Exclusive: Virginia's attempted negotiation with Tubby

Gopher Teeth

Fear the Teeth
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
<embed src = "http://www.xtranormal.com/players/jwplayer.swf" width = "500" height = "350" allowscriptaccess = "always" allowfullscreen = "true" flashvars = "height=350&width=500&file=http://tmpvideo.xtranormal.com/highres/20090329/a815a2c6-1c28-11de-9d4c-001b210ae39a_27.flv&image=http://tmpvideo.xtranormal.com/highres/20090329/a815a2c6-1c28-11de-9d4c-001b210ae39a_27_0.jpg&searchbar=false&autostart=false"></embed>

Oh boy!...I hope....

Moonlight gets a hold of this technology. The possibilities for "The Bold and the Gopher Hole," are endless!!

It's great...if this doesn't calm everyone down and laugh, nothing ever will...

After i saw the first one I made one of my own to pick on my bros. it's a blast. He does a nice job.

Get this on the Virginia board. Great stuff!

I will say this about the above interview, Tubby never explicitly said "no"to their offer. Isn't that great? :p :D

Gopher Teeth

You get a big Gold start for this one. what a hoot !!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Absolutely fantastic!!!! Thanks Gopher Teeth.

Get this on the Virginia board. Great stuff!

It's already over there. And they responded in predictable fashion, which was hilarious!!!!:D:D

And the one about beating our best team ever in 1980 in the NIT cracked me up to. Those folks are good for high entertainment. Nothing smart, but at least entertaining.

Congrats Gopher Teeth. Your video is so loved it has now been posted on there site twice. Job well done.

thanks. . .I thought we needed something to lighten this whole thing up

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