Favorite Minnesota North Stars memories

Not sure if we had a thread for this. But what was some of your favorite memories of the Minnesota North Stars.

Mine was the 1991 Stanley Cup final run. Upsetting the Chicago Blackhawks, St Louis Blues and Edmonton Oilers.
Ah 1991. Playoff games at the Met were epic.

I have an original North Stars jersey in the closet. Probably 50 years old. Along with my Mn Fighting Saints stocking hat.

Lived and died with them. Dad always got us to a game or two every season.

If you interested. here is game 5 of the Clarence Conference finals from 1991. North Stars vs Oilers. KMSP 9 broadcast.

I've always thought Games 3 & 4 against the Oilers at the Met were even louder than the '87 Twins run.

Weather was nice, everyone was "tuned" up. It got insane starting with the National Anthem right until the end.

Since their inception, I followed them quite a bit on radio, Go Al Shaver, loved listening to him. It was that pro sports fill-in between the Twins and Vikings... Also followed the Muskies/Pipers and Fighting Saints, but that didn't last long. Then that F....ng Norm Green moved the team and I've never forgiven the NHL. Hardly follow the Wild at all. Been to Excel a couple times for concerts.

Back in the late '80's, took my girlfriend to a game. Her two nephews were supposed to go with us but due to illness neither one showed up. We had seats behind the goal. During the pre-game skate, a puck went over the glass and landed about 20ft to the right of us...same row. Crowd was still sparse, couple of people were looking for the puck and I tell Bonnie (gf), "I think I know where it is". I walk over and it was behind a cardboard container. So I give the puck to Bonnie and she gives it to her sick nephew. Then the other nephew tells her that we needed to go to a T-wolves game...and bring him back a basketball.

My family loved Norm Green and still speak highly of him because he would walk the concourse and meet fans and wave over a concessions person and pass out free food. I am certain this happened to others at games.

My family loved Norm Green and still speak highly of him because he would walk the concourse and meet fans and wave over a concessions person and pass out free food. I am certain this happened to others at games.
Norm Green Sucks

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