Feels like a weird season of spring ball


Pretty Sure You are Wrong
Jun 4, 2009
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I was an accomplished HS athlete. Through the years, I feel like I have done a pretty good job avoiding living in the past. But, the one residual weird thing I do endure is I have a reoccurring nightmare where I am faced with a variety of critical games, only I am stuck competing at my current weight, speed, and ability. It’s always sort of traumatic getting exposed and losing my identity.

That’s how I feel watching this season of Gopher football. I’m seeing some of my all time favorite players, wearing the familiar maroon and gold, not looking at all like what I enjoyed last season and the end of 2018. I do feel like some teams have maintained their focus through all the covid distractions and changes. Other teams just haven’t showed up. I think the easy answer is the failure of the defense and all its new players. That’s legit. But I also think this season was lost back when the team went out of its way to state how strongly it agreed with the conference in closing down. When that decision was reversed, this team just went through the motions without a fire, and the result has been a mail-in season that is playing out like my reoccurring nightmare.

Interesting thoughts, hard to argue otherwise.

20 players and possibly multiple coaches out tonight? Exactly what I am saying. It’s like my personal reoccurring nightmare described above. The uniforms and rules are the same but the abilities are different and the results will be different. I’m to the point where this is a write off of a season and shouldn’t be overreacted to, and it’s time to think of this as spring ball and just look forward to next season. Bring on the vaccines and bring on 2021.

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