ESPN: Ohio State in Clear Over Car Purchases

No wonder we can't get 5 star recruits. We don't know how to cheat at that level. I find it very hard to believe that so many players would go to one sales rep, or would be able to hold on to car(s) for weeks on end if something wasn't going on. In addition, it still doesn't address where the money to "buy" was coming from.

All it says is they couldn't find any state laws that were broken, nothing about NCAA violations. It should be a different story with the NCAA investigation. The title is a little misleading, it makes you think that they are past the investigations on the car deals.

All it says is they couldn't find any state laws that were broken, nothing about NCAA violations. It should be a different story with the NCAA investigation. The title is a little misleading, it makes you think that they are past the investigations on the car deals.

Not to mention the loaner cars...

I'm not sure they will get serious sanctions, but intentionally looking the other way is cheating. Michigan got away with it completely with the Dirty five, these cheats may get away as well, but they are still cheaters. The only law they would ever get convicted of breaking in Ohio is not winning. They obviously have done well with that law.

I think one difference is the fact that...

USC got nailed. They appealed, and the NCAA turned down their appeal. I would imagine that USC will be watching what happens to the Buckeyes pretty closely. USC was a high flyer for the NCAA not all that long ago. I also expect the hammer to drop on Auburn and Oregon.

I do believe that the Ohio State University picked the WRONG time to have to take the fall. This is going to allow Michigan to get back in the ball game pretty big time during the next couple of years. And, Nebraska will have a chance to start establishing themselves in the Big Ten a little more easily for the first few years than they might have if the Buckeyes hadn't shot themselves in both feet and a few other places... ; 0 )

USC got nailed. They appealed, and the NCAA turned down their appeal. I would imagine that USC will be watching what happens to the Buckeyes pretty closely. USC was a high flyer for the NCAA not all that long ago. I also expect the hammer to drop on Auburn and Oregon. QUOTE]

This pretty much puts to rest the notion that the ncaa doesn't go after the 'big boys', at least at the present time.

The Report just cleared OSU

There was some wording in there about how the DMV didn't see evidence that the prices of the cars and such we're changed or that things were paid for with memorobilia. It's really easy for the owner of a car dealership to take the loss himself/herself and make it look like it was fully paid for, etc.. Dealers essentially buy the cars in the first place.

Essentially, it looks like they are simply going to go after the people directly invovled. Common sense tells you that some kid usually can't afford 5 cars or even to RENT 5 cars over time. This is a giant shell game and they may never really uncover anything but I bet it stops going forward..

In all honesty, I don't think OSU should have been busted for the cars. They can't control outside private business. I think they should be nailed on their turn the other cheek policies though. I think OSU officials were well aware some bad things were going on but they were well insulated..

If the NCAA wants to nail them they will, if not tey will let it go. The rule is simple if the athlete gets something because they are an athlete that is not available to other students they are breaking the rules.

Get the credit application for the cars that are being leased, there are thousands of dealers that will verify it, if they don't qualify or there is no application they broke the rules, plain and simple, it doesn't matter who at OSU knew about it.

All this report says is that the state checked the books and the dealership didn't break any state laws. I believe this, why wouldn't they make sure the books look good?

It says nothing about the NCAA investigate as to if OSU players or family members received improper benefits.

All it would take would be for the NCAA to find out that the cars were indeed paid for ... by someone other than the players.

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