Favorite Brewster Moment

The secretarial staff has caused five decades of futility.

All time best moment of the Brewster regime... He won the one game that we were all going to remember forever, regardless of the outcome.


Air Force 13
Minnesota 20

All time best moment of the Brewster regime... He won the one game that we were all going to remember forever, regardless of the outcome.

Air Force 13
Minnesota 20

You are spot on.

I also liked how he handled Hoese and the team when his dad had a stroke. He really cared for his players on a personal level it seemed.


This youtube video is my favorite contribution from Brew.

Specifically 1:19.

"It's real. It's raw. At times it's REAL RAW"

Personallly I'd love to keep some Brewster'ism "Get yer Chili hot" "Can't bring a pellet gun to a bear hunt" etc

There is a hidden gem in there "I do nothing, but share my passion and share my emotion with our team." Literally nothing. "It's not scripted, it's not thought out."

Scary that at one point I thought there was a chance that these might be good things.

I was at his first signing day and he did a great job pumping up the crowd, and as everyone mentioned building expectations. For me that was bar none the highlight because I started hearing things going on behind the scenes from a player and that really soured me on Brewster. I still have fond memories of that signing day though...

You are spot on.

I also liked how he handled Hoese and the team when his dad had a stroke. He really cared for his players on a personal level it seemed.


Bingo. Watching the FSN show after it happened, you could tell how much it affected him, watching a young man step up after suffering such a tragedy.

This was his downfall, and he was an idiot for doing it with no substance to back it up.

His downfall wasn't building expectations, his downfall was sucking lol. I mean, I get what you're saying, but I'm not gonna hold it against him for talking about Rose Bowls and whatnot. If he came in humble as can be, but then had us on a 3-9 season in his fourth year, I'd still be bitter.

That said, there were some nice moments, the first TCF game, Halloween game, the Hoese game, Illinois. Probably the first game at TCF was the best but that's not exactly a "Brewster" moment.

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