I have not seen much information about this and most of the "smoke" appears to be relatively vague. I just thought I would run down what I have seen and if anyone knows of information I have missed, please let me know.
One of the earliest "articles" was this:
http://www.ourdailybears.com/baylor-football-offseason-2016/2016/6/7/11879792/juco-transfers-autry-faulk-dismissed-from-team. Somebody took a tweet that said Faulk and Autry are, "are off the Baylor football team and have withdrawn from school" and morphed that into the headline, "JUCO Transfers Autry, Faulk dismissed from team".
The same day ESPN has this:
http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/16030966/junior-college-transfers-bj-autry-jeremy-faulk-leave-baylor-bears. It says that Faulk and Autry have left the team.
The next day we have this
http://www.wacotrib.com/sports/baylor/football/autry-faulk-leave-baylor-football-team/article_95613764-188f-50b3-92ac-2f31599c8a23.html from the WacoTrib. Basically, just says Faulk and Autry have left the team.
All the "detail" seems to come from this ESPN article
http://espn.go.com/espn/otl/story/_/id/16083428/ex-baylor-football-player-says-get-fair-chance-clear-name-stay-school that, interestingly, does not actually mention Autry by name.
Am I missing something here?