Fed Up!!


Sep 11, 2010
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I normally stay off these forums and try to give coaches the benefit of the doubt, but Tim Brewster has to be one of the worst coaches in all of college football. To inherit a team that should have beat Texas Tech in the insight bowl almost 5 years ago (Tremendous Talent) to now getting beat up by South Dakota, on the ropes against Middle Tenn St. and losing a couple years ago to NDSU. This is an outrage and I can't believe Brewster has gotten away with this year after year.

Under Mason's regime the Goph's were criticized by people for playing a weak cup cake schedule...Teams like Tulsa,La Lafayette,Troy St., etc.....These teams compete at the upper half of their conferences every year and go to bowl games. The Gophers beat up on these teams badly.

Now under Brewster the non conference games are embarassing to the big Ten not to mention the program with losses and close games. When is enough enough??

Also FYI Shane Potter (South Dakota's best Defensive player) played for the Goph's and was run out by the coaching staff...watching this game made me wonder if the coaching staff was blind folded at practice. #8 for USD has been everywhere to today...RIDICULOUS

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