Fantastic news on Sam Maresh!!!


Section 112, Row 1
Nov 20, 2008
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This is Dad again......I would like to start by thanking everyone for their well wishes and prayers. Sam has been reading and I am sure as the doctors meet and decide a plan of action he will update the journal and express his thanks also. As we rode in the car to Rochester he talked about how cool it is that everybody cares so much. He also expressed how much it lifted his spirits right when he needed it.
Well I'm sure you are all waiting for an update.....Heck the press calls every day asking what we know. As you know, we spent spent the last week going to different doctors offices and ended up back at the Mayo clinic yesterday(Friday Feb. 20th). Before we left Sam requested and received a Priesthood Blessing. It was a very cool blessing and we left full of faith. When we got to the Mayo Clinic, they were amazing. They immediately make you feel like everything will be OK. The doctors discussed what they thought it might know like 'nerve tumor', 'hemangioma', 'scar tissue'. They decided to do a ultra-sound biopsy to know for sure. Well we got the results today. They said it was a dense tissue of no significance .....scar tissue. What great news.....Thanks to all the prayers and faith things are working out very well again. I called Sam as soon as I hung up and he was very happy. We will be talking with the doctors to discuss how they will remove it. As we get more information we will let everyone know. Thanks for all the faith

The Maresh's

That is great to hear!!! Best wishes to you Sam & your family. Looking forward to when you can finally get to 100%. Can't wait to see you in Maroon & Gold!!!:D

Good luck with the surgery! Our well wishes are still with you and your family, Sam!

Praise the Lord! Wonderful news! Good for you and Sam. Best of luck in his recovery.

Fantastic News!

Thank you so much for the update, Mr. Maresh - we really appreciate you letting everyone know, and are even more appreciative that it is only scar tissue. When I first got the text about his tumor, my stomach just dropped...I thought, "what more can this poor kid go through?" Thank god he's okay. As always, wish the best for you and you family!

Thank God, great to hear. Blessings to Sam and the whole Maresh family.

Dr. Loon

I already replied to him on the strib site. If he wants some scar tissue I will give him some and more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go Gophers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great stuff.

Here's hoping Sam consistently creates more scar tissue in the Big 10--and this time has Hawkeyes visiting Mayo. :mad:

If you want to read something that will make your scrotum hurt, read this article about good news, and the first comment from a drLoon.

Omg - I just read that. What person with a heart would honestly write something like that? The kid just overcame open heart surgery, and then has this scare...and he writes something like that? That is beyond even what I thought he was capable of doing.

I do NOT think it was the same Loon that has posted here and pissed people off. I have had someone posting on Strib comments as Dr.Don, using my moniker from GH, and the comments have been so bad that I used to be DrDon with no . between, and changed my name on the Strib. If it was the same DrLoon, he can rot in hell. If it was someone posing as him, that person should rot in hell. GL, I about crapped my Depends when I read that one.

That's not the old Loon

Although there were plenty of times I disagreed with Loon, this is not the Loon who posted on the GopherHole. His sentences were easy to decipher. It's almost like he never had to use his tag name, as he was easily identifiable.
For what it's worth, another poster on that site called The Loon did say it was "good news." I'd suspect that's the Loon that many of you have a bone to pick.


What a great way to start the week, the basketball team get's a blowout and Sam and all of the gopher football fans get great health news. Awesome! I can't believe I'm even more excited for Sam to take the field then I already was.

Wonderful news, looking forward to seeing Sam on the field come September.

I do NOT think it was the same Loon that has posted here and pissed people off. I have had someone posting on Strib comments as Dr.Don, using my moniker from GH, and the comments have been so bad that I used to be DrDon with no . between, and changed my name on the Strib. If it was the same DrLoon, he can rot in hell. If it was someone posing as him, that person should rot in hell. GL, I about crapped my Depends when I read that one.

That's a good point. If that was not the real Loon and the real Loon is reading this, I apologize for my unkind words. Anyone can pretend to be anyone on the Strib blogs - so whomever did write those comments, that is the person I would call heartless.

Good news on Sam, but after reading that Strib blog entry by whomever, I just have to scratch my head. Who would write such a thing? The only answer would be some tortured, small-minded person.

Great news!!

Glad to hear the great results of the biopsy.

Good luck with your surgical treatment.

Here's hoping for a quick recovery!!

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