
Oct 18, 2009
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I thought he was still a soft verbal? He isnt listed as a commit any longer and they changed it to show no MN offer??? He is updated to a 5.6 3 *

That's crazy, I was just looking at our vebals yesterday on Rivals and they had him listed. Well that sucks.

Gold Vision's correct. All the GI people can scream at me if they want, but GI posted that Minnesota is not recruiting Farrow any longer, and the word is that it's because of qualifying academically.

Interesting that they also changed him to ATH from CB. Is there a school of thought that he can't play DB at the next level? Or that he may be better on the offensive side? I would be surprised at either of those things, especially considering the rave reviews MV gave him as a CB.

The coaching staff better be damn sure he can't qualify academically, or they will be sorry they pulled the offer so quickly. After all, MSU and Ill are still in on him.

Interesting that they also changed him to ATH from CB. Is there a school of thought that he can't play DB at the next level? Or that he may be better on the offensive side? I would be surprised at either of those things, especially considering the rave reviews MV gave him as a CB.

The coaching staff better be damn sure he can't qualify academically, or they will be sorry they pulled the offer so quickly. After all, MSU and Ill are still in on him.

Gee, after the number of kids they tried to get in and could not I would think the staff has a pretty good idea of what they can accomplish in terms of admission. How many kids did we give up on getting admitted that got admitted to other BCS programs?

How many kids did we give up on getting admitted that got admitted to other BCS programs?

Tell me again what that has to do with James Farrow? I don't care about precedent. The admissions office doesn't care about precedent. The admissions office doesn't look at other students when making an enrollment decision. All I'm saying is that the coaching staff is going to end up with egg on their face if this kid ends up on the field for MSU or Illinois, the latter of which is a better academic school than the U and is still in pursuit of Farrow.

Tell me again what that has to do with James Farrow? I don't care about precedent. The admissions office doesn't care about precedent. The admissions office doesn't look at other students when making an enrollment decision. All I'm saying is that the coaching staff is going to end up with egg on their face if this kid ends up on the field for MSU or Illinois, the latter of which is a better academic school than the U and is still in pursuit of Farrow.

This has nothing to do with whether or not the admissions office lets him in. Schools can make exceptions if they want.

This has nothing to do with whether or not the admissions office lets him in. Schools can make exceptions if they want.

So you don't think it makes the Gophers look bad if James Farrow (a hometown kid and legacy, nonetheless) ends up playing for Illinois, a better academic school than Minnesota? Really?

I'm saying the U ends up with egg on its face if the admissions dept is making the call (which is how it should be). It's not the coaching staff's fault if the U won't back them or make an exception. Now, if they let the kid go somewhere else b/c they THOUGHT admissions wouldn't back them then that's another thing. But hopefully the U's communication is a little better than Michigan's (i.e. the admissions folks tell the coaches ahead of time that they won't let the kid in).

Pulling an offer at this point because of grades seems odd. I think it would take an incredibly low GPA to pull an offer after his junior year because he still has a whole year to improve his academic standing if there is a problem. Besides, it hasn't stopped the U from recruiting other kids with questionable academics: Roszell Gayden, Lipscomb, Gray, Vincent Hill, Reeves, Campion, Searcy, etc.

It's too bad because the kid looks like a player.

First Farrow didn't show loyalty to us when he reopened his recruiting by saying he was still going to look around. If he's not showing any loyalty to us why should we show any to him. It appears that the offer was pulled, after final grades for the year were in, so academics probably played a strong roll. With Brewster's lack of success, getting kids with academic problems qualified and enrolled, maybe he's learning.

First Farrow didn't show loyalty to us when he reopened his recruiting by saying he was still going to look around. If he's not showing any loyalty to us why should we show any to him.

We're not in a position to be dictating terms to players. They hold all the cards, and we especially need to build ties with quality local players (nonetheless legacies). It is, I will grant, a tacit admission that we are not an elite program when we allow ourselves to be jerked around by players. That being said, it's ok to admit it, because it's true. We're not Texas or Ohio St., teams that can more or less dictate terms with in-state players. Farrow is not a borderline prospect - in fact, MV (a man whose opinion I and others greatly respect) called him a "good player" and ranked him ahead of several players from powerhouse schools in Florida. Dare I say, he is the type of player that you allow yourself to be jerked around for, especially when you are Minnesota.

It appears that the offer was pulled, after final grades for the year were in, so academics probably played a strong roll. With Brewster's lack of success, getting kids with academic problems qualified and enrolled, maybe he's learning.

Troy McClure has already said explicitly in this thread what I've been implying all along. There is no way to know, at this point, whether he will qualify or not. If he has even taken the ACT yet, he most likely doesn't know his score, and he has his entire senior year to get his grades up to an acceptable level. There has to be something else - if, for example, the staff thinks Farrow has moved on and we have no shot at him, then fine, pull the offer and don't look back. But academics is a pretty weak excuse at this point - as I've already stated multiple times, other Big Ten schools, one of which is unquestionably better than us academically, are still after him. They apparently aren't sufficiently worried about his profile as of yet.

Dp, you concentrate to much on ACT and GPA, the core requirements consist of 16 classes, including 4 yrs of English and 3yrs of Math (Algerbra 1 or above). If he flunked one of those two courses and not in a position to complete the required core classes he would be a non qualifier.

