Favorite Memories From 9/12/2009

I sure hope you cherish that memory. I remember my first pregame back in 1998 to a whole 10-15,000 people in the stands who didn't seem to care. The Sun Bowl in 1999 sticks out to me because we were fricken loud out there, and the Gopher Fans were elated to see us on the field at a bowl for the first time in 15 years.

Aside from that, my favorite memory is the march back to campus after beating Wisconsin in 2001, now that was crazy! For this game my favorite moment was run cadence onto the field and the roar that accompanied that - it made me wish I was still in band.

I just wish I could have heard the band more than we did. I could catch pieces of the Rouser in Sec. 135, but I was watching the drumline to know where in the song we were supposed to be.

One of the biggest things that will always stay with me was the Victory Walk. That was a seriously intense moment. I was right up in the front row and a number of the players honestly had a slightly frieghtened look on their faces, kind of like a deer in headlights type look. I don't think they were prepared for how large of a crowd was there for the walk. Brewster even had a slightly shocked look. It was an awesome moment.

I have been to almost every Victory Walk and I think more people where at this one that all the others combined. It was an awesome sight to see all the Maroon and Gold. An experience I will never forget.

The first rouser with everyone belting it TOGETHER was amazing. It was absolutely insane.

Tears flowing from Bud on the monster scoreboard also choked me up. What a lasting image that will be.

Finally the first Gopher TD. Just as others have said that was the signature game moment for me.

It is so nice to finally be HOME!

I'm 37 and that's the most school pride I've ever had. I heard many old timers say they haven't felt school pride like that in many years, and they also indicated that Memorial stadium didn't have atmosphere and character like TCF.

A stunning revelation - this was the first outdoor major sporting even for any Minnesota home game in 28 years, including the Twins and Vikings. Minnesotans haven't had a home outdoor game in 28 years. That's crazy.

Most heart warming moment - realizing we get do it all over again next week!

Waiting in front of Gate D to get into the Stadium. Watching the mass of students waiting to get in to the Student Gate. Hearing Bruinicks thanking the students for their contribution. Thinking back to childhood days before the Vikings came. Racing my brother to get the sports section and check out the articles about the Gopher games. Listening on the radio, hoping for the best. Pretending to be Sandy Stephens carrying a football and running in the backyard. Remembering the first half of the Michigan game at the dome in 2003(?) Everything went right. We finally dominated Michigan after all the years of getting wasted. Here I waited my turn for the start of something new. Hoping this time the memories of the past will meet the dreams of the future and we the Minnesota Gophers, not the Minnesota Vikings or Twins will be Something to be admired and looked forward to. To be on Top. Make the players of past to smile again and wear their old "M" jackets again.

The first spell-out was great. So loud, so crisp. I thought, "so this is what it's like to be at a real college football game." Triplett making tackle after tackle before sealing the deal. The victory. Seeing so much maroon and gold in front of the stadium. It made me wish I could go back to college at the U.

1. Just walking up and seeing the stadium up close in person for the first time...My buddies and I were just in awe...."We've finally arrived boys!"
2. Seeing Bud Grant, the stoic icon of the Vikes, get cracked up almost brought me to a tear...
3. Watching our defense actually stop someone! Now if our offense can come around we're really gonna be tough!

The "M I N N E S O T A" cheer was the best I have experienced in my 30+ years going to games. I still have vivid memories of Memorial Stadium even though I was really young--never was the cheer that perfect.

Bud Grant summed-up the emmotions a lot of us felt I'm thinking.

Leaving the stadium and looking back at the sea of Maroon/Gold lit up by the lights. I know many here really want everyone to wear only gold, but I think nothing looks better than the combination of the two. Greatest color combo in sports.

Like said earlier, the only time I remember the rouser as good as that was Koalska's game tying goal in the 2002 title game at Xcel. That seemed a bit louder simply because the building wasn't as large and there was a roof over top....topping that will always be tough but this one at least is in the ballpark of discussion.

One favorite: the replay on the board after Tripplet's TD....just how big & cool it was watching it over & over again.

As has been mentioned many times all ready... the sea of maroon and gold everywhere I looked...
I couldn't help but wonder if I was at the right game :eek:

This is our team, our home, our stadium and... our fans in droves! WOW:clap:

Everything after that was magic.

Deja vu?

I've been to Gopher games at Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio St, and Penn St. At each and every one, it was disheartening to see how great college football was at those places when I knew that the very next weekend I would be going back to the Metrodome where atmosphere didn't exist. "Heineygate" at Ohio St, the RV tailgating at Penn St, the frat houses partying at Wisconsin, the grass covered tailgating lots at Iowa and Michigan. Jealousy raged inside me every time I went to one of these places. :mad:

It was kind of deja vu walking around campus because I'd experienced this kind of excitement before. The only difference is I'd experienced at our opponents campus. Realizing we now have what our opponents have always had made me choke up. While the previous posts described many things I also loved about Saturday, the realization that we are now on equal ground with the biggies is my favorite memory that I will never forget. As my signature says, welcome home Gopher fans, welcome home!

I was standing in the Plaza

At 6:15 A.M. I was like a kid at Christmas. It was slightly foggy. I watched the sun come up over the bowl end and peak on to the field. It was a new day, and I had to be there. I drew my trusty flask, and toasted the day.

I still can't believe how much maroon and gold there was both on campus before the game and in the stadium. It really made it feel like we owned the place. I had season tickets my first 2 years as the U of MN, but then gave up because the atmosphere in the dome sucked. It was more fun to watch the games on campus or at a friends house. After looking over at the student section during the game I think I can say that if we had been playing on campus when I was a student there would have been no way I would have given up my ticket!

I think my favorite was just the feeling of excitement that was running through everyone. I don't think I've smiled that much in a long time.

For me, this was clearly the highlight of the night. I think it got a little dusty in the stadium afterwards because my eyes were having a few issues. :)

I completely agree....as others have said...the only better roster i have ever heard was after tying/winning the national championship in hockey in 2002

another great one...my dad, aged 63...wanting to walk down university ave like he did when he was a kid...awesome...and me teasing him that we should go into a frat party for a beer

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