Feud with former players may have chased off coaching candidates

"The websites are getting increasingly positive"

He wouldn't be referencing this one now would he?

As for SaveGopherFootball - idiots

Seriously???? You guys had ex-players causing this type of problem behind the scenes??? So they are suppose to be trying to help the future of Gopher football and they are doing that? How were they helping Gopher football succeed in the future? Just because you hate the AD, you don't go and sabotage the hiring process... that fixes absolutely 100% nothing for the future of Gopher football. Your lucky to even get Coach Kill with those antics. WOW!!!! Again, SERIOUSLY???

Congrats SaveGopherFootball, did you accomplish all of your goals?

Snapper, how come you aren't responding to these threads about your organization anymore?

Go Gophers!!

Power Rankings (12/7):

Tubby>Gardy>Kill's Moustache>Frazier>Kill>Pavano's Moustache>Lucia>Maturi>Favre>British Petroleum>Adam Kelly>Jong Il>bin Laden>New York Yankees

Congrats SaveGopherFootball, did you accomplish all of your goals?

Snapper, how come you aren't responding to these threads about your organization anymore?

Go Gophers!!

Well, in the span of 48 hours, gopherholers have changed their tune to KillShot is the next Bill Belicheck so they must have done something right, huh?

I wonder if Adam will be renewing his season tickets??

No doubt, "savegopherfootball" are a bunch of chumps.

However, I honestly don't care about these types of stories. Kill is the right guy.

Go Gophers

Not a chance. The fued didn't scare potential coaches off. We all know what scared potential coaches off...do the research people.

I doubt the feud had much to do with coaches not being interested, you really have to question the motivation of someone that would send emails like that though. No matter what your opinion is it doesn't make any sense. A little bit of school yard bullying, someone never grew up.

Not a chance. The fued didn't scare potential coaches off. We all know what scared potential coaches off...do the research people.

What a prolific statement. You guys have your dancing shoes on? By the way,

what a bunch of f'ing losers. they were losers during their college football careers and they're losers now. nice work.

haha..i didnt say I was apart of the group. I just heard about it from the news

Power Rankings (12/7):

Tubby>Gardy>Kill's Moustache>Frazier>Kill>Pavano's Moustache>Lucia>Maturi>Favre>British Petroleum>Adam Kelly>Jong Il>bin Laden>New York Yankees

I needed a laugh this morning and you have provided it.

If Edsall dropped out Saturday (as has been conjectured), let's all remember that the Adam Kelly story hit the paper Saturday morning. I'm a freedom of the press guy and all that, but given the idiocy of Kelly's actions, did it merit a mention in the state's major newspaper at this juncture in the hiring process? I frankly don't know.

What I do know is that a number of former Gopher football players have caused problems over the years and this is just another example of how their meddling has screwed things up a bit.

I'm happier with the Kill hire by the minute, but if our football alumni are subverting the athletic director, it's really a sad situation. I suppose one could blame Maturi for not reaching out to them more, but given their past actions, could one blame Maturi for not going that route. Give these guys and inch and I imagine they'd try to stretch it to a mile (and a half).

I actually for the first time since the Tubby Smith hire am on Maturi's side. Without a doubt, I think savegopherfootball.com hindered the process more than it helped the process. Every press clipping they got was controversial and seemed to come across negative.

1. If I'm a big shot college football coach, heavy in demand, I know that MN is a tough tough place to win regardless of whether Adam Kelly is a total horse's *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#face ass or not.

2. But for Adam Kelly to decide that he is bigger than the University of MN, yes, he is a horse's *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#face ass in spades. The guy needs a shrink and a life, not nec. in that order.

3. But how does an AD let it get to that point? Somebody on this thread says there have been problems all along. Well, fix 'em. Now if getting his ass kissed by the AD and the U president isn't quite enough for Adam Kelly and what Adam Kelly wants is to pick the next coach, well, then OK, *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# him. But Steinie is a pillar of the community, not a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#face like Kelly. Why doesn't he have Kelly in a headlock. These guys deserve each other but REAL Gopher football fans deserve a lot better than Kelly and Stein.

To me this sounds like Maturi shifting blame. You're in charge of the search Joel, this is on you.

I know I'm basking in the afterglow of my own conversion to Killism, but I think for once things are actually going to work out. I feel way more confidence in Kill than I did in Mason. I never thought for one minute Wacker would be successful. Let's just say, I wanted to believe in Brewster, but deep down had my doubts.

did anyone hear that guy on Common yesterday.

