Eric Lair??

I have him on fb, doesn't seem to post anything that would make me think so. He always posts an excited status on weekends, anyways. Wasn't he in for a few plays this weekend?

He has dropped a few passes these last weeks. But he's blocked well and been in position to make plays, so hes developing.

He can't be worse than Collin McGarry...I like him as our snapper, but he didn't look so hot against MSU...

He can't be worse than Collin McGarry...I like him as our snapper, but he didn't look so hot against MSU...

The only thing Collin McGarry has been snapping this year is his head, as in snapping it around to get chewed out after yet another stupid penalty.

Ryan Coleman is our long-snapper and has been for the past couple of years. Before that, our snapper was Rob McGarry, Collin's brother.

My bad, I thought he was our snapper. I watch the game on a small TV at the bar here in California and they've never brought attention to our long snapper, which I assumed was a good thing. Then, I was home for the weekend and went to the game and saw McGarry biff it.

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