Eric Decker - No Snip-Snip For Me!

Ogee Ogilthorpe

Tattooed Millionaire
Nov 20, 2008
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Eric needs to wake up on this issue. I've had it done, not a difficult surgery and changes nothing about you.

I know it is the age of self-revelation but I find it tawdry and low-class that he would talk about his unwillingness to have a vasectomy for the world to see.
It demeans his wife and shows the world how abysmally dumb he is.
Having a vasectomy has absolutely no effect on a man's ability to perform.

I mean, it's whatever unless he's outright refusing and putting his wife into a situation where she feels she has to have a significantly more risky and complicated procedure in getting her tubes tied if she doesn't want anymore kids. That's a dirtbag move.

But, I'm not rich and I don't have the same family values of people who constantly need themselves in the limelight, so maybe I'm just an emasculated peon🤷

I know it is the age of self-revelation but I find it tawdry and low-class that he would talk about his unwillingness to have a vasectomy for the world to see.
It demeans his wife and shows the world how abysmally dumb he is.
Having a vasectomy has absolutely no effect on a man's ability to perform.
I realize it got put into the public but ultimately this is a personal/family decision and not really any of our business to judge. Saying it demeans his wife is ridiculous.

Didn't a former Gopher give someone a junk punch? All Juice, no seed vs no juice nor seed...

I know it is the age of self-revelation but I find it tawdry and low-class that he would talk about his unwillingness to have a vasectomy for the world to see.
It demeans his wife and shows the world how abysmally dumb he is.
Having a vasectomy has absolutely no effect on a man's ability to perform.

Plato=Sensitive Guitar Player

I realize it got put into the public but ultimately this is a personal/family decision and not really any of our business to judge. Saying it demeans his wife is ridiculous.
We live in a day and age where people feel awfully comfortable telling people what personal medical procedures they should be doing.

I know it is the age of self-revelation but I find it tawdry and low-class that he would talk about his unwillingness to have a vasectomy for the world to see.
It demeans his wife and shows the world how abysmally dumb he is.

Agree on that. This is a result of a culture built on decades of reality and low-brow talk shows.

I have reached a new low. I am actually commenting on a thread regarding a former college football player, who played for my favorite team many years ago, who I never met, and his feelings about a vasectomy. Worse yet, I actually read through the rest of the comments. I know it's offseason, but c'mon. I think I am beyond help.

I have reached a new low. I am actually commenting on a thread regarding a former college football player, who played for my favorite team many years ago, who I never met, and his feelings about a vasectomy. Worse yet, I actually read through the rest of the comments. I know it's offseason, but c'mon. I think I am beyond help.
Yes. I might need to give myself a timeout.

I know it is the age of self-revelation but I find it tawdry and low-class that he would talk about his unwillingness to have a vasectomy for the world to see.
It demeans his wife and shows the world how abysmally dumb he is.
Having a vasectomy has absolutely no effect on a man's ability to perform.
Actually helps it because worry is gone

I know it is the age of self-revelation but I find it tawdry and low-class that he would talk about his unwillingness to have a vasectomy for the world to see.
It demeans his wife and shows the world how abysmally dumb he is.
Having a vasectomy has absolutely no effect on a man's ability to perform.
Pretty sure his wife, being the social media addict (sorry... "influencer") she is, is probably the one who put it into the world first. The only quotes from the article are from her. You did read the article right?

And she probably did it for more clout and instagram likes by exaggerating the situation Don't think it warrants roasting Eric over personally. But people will take the bait I guess.
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My friend had 2 sons and his wife asked him to get snipped, he said hell no But didn’t want more kids. She had a girl and she pressed harder to have him get snipped. They had twin girls after that and he got voluntarily snipped

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