We're not in a position to be dictating terms to players. They hold all the cards, and we especially need to build ties with quality local players (nonetheless legacies). It is, I will grant, a tacit admission that we are not an elite program when we allow ourselves to be jerked around by players. That being said, it's ok to admit it, because it's true. We're not Texas or Ohio St., teams that can more or less dictate terms with in-state players. Farrow is not a borderline prospect - in fact, MV (a man whose opinion I and others greatly respect) called him a "good player" and ranked him ahead of several players from powerhouse schools in Florida. Dare I say, he is the type of player that you allow yourself to be jerked around for, especially when you are Minnesota.

Troy McClure has already said explicitly in this thread what I've been implying all along. There is no way to know, at this point, whether he will qualify or not. If he has even taken the ACT yet, he most likely doesn't know his score, and he has his entire senior year to get his grades up to an acceptable level. There has to be something else - if, for example, the staff thinks Farrow has moved on and we have no shot at him, then fine, pull the offer and don't look back. But academics is a pretty weak excuse at this point - as I've already stated multiple times, other Big Ten schools, one of which is unquestionably better than us academically, are still after him. They apparently aren't sufficiently worried about his profile as of yet.

Well, as Lee Corso may say, "Not So Fast." I happen to know quite a bit about the Clearing House standards and there frankly are measureable standareds that must be met in order to fully qualify. I do not know whether this young man has a problem with a few core courses or not, but if he does, the trap door could be activated on him. So it is not just getting a high enough GPA and test score; you have to have a high enough GPA in the requisite core courses outlined in the NCAA Clearinghouse standards. He only has one more school year and he has to take the requisite core courses for his senior year in math, english etc. Any makeup courses either had to be completed this summer or would need to be done in Night courses before enrolling. It may well be that the coaches and compliance folks at The U have calculated him as a likely nonqualifier because of how much he has left to get done. Now, I have no information to suggest either way and actually hope that he makes it through and qualifies without any issues. I just wanted to clarify that there could well be a legitimate basis to pull an offer for anticipated inability to qualify. Frankly, if it is true, he is likely victim to the backlash of recent qualifying issues for players that had to be sent home late in the process. Oh, and the fact that he was rated as an athlete is a compliment to him as a player that has skills that translate to the D1 level on offense and defense. It means he can be used at CB, KR and WR depending on the team's need. Hate to lose him because he is a talented young man. STUDENT - ATHLETE, this is the reason they put student first I guess.

Pulling the offer makes a ton of sense. Why commit the time and energy to recruit a kid who a. has already decommitted from your school and b. (reportedly) has academic issues

The list of kids who decommit from one school only to eventually re-commit to the same school seems to be a short one.

Pulling the offer makes a ton of sense. Why commit the time and energy to recruit a kid who a. has already decommitted from your school and b. (reportedly) has academic issues

The list of kids who decommit from one school only to eventually re-commit to the same school seems to be a short one.

I agree. Next.

Pulling the offer makes a ton of sense. Why commit the time and energy to recruit a kid who a. has already decommitted from your school and b. (reportedly) has academic issues

The list of kids who decommit from one school only to eventually re-commit to the same school seems to be a short one.

I don't care what Scout or ESPN ever wrote, Farrow never decommitted from Minnesota. He was a soft verbal from the day after he was offered and accepted on the spot.

Academics were a known issue before he was ever offered and the only reason it took the Gophers so long to offer him. I can only assume from this move that he was not making the progress the Gophers coaches expected from him.

I just graduated from one of Minnetonka's rival high schools and happen to be friends with Farrow on Facebook (I know, damn kids and their technology). Anyways, below is a conversation between Farrow and a random posse member regarding his academics and tenuous relationship with the Gophers.

Farrow: Wow... people these days love to make assumptions. Actually im above 2.0 and earned a 24 on my ACT... I also finished above a 3.0 this last semester.

Buddy: just go to wisconsin man... minnesota people are so ignorant.

Farrow: Seems like that may be the case.

Buddy: has UW offered?

Farrow: not yet but they most likely will soon.

I don't know if anyone still cares and they can make what they want out of this, but I played against the kid and have met him. He's a great football player, but that doesn't necessarily translate to other aspects of his life.

I just graduated from one of Minnetonka's rival high schools and happen to be friends with Farrow on Facebook (I know, damn kids and their technology). Anyways, below is a conversation between Farrow and a random posse member regarding his academics and tenuous relationship with the Gophers.

Farrow: Wow... people these days love to make assumptions. Actually im above 2.0 and earned a 24 on my ACT... I also finished above a 3.0 this last semester.

Buddy: just go to wisconsin man... minnesota people are so ignorant.

Farrow: Seems like that may be the case.

Buddy: has UW offered?

Farrow: not yet but they most likely will soon.

I don't know if anyone still cares and they can make what they want out of this, but I played against the kid and have met him. He's a great football player, but that doesn't necessarily translate to other aspects of his life.

Hey young fella, thanks for posting. It is actually good to hear that Farrow is apparently handling his business with his academics; if what he post on facebook is true as you represent, as long as he is taking core approved courses, he will be fine qualifying. As he obviously wanted you to post this, I would pass on some advice. Enjoy the recruiting process but be careful and don't burn bridges along the way. This rivalry business in college sports is quite serious and when you play with fire, you might get burned. If you want to go to Wisconsin, earn your offer and commit and that is true for any other school you are so fortunate to draw interest from. Be confident but humble. I frankly do not understand why you would want Wisconsin over some of the offers you already presumably have (MSU) but you and only you and your family count in the ultimate decision. Make it fit.

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