Farewell Gopher Fans!!!!!


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Nov 10, 2013
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This is my only football related post for Minnesota football and it will be my Parting one also. I joined the Gopher Hole a couple of years ago to follow the behind the scenes action of the program. I was Drew Goodger’s football coach in high school and still good friends with his family and also Drew. I made up to one game in each of his last 2 seasons and have been in contact with Drew almost weekly during the season, if even just a text. With the Big ten network and DVR I am able to watch almost every one of the last 40 games they have played. Added to this, I have known Coach Kill through High school coaching since my first year as a head coach in 1998. He spoke at our awards banquet in 2000. I have traveled with my staff to NIU to watch spring practices and meet with his entire staff and have become good friends with Tracy, Brian and most of the guys that have been with him for years. To say that I am a little bias toward Coach Kill may be an understatement! A couple of message board comments that I want to relate to everyone from my perspective.
1, I will start out and say that I am a die hard Kansas State fan. There are some similarities with Minn and KSU.. but not as many as people think. The main one is to be successful both places have to be able to develop players and they must be a lot better when they leave than when they showed up. I think Minnesota does this pretty dang good. They may get the 5 star guy once in a blue moon, but you are not going to make a living at it. I watch teams like Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas all get 5 stars guys and they are not any better when they leave then they were day one when they showed up, its not the case at Minnesota. They are much better when they leave and often eclipse the 5 star guy at the end. There are guys on the KSU message board just like here that cry about not getting 5 star guys and how that is horrible, that is simply not the case. It is like a square peg into a round hole. Often times 5 star guys have so many other people in their ear, getting better and improving is not very high on their list. Sure at times a better athlete just flat out beats you… but I think in the long run.. player development is the most important part.
2, You have to get a football only indoor facility/wt room!!!!! No ifs, and's, or buts! If you really want to move to the elite part of the big 10 you will never be able to recruit or develop like you need to with your current facilities. Teams that win year in and year out do not have other sports using their indoor… period. If Coach ever leaves, this will be the reason. If your AD has the attitude that what we have is nice enough that will get you to the bottom in a hurry.
3, Your strength and Conditioning person is as good as anyone in the country. Period… he doesn't get a ton of talk.. but he is great and on the cutting edge. One of the key parts in player development.
4, I went to Wisconsin and Ohio State games the past two years. I meet some GREAT guys on this board to tailgate with and had a great time both times. But for being two big rivals.. man you guys are tooo nice to the other team. I am not saying anyone has to be physical or anything like that.. but come on!! Talk some major **** please… Everyone was shaking hands with the opponent etc… Every time I passed an Ohio State jersey I just called them a cheater… because they are… they are crooked cheaters that should have had the death penalty… Even Minny fans looked at me like I was too mean. Then Wisconsin… holy cow.. I am not sure that they even received the correct amount of votes to become a state way back when.. I had someone correct me because of the way I said Wisconsin... They told me there was no East consicn… do don’t say West consin… I about punched them in their mouth. You don’t have to be pricks… but come on guys home field advantage starts with the parking lot. As a KSU fan I hat going to OU games because they non stop give me **** from the time I get out of my car till the game is over…

5, Your campus and city are awesome… I was there by myself watching them play Western Michigan a couple years ago and got up early and walked around the campus on a gorgeous fall day… wow…it is something to be proud of… not a typical college town of course, but great non the less.
I could not be more happy with Drew’s choice to play for Jerry Kill and the University of Minnesota. The education received on and off the football team is top notch! He starts his Masters degree and this spring and will probably end up staying in the area.. ( He has dated a hockey player with the last name of Ramsey for over 2 years)! I feel very lucky to have had the privilege to meet and interact with so many Gopher fans… it will be hard for me to stop cheering for them…. So I will keep cheering for them!!!
Good luck in the future Gopher Fans!!!! I hope you keep Jerry around till he retires and end up a Big 10 Champion once again!!!!!!!!

awesome post and thanks for stopping by the last few years!

He is dating the daughter of Gold Medalist (1980 miracle on ice) and NHL defenseman Mike Ramsey. Strengthening the gene pool for future Gophers.

If I could buy stock in a young mans future... it would be Drew... I would sell my house and use my kids college money!

Nice Post.

I went to Manhattan Kansas a few years ago for a friend's son's wedding. KState reminded me a ton of Winona, amazing to me that a school that size, that far from a major city can support great athletic programs.

