, intense, fun, enjoyable and satisfying.

Back to the elevator thread:

Gopher fandom is like wearing white pants in Hayden Fry style to a Rosebowl Banquet (riding from the penthouse with a four TD lead, then getting stuck in an elevator just after discovering that you are having gastro intestinal issues of explosive porportions, then knowing that the walk of shame will commence with Iowa, Wisconsin and now Nebraska fans lining lobby as the horrible brownish reality cannot be ignored.

At least Cal Stoll and Glen Mason (for the most part)gave us a nice box of Depends to count on.

Brewster was a leaky colostomy bag, but that is a different story!

Being a Gopher fan is like..

-=slams door=-

Fellow Gopher fan: Where's the booze?
Me: I got robbed by a sweet old lady on a motorized cart. I didn't even see it coming! -=pouts=-
Other Gopher fan: -=moans=-
Me: Harry.. Harry?
Other Gopher fan: -=more moans=-
Me: C'mon Harry.. Cheer up.
Other Gopher fan: It gets worse Lloyd. My parakeet, Petey..
Me: Yeah...
Other fan: He's dead.
Me: Aww.. Oh man, Harry. I'm sorry. What happened?
Other fan: His head fell off.
Me: -=in shock=- His HEAD fell off?!
Other fan: -=nods=- Yeah, he was pretty old.
Me: -=gets up and looks in cage=- -=cringes=- That's it.. I'VE HAD IT WITH THIS DUMP!! We got no food.. We got no jobs.. OUR PET'S HEADS ARE FALLING OFF!!

Replace the life situation in this scenario with the Gopher football program and replace Petey with the last Gopher football debacle and this is EXACTLY what being a Gopher fan is like.

Oh, and here's a visual representation to help:

Being a Gopher Football Fan is having a chance to actually be an unconditional fan. It is ALSO: knowing that you mobbers and bashers who demanded the change that brought us brewball and who cry the most and who are always EXPECTING something better without realizing just how difficult it is to truely be competetive in the Big Ten Conference are getting EXACTLY what YOU deserve during this 2011 season that IS finally the end the prexy b reign of terror for Golden Gopher Football. The final days will be marked by the departure of badger joel macturi...

I have been given many great games to watch, great players to cheer for and have been given a football team to cheer for my entire life. I also will have an incredible opportunity as a Gopher Fan to totally support Coach Kill when many of you people will be bashing him and demanding that he must be fired.

Being a Gopher Fan for over half a century has also given me many GREAT opportunities to CONTRAST you mobbers and bashers when you support the WRONG side of an issue related to Golden Gopher Football as well as to witness a NC, Some Big Ten Championships and to STAY THE COURSE no matter how difficult things may seem at the moment. It has also taught me to stand up and say what I think about Gopher Football.

It is GREAT to be a University of Minnesota Golden Gopher Football Fan! As a result Iget to LIVE my credo and I NEVER let the ba$tards get me down!

; 0 )

Yeah, I know the intent of the thread, but I have to go with the Walrus. Being a gopher fan is a privilege, and way better than being a bandwagon badger fan.

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