Expectations for 2010

Honestly, I don't expect much. I think the Gophers will be 3 and 9 this season and will be looking for a new head coach. It's sad, but I'm just hoping, Some Day...Maybe the Gophers will have a stretch of good football that lasts a decade. Let's hope the next coach is the best since Mr. Lou Holtz. By the way, you can take my prediction to the bank!

You've lurked on the boards. You've read some of the threads. You've taken the time to create a user profile and this is the best you can do?

Honestly, I don't expect much. I think the Gophers will be 3 and 9 this season and will be looking for a new head coach. It's sad, but I'm just hoping, Some Day...Maybe the Gophers will have a stretch of good football that lasts a decade. Let's hope the next coach is the best since Mr. Lou Holtz. By the way, you can take my prediction to the bank!

Why is it that people who make guarantees are never around to back up their guarantees? If the Gophers are better than you predict, you won't be here to pay up. Sure, there's no money or anything else on the line, but if the Gophers finish better than you predict, you will have to eat some crow. A guarantee means something, it's a whole lot more than simply thinking something.

If you're right, you'll probably be here to talk smack. If you're wrong, you'll never crawl back here again, or crawl back under a different name. Go back under your bridge.

5 to 6 wins this year. Beating Wisconsin would be the best thing ever, but it will be tough, especially on the road.

My guess:

M. Tenn. St. Away Win
S. Dakota Home Win
USC Home Loss
N. Illionois Home Win
Northwester Home Win
Wisconsin Away Loss
Purdue Away Loss
Penn. St. Home Loss
Ohio State Home Loss
Mich. St. Away Loss
Illinois Away Win (unsure but think we will win one of the last three (MSU, ILL, Iowa)
Iowa Home Loss

Hope for better than that, but I bet this is a safe assessment. Beating either Purdue or Wisconsin on the road would be great.

That's kind of how I see it too XMan, the other way I like to look at it is to guess at how many games we would be faves in if you had to place bets right now. There are only two. The reality is bleak. And I'm saying this believing this is the best team Brew has assembled to date. But I think if we survive the first game, we'll be a pretty good team at the end of the season, and may find a way to make another bowl. 7-5 could easily happen with a little luck.

I agree with everything, except Purdue, I see as a win there. Our best shot at a signature win between Iowa, WI, PSU and USC is probably Iowa. Iowa has big question marks on the OL, PSU OL and QB, USC chaos from the sanctions, WI both corners and a DE. Depending on how well each team answers the questions will determine our chances. I listed the teams in order of our chances.

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