ESPN Q&A: Minnesota DB Eric Murray on his love of Pokemon, anime


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Nov 11, 2008
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per ESPN:

Fill in the blank for me, Eric. I’m a big nerd when it comes to ____________.

Eric Murray: Pokemon and anime. For the most part, it’s just really an escape. I guess, everybody always has a dream of being a superhero and that’s what, mostly, anime is -- like the Japanese cartoons, there’s a lot of supernatural fiction and stuff like that.

So let’s combine a Pokemon question with a football one then. If Jerry Kill was a Pokemon, what would he be?

EM: I’m going to go with a newer-generation Pokemon. The Pokemon’s name is Scraggy. So when you look him up, he’s a Pokemon that’s kind of got this skin that hangs around his pants and he holds it up. It’s a very funny Pokemon. But I’m going to give him a Scraggy because he’s got a little bald head with a big smile. So I’m going to go with that.

Go Gophers!!


Family Guy is my favorite show and I have all the Pokemon games on my phone to play when I'm bored. I never would've pegged Murray as that kind of guy.

Pokemon rocks. Blue and Red......not that newer crap.

This is awesome. Been playing Poke'mon since the 90s...

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