Eric Decker's life as player, TV star mix of tape vs. live TV


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
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For those of you who missed the 1st episode of his show, it is on tonight on E.

Sports are usually shown live but shows are often taped for later viewing.

Eric Decker is mixing the two. He's playing receiver for the Broncos while his reality show last week showed him somewhat preoccupied about his contract situation.

"That was filmed in the summer," Decker said Friday in the Broncos' locker room. "The offseason. I just wanted to check on the possibilities, a couple options as to what may happen. But once we got to the season, I've just been focused on just getting better every week, being a great teammate and that stuff will take care of itself after the season."....

How about he just plays well since I have him on both my fantasy teams. ;)

How about he just plays well since I have him on both my fantasy teams. ;)

Or how about we cheer for him to play well because he's a former Gopher!? Oh wait, your fantasy teams take precedence, lol! :)

Some of us remember when he was playing for the Gophers and GopherLady was wishing she was on Decker's fantasy team.

GopherLady would be on my fantasy team, does that cheer you up GL?

I watched about ten minutes of this because my wife had it on, and it reminded me why I am a college football fan and don't care as much about pro sports anymore. I liked Decker as a player for the Gophers but hate this kind of crap. I'm thinking he may regret this show when he's older.

GopherLady would be on my fantasy team, does that cheer you up GL?

YES! I've made it!!!! It super duper cheers me up :)

I watched about ten minutes of this because my wife had it on, and it reminded me why I am a college football fan and don't care as much about pro sports anymore. I liked Decker as a player for the Gophers but hate this kind of crap. I'm thinking he may regret this show when he's older.

As someone who loves reality TV, I don't love the show. I'll watch it and it's cool to see him in his Gopher gear on national TV, but it doesn't have the "it" factor like Total Divas did. I also think he could regret it - I think about 90% of people have ended up getting divorced after doing a reality show too (Carmen Electra, Nick and Jessica, Hulk Hogan, the list goes on and on). Not a great way to start out a marriage. Best of luck to them, though!

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