This is my only football related post for Minnesota football and it will be my Parting one also. I joined the Gopher Hole a couple of years ago to follow the behind the scenes action of the program. I was Drew Goodger’s football coach in high school and still good friends with his family and also Drew. I made up to one game in each of his last 2 seasons and have been in contact with Drew almost weekly during the season, if even just a text. With the Big ten network and DVR I am able to watch almost every one of the last 40 games they have played. Added to this, I have known Coach Kill through High school coaching since my first year as a head coach in 1998. He spoke at our awards banquet in 2000. I have traveled with my staff to NIU to watch spring practices and meet with his entire staff and have become good friends with Tracy, Brian and most of the guys that have been with him for years. To say that I am a little bias toward Coach Kill may be an understatement! A couple of message board comments that I want to relate to everyone from my perspective.
1, I will start out and say that I am a die hard Kansas State fan. There are some similarities with Minn and KSU.. but not as many as people think. The main one is to be successful both places have to be able to develop players and they must be a lot better when they leave than when they showed up. I think Minnesota does this pretty dang good. They may get the 5 star guy once in a blue moon, but you are not going to make a living at it. I watch teams like Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas all get 5 stars guys and they are not any better when they leave then they were day one when they showed up, its not the case at Minnesota. They are much better when they leave and often eclipse the 5 star guy at the end. There are guys on the KSU message board just like here that cry about not getting 5 star guys and how that is horrible, that is simply not the case. It is like a square peg into a round hole. Often times 5 star guys have so many other people in their ear, getting better and improving is not very high on their list. Sure at times a better athlete just flat out beats you… but I think in the long run.. player development is the most important part.
2, You have to get a football only indoor facility/wt room!!!!! No ifs, and's, or buts! If you really want to move to the elite part of the big 10 you will never be able to recruit or develop like you need to with your current facilities. Teams that win year in and year out do not have other sports using their indoor… period. If Coach ever leaves, this will be the reason. If your AD has the attitude that what we have is nice enough that will get you to the bottom in a hurry.
3, Your strength and Conditioning person is as good as anyone in the country. Period… he doesn't get a ton of talk.. but he is great and on the cutting edge. One of the key parts in player development.
4, I went to Wisconsin and Ohio State games the past two years. I meet some GREAT guys on this board to tailgate with and had a great time both times. But for being two big rivals.. man you guys are tooo nice to the other team. I am not saying anyone has to be physical or anything like that.. but come on!! Talk some major **** please… Everyone was shaking hands with the opponent etc… Every time I passed an Ohio State jersey I just called them a cheater… because they are… they are crooked cheaters that should have had the death penalty… Even Minny fans looked at me like I was too mean. Then Wisconsin… holy cow.. I am not sure that they even received the correct amount of votes to become a state way back when.. I had someone correct me because of the way I said Wisconsin... They told me there was no East consicn… do don’t say West consin… I about punched them in their mouth. You don’t have to be pricks… but come on guys home field advantage starts with the parking lot. As a KSU fan I hat going to OU games because they non stop give me **** from the time I get out of my car till the game is over…

5, Your campus and city are awesome… I was there by myself watching them play Western Michigan a couple years ago and got up early and walked around the campus on a gorgeous fall day… wow…it is something to be proud of… not a typical college town of course, but great non the less.
I could not be more happy with Drew’s choice to play for Jerry Kill and the University of Minnesota. The education received on and off the football team is top notch! He starts his Masters degree and this spring and will probably end up staying in the area.. ( He has dated a hockey player with the last name of Ramsey for over 2 years)! I feel very lucky to have had the privilege to meet and interact with so many Gopher fans… it will be hard for me to stop cheering for them…. So I will keep cheering for them!!!
Good luck in the future Gopher Fans!!!! I hope you keep Jerry around till he retires and end up a Big 10 Champion once again!!!!!!!!

Thank you for your post...I for one, hope you don't part ways. We could really use your insight on the board. Really appreciate you posting!

Nice to know that this guy would really be in my corner if I drilled a Becky fan.
Hmm.... Myles Long comes to mind.

<a href="https://imgflip.com/i/g5oij"><img src="https://i.imgflip.com/g5oij.jpg" title="made at imgflip.com"/></a>

Thanks for the great post. As I've mentioned before, the Ramseys and I have mutual friends so I've paid more attention to Drew the past few years. He's been a great representative of the school and football program and I've loved his tough as nails play. We'll miss him next year. Also, always great to hear about former players sticking around Minnesota even after college and their playing days are over.

He is dating the daughter of Gold Medalist (1980 miracle on ice) and NHL defenseman Mike Ramsey. Strengthening the gene pool for future Gophers.

And she's an All-American going for her 3rd National Championship! Good gene pool indeed.

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