He claims he "just wanted the search to be different this time"

he also said that most athletic directors across the nation thought the way Maturi went about this despicable.

Why the hell should a punter get a say in how things unfold. He claims he has a personal interest in Leach. BS! If this organizations only purpose was not to push Trestman I might take them a little more seriously.

I feel way more confidence in Kill than I did in Mason.

36 hours ago I was feeling the exact opposite of this. I thought Kill was a poor man's Mason. But, after looking closely at the records (which is all we can do at this point) I'm not so sure. While Mason did "turn around" Kent St and Kansas his W-L records did not set the world on fire.

So much of this is public perception. No doubt Mason was a much "bigger hire" in the eyes of the public. Is there a good reason for this? Only time will tell.

The savegopherfootball.com people should really consider hiring small planes to fly banners around the stadium. It works much better.

I know former players and a former captain, they do not endorse any of Adam's antics. They are loyal supports of The University, and to a man feel they gave it their all and didn't get it done. But they are proud M Club memembers. What slays me, he is a punter, a punter is leading this. What does a punter know? Hey Adam, when did we have a reliable punter, able to boom it 50+. That right we didn't, you didn't. Just go sit on the bench, we don't need you.

I know former players and a former captain, they do not endorse any of Adam's antics. They are loyal supports of The University, and to a man feel they gave it their all and didn't get it done. But they are proud M Club memembers. What slays me, he is a punter, a punter is leading this. What does a punter know? Hey Adam, when did we have a reliable punter, able to boom it 50+. That right we didn't, you didn't. Just go sit on the bench, we don't need you.

Former players should have come out and publicly stated that they didn't endorse what Kelly did. That could have gone a long way.

I know former players and a former captain, they do not endorse any of Adam's antics. They are loyal supports of The University, and to a man feel they gave it their all and didn't get it done. But they are proud M Club memembers. What slays me, he is a punter, a punter is leading this. What does a punter know? Hey Adam, when did we have a reliable punter, able to boom it 50+. That right we didn't, you didn't. Just go sit on the bench, we don't need you.

People keep talking about this group as if it represents former players, and of course it represents just a handful of former players who pose as if they represent former players as a whole. The M Club represents former players, the fact that they had to form their own group indicates that they didn't have enough backing to get the M Club behind them.

I get a kick out of all the Joel maturi backers on this thread. Joel Maturi has taken a final 4 Women basketball program to a new low, a successful Hockey program to a new low, made our football program irrelevant enough that we could not even get a BCS Coach interested in the job. Look at what the M-club boys have done for Gopher Athletics the past 50 years? FACTS! FACTS.....most of Minnesotans don't give a rats butt about Gopher football. They only care about basketball because of Tubby. Look at the Apathy that surrounded Basketball during the Monson Era?

Adam kelly and his group want a change of the Guard in Gopher Athletics and the insanity of the past 50 years has to end. We can be like Wisconsin and OSU, we have to believe this. Unfortunate the current regime just like you all are satisfied with mediocrity. I would have loved to see Leach be the coach. Now that Kill is named, let's rally behind him and give him EVERY chance to be successful starting with the resignation of Joel Maturi. We need policies and programs that support REVENUE producing teams. Joel would be a great AD of the Johnny's and Tommy's, however, he is over matched in his current role.

I get a kick out of all the Joel maturi backers on this thread. Joel Maturi has taken a final 4 Women basketball program to a new low, a successful Hockey program to a new low, made out football program irrelevant enough that we could not even get a BCS Coach interested in the job. Look at what the M-club boys have done for Gopher Athletics the past 50 years? FACTS! FACTS.....most of Minnesotans don't give a rats butt about Gopher football. They only care about basketball because of Tubby. Look at the Apathy that surrounded Basketball during the Monson Era?

Adam kelly and his group want a change of the Guard in Gopher Athletics and the insanity of the past 50 years has to end. We can be like Wisconsin and OSU, we have to believe this. Unfortunate the current regime is satisfied with mediocrity. I would have loved to see Leach be the coach.

Now that Kill is named, let's rally behind him and give him EVERY chance to be successful starting with the resignation of Joel Maturi. We need policies and programs that support REVENUE producing teams. Joel would be a great AD of the Johnny's and Tommy's, however, he is over matched in his current role.

You still haven't answered my question. Are you Adam Kelly?

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