ESPN: Football Final Four moves closer to reality

Here's a good NYT article talking about the issues. Suprised this hasn't gotten more interest from our board:

The Chicago Tribune's Teddy Greenstein is covering the meetings. He tweeted that he has heard that Delany and Silve are sitting at opposite ends of the table, and that's not just symbolism folks.

Because, as my old boss would say, "You can only beat a dead horse to death so many times".

:horse: :horse: :horse:

The cold weather argument IS being discussed. Delany wants home campus games and the SEC obviously doesn't want to deal with a cold weather game.(WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH WAAAAAAAAAH)

I believe if you are the best you should be the best no matter where you play. Gotta love this stat: "But Florida has not left the state to play a non-conference game since 1991. And that didn’t go so well. The Steve Spurrier-coached Gators lost to Syracuse 38-21, and that was their only blemish in that regular season.",0,4588049.story

Because, as my old boss would say, "You can only beat a dead horse to death so many times".

:horse: :horse: :horse:

Haha, I suppose. Good to keep abreast of the situation.


At minimum must win a division title

Would hate to see the B1G and Pac 12 lose their (already loosening) grip on the Rose Bowl, but I'm afraid that time is approaching with whatever "Final Four" playoff they come up with. The one criteria I'd most want implemented is that the Final 4 must be four teams who at minimum won their division.

If you go to your conference's championship game and lose, you're still eligible for the Final 4. But if you can't even win your division (i.e. Alabama last season) -- let alone your conference -- you should not be eligible.

That alone would assure that the regular season (read: a conference and/or division championship) still has meaning, as a conference/division title would be the only avenue to a potential Final 4 spot. It also means no more than 2 teams from the same conference could make the Final 4.

RT @Andy_Staples BCS release: "We will present to our conferences a very small number of four-team options." Yeah. That's a big deal.

RT @Matt_HayesSN: Hancock: AQ status "will not continue."

RT@schadjoe Hancock says how to package the BCS to networks including how many games is still under discussion
Officially recommonds a 4-team play-off

This is huge.

A good article by Dan Wetzel over at Yahoo trying to figure out why B1G ADs are bending over to the bowls, specifically their love affair with the Rose Bowl.... !($(#@^!(*%^$(#&@(&!()!&#)@ I hate everyone right now.;_ylt=AiGhlw5J2ZTUrTpisiszGng5nYcB

Eight team playoff changes everything, but a four team playoff why not integrate it into the existing system.

If it is a four team playoff why not play the semi round on campus in mid december, the winners play in the National Championship with the losers playing in a BCS bowl game no different than currently happens. I don't think you can do this with an eight team format without moving games up a week but for a four team playoff it would work fine.

Eight team playoff changes everything, but a four team playoff why not integrate it into the existing system.

If it is a four team playoff why not play the semi round on campus in mid december, the winners play in the National Championship with the losers playing in a BCS bowl game no different than currently happens. I don't think you can do this with an eight team format without moving games up a week but for a four team playoff it would work fine.

I can't imagine the players and fans of the losing team having much interest in playing another game.

The third place game for BB was dropped years ago.

I can't imagine the players and fans of the losing team having much interest in playing another game.

The third place game for BB was dropped years ago.

The feelings of fans and teams about the postseason for football is different though. In basketball there are really multiple stages of excitement...making The Dance, making the Sweet 16, making the Final Four, and winning. Playing in a 3rd place game in the context of that setup is indeed a letdown, especially when the 3rd place game becomes an undercard to the championship.

In football under the 4 team plan things remain mostly the same. End of the regular season and then bowl time. In the scenario jovs lists you're essentially talking about the losers participating in the current bowl structure. Do you see the #3 and #4 teams in today's BCS (or their fans) being unhappy about playing in a BCS bowl when they were slighted by the voters or computers and kept from the title game? Sure, sometimes (I can't recall an instance but I wouldn't doubt it exists). But mostly not. In essence, that's what this plan would be. A bowl game to reward you after a great season. It wouldn't be treated as a 3rd place game. It would be treated as a separate event with it's own hype and build up (just like any BCS bowl today). It would be televised on it's own night. The fact that the games pits the losers of the semi-finals held on campus would simply add to the hype. Fans who enjoy traveling will still go, especially if the losing fans are from northern schools (sunshine will do that in January).

I can't imagine the players and fans of the losing team having much interest in playing another game.

The third place game for BB was dropped years ago.

I almost think it is the bowl games that want to capitolize on the hype that would surround a playoff, if that is the case then eight team playoffs with the first round over New Years with the game tightly connected to the original bowl game and all of the festivities that surround the bowl is what you are going to see. If I'm not mistaken there are four BCS bowl games, Fiesta, Orange, Sugar, and Rose Bowl.

That would extend the season almost to the end of January though, not sure that is in the NCAA best interest, big overlap with their other major product.

Eight team playoff changes everything, but a four team playoff why not integrate it into the existing system.

If it is a four team playoff why not play the semi round on campus in mid december, the winners play in the National Championship with the losers playing in a BCS bowl game no different than currently happens. I don't think you can do this with an eight team format without moving games up a week but for a four team playoff it would work fine.

How many college football fans would be able to fly out to Pasadena one weekend, and then down to New Orleans, Texas or Arizona a week later? That's the concern

I almost think it is the bowl games that want to capitolize on the hype that would surround a playoff, if that is the case then eight team playoffs with the first round over New Years with the game tightly connected to the original bowl game and all of the festivities that surround the bowl is what you are going to see. If I'm not mistaken there are four BCS bowl games, Fiesta, Orange, Sugar, and Rose Bowl.

That would extend the season almost to the end of January though, not sure that is in the NCAA best interest, big overlap with their other major product.

You already have a 4-5 week lay-off from the end of the season to New Years. I can't see having an 8 team tourney that starts the first week of Jan and last another 3 weeks.

Have the tournament in December(I'm sure it will start with 4 teams and maybe go to 8 teams)

Keep the bowl games seperate and return them to their own conference affiliations.

The top B1G team and top Pac 12 team in the tourney and the 2nd place team from each conference would meet in the Rose Bowl.

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