To get the plan passed they're promising to hold at most
6 concerts a year.
So it's either:
- They're not being honest and will turn around and say "Can't just leave this facility empty, that's wasteful, let's hold more." and everyone gets to deal with this BS / fight about that year after year (would not be the first time a development plan was less than honest to get passed).
- They're really going to spend a shit ton and not use the facility ...
I 100% agree about completion for facilities, there pretty much is none. There is an over supply of facilite ies.
I was told by someone who ran live events (concerts, various stuff that would happen at places like say Target Center or the Metrodome for bigger events) that at one point decades ago a place like Target Center could make serious money charging for events to rent space. There just weren't many such event places in a given region.
Somewhere (IIRC late 80s and 90s) the whole math flipped. Tons of spaces were built, and keep getting built ... and some event spaces were charging nothing for them to host an event, just a small cut of X revenue and such.