ESPN: Key stretch - Minnesota

This first year, I think the three home non-conference games are the key. Getting to 6 wins would be great, but that would significantly exceed expectations. If we win these games, and look solid in doing so, then I feel pretty good. Just want to see good, solid blocking and tackling.

This first year, I think the three home non-conference games are the key. Getting to 6 wins would be great, but that would significantly exceed expectations. If we win these games, and look solid in doing so, then I feel pretty good. Just want to see good, solid blocking and tackling.


Yeah, I figured when he finally did the Minnesota edition of this series it would be NM State, Miami-OH and NDSU.

While us die-hard fans who stuck around til the end will remember Iowa 2010 as one of the greatest moments in our sporting lives, everyone else probably just remembers us as the team that lost to South Dakota. I think it's important to get out there and demonstrate that they are capable of beating the teams they're supposed to beat. A loss in any of those three games would be pretty awful for the program, and I think the good will that Coach Kill has earned would fly right out the window. I can just imagine the Reusse column the day following a potential loss to Miami-OH. Ugh.

Maybe this just indicates my cautious optimism. If I were less cautious, I might agree about this as a key stretch.

Eh - a loss to Miami would be disappointing, but not awful. They are the defending MAC champs, and beat a NIU team that made the Gophers look stupid. I expect the Gophers to win, but would not be surprised if they lose.

I am surprised, I actually agree with the author. I just don't think the 3 games after USC can be considered key other the fact that losing any of them pretty much kills any chance of a .500 or better record in year 1. No buzz is established by winning any of those games, losses in that stretch certainly will have people questioning Jerry Kill, but wins won't do anything. It would be much better for the program to lose to say Miami (OH) and win at home against Nebraska than to have that scenario reversed.

You guys are missing the best line of the article... "maybe one in which MarQuies Gray goes nuts on somebody." I can't wait to see Gray go nuts every week just blowing people up with the shake and bake.

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