Fargo Flash's Top 3

Triple D

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2010
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I heard him interviewed on KFAN this morning. His thoughts on top 3 were:


He then went on to discuss why Sumlin would be a good fit, local ties, Florida was rumored to be considering him, etc. He also said the U may pay him up to 2.5 million. He did not discuss the other names much at all, so my interpretation is that he thinks Sumlin is the front runner.

Does 2.5 million for Sumlin seem excessive or in the ballpark, I think that's a little too much to pay him.....until he shows some results after a year or two. This was just Flash's speculation by the way on the salary figures.


If we're laying down $2.5 mil, it should be for someone with more experience/better track record than Sumlin. I'd say he's closer to the $1.75-$2m range.

The only way I could see a $2.5mil contract for Sumlin is if it's heavily incentive-laden.

2.5 is too much for Sumlin; you could probably do much better at that price.

At least this list is relatively logical compared to his previous one.

I think to get the type of coach Maturi has stated he wants the U will have to over pay. I think they could do worse than Sumlin, I think they could also do better. What as Florida rumored to be considering Sumlin for? That was most most confusing statement made by Fargo Slow Burn.

I think to get the type of coach Maturi has stated he wants the U will have to over pay. I think they could do worse than Sumlin, I think they could also do better. What as Florida rumored to be considering Sumlin for? That was most most confusing statement made by Fargo Slow Burn.

When Urban Meyer was pondering retirement supposedly Sumlin was a candidate to be his replacement. Supposedly.

Why don't we just rescue Urban Meyer from the Florida meat-grinder? That's a Tubby-like hire.

When Urban Meyer was pondering retirement supposedly Sumlin was a candidate to be his replacement. Supposedly.

Why don't we just rescue Urban Meyer from the Florida meat-grinder? That's a Tubby-like hire.

Ok, I seem to remember Urban pondering it for not more then a week. So Sumlin was a media and fan candidate?

Sumlin is interesting...The Flash made some good points this morning.

All relative

You're worth whatever salary you can negotiate. Pretty simple. Most of the time I think I'm probably overpaid but it's the salary I was able to negotiate so it is what it is. I won't apologize, and neither should Sumlin or anybody else they hire.

Bottom line, if he's successful at MN, whatever salary he negotiates is probably WAY less than what he's worth.

Besides, nobody on this board is writing the checks so I don't know why people care so much.

As long as his salary doesn't make it less difficult to obtain quality assistant coaches, I don't care what he gets paid.

No Bull$hit here. I don't know a damned thing about who the coach should be and what it will cost, and therefore will not to pretend I do, and in addition, will not say anything about the who, what, where, when, or why. Am I being wishy-washy? Well, maybe I am and maybe I am not.

No Bull$hit here. I don't know a damned thing about who the coach should be and what it will cost, and therefore will not to pretend I do, and in addition, will not say anything about the who, what, where, when, or why. Am I being wishy-washy? Well, maybe I am and maybe I am not.

Neither will you make much sense in the context of the conversation.

If they are going to pay $2.5 million for Sumlin, they better be ready to give Tubby a big raise. There's no way you can justify paying Sumlin more then him.

If they are going to pay $2.5 million for Sumlin, they better be ready to give Tubby a big raise. There's no way you can justify paying Sumlin more then him.

Sumlin is the guy I think the U should get, but agree it would not make sense to more than double his current salary. 3 years at Houston does not merit that figure.

If they are going to pay $2.5 million for Sumlin, they better be ready to give Tubby a big raise. There's no way you can justify paying Sumlin more then him.

It is the reality of college sports. When basketball programs make more money for an athletic dept then I'll agree with your point. However, even mediocre football programs make more money than excellent basketball programs.

It is the reality of college sports. When basketball programs make more money for an athletic dept then I'll agree with your point. However, even mediocre football programs make more money than excellent basketball programs.

Football does make more $$, no doubt. But at the U, the basketball program pulls far more and the football program far less of the weight then they do at most other places. That said, I don't think Tubby will be upset if Mark Richt or Jim Harbaugh come in and make more then him. But Kevin Sumlin? I don't see how that will fly. There's a reason Tubby's contract extension has been in process since March but isn't done. While a good part of the reason may be our dithering AD, but it could also be that they haven't agreed on the $$ involved and it now probably won't get done until the new FB coach is hired.

Disclaimer: The use of the words 'far more' and 'far less' are mine only and should not be taken to imply any specific statistics or other #'s. That does not make the basic statement untrue. I hope this satisfies Dpdoll before he blows a gasket. Thank you.

Need to pay him market value and one of the top candidates in college football is going to demand top dollar EVEN if he isn't making it today. He turned down Kansas last year for $2MM+ and they settled on Turner Gill for $2MM.

It is the reality of college sports. When basketball programs make more money for an athletic dept then I'll agree with your point. However, even mediocre football programs make more money than excellent basketball programs.

Which was clearly proven when the Big 12 was rumored to be about to completely implode, and Kansas would have been left out in the cold with KSU and ISU, despite having one of the best hoops programs in the country.

Football does make more $$, no doubt. But at the U, the basketball program pulls far more and the football program far less of the weight then they do at most other places. That said, I don't think Tubby will be upset if Mark Richt or Jim Harbaugh come in and make more then him. But Kevin Sumlin? I don't see how that will fly. There's a reason Tubby's contract extension has been in process since March but isn't done. While a good part of the reason may be our dithering AD, but it could also be that they haven't agreed on the $$ involved and it now probably won't get done until the new FB coach is hired.

Disclaimer: The use of the words 'far more' and 'far less' are mine only and should not be taken to imply any specific statistics or other #'s. That does not make the basic statement untrue. I hope this satisfies Dpdoll before he blows a gasket. Thank you.

That is precisely the problem. The football program at almost every school should make considerably more money than the basketball program. Tubby shouldn't have an issue with the football program improving, it will only help him in the long run. It would help him when we brought recruits to a football game, more money in the athletics department, etc.

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