Enough is Enough


New member
Oct 27, 2012
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Rhoda was not stellar but competent against Maryland. It is obvious Leidner doesn't "get it". It is too painful to continue watching him.
I can't take it anymore!!!!

I can't believe Leidner didn't tell his receivers to not run into each other.

I can't believe Leidner didn't tell his receivers to not run into each other.

I counted four collisions between gopher players today that led to bad things. WTF does not begin to suffice. Mother there are no words.

Dude, Leidner is not good. Everyone knows that. He's FAR from our biggest problem. Give it up. Rhoda is worse. We have no savior waiting in the wings. Stop the madness!

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I think our problems are far worse than just a QB change...

I think our problems are far worse than just a QB change...

Yeah I love that someone can watch that game and somehow pin it all on Mitch. He is certainly part of the problem but he isn't in any way shape or form all of the problem and not sure how benching him in favor of a less experienced option who did nothing to show he is a hidden talent in his start against Maryland makes things any better.

At some point you would think the Mitch haters would get it through their head that for better or most likely worst he is the best we have. Downgrading the QB position (and yes it absolutely can get worse then it is right now) isn't going to help the team fix the obvious problems it has right now.

I counted four collisions between gopher players today that led to bad things. WTF does not begin to suffice. Mother there are no words.

We did get a sack because a Rutgers offensive lineman turned around while blocking no one and ran into his own QB. Both teams were comically bad.

You guys need to chill. Undefeated Nebraska was losing at home to Purdue.

You guys need to chill. Undefeated Nebraska was losing at home to Purdue.

Rutgers has lost by 35, 58 and 78 this year and just lost AT HOME to a god awful Illinois team....The gophers needed some luck and help from the refs to be able to beat them coming from behind......This team is a **** storm other than Rodney, Shannon and a couple guys on D......Claeys is a joke and will never be a power conference head coach again.

Rutgers has lost by 35, 58 and 78 this year and just lost AT HOME to a god awful Illinois team....The gophers needed some luck and help from the refs to be able to beat them coming from behind......This team is a **** storm other than Rodney, Shannon and a couple guys on D......Claeys is a joke and will never be a power conference head coach again.

I think you are over reacting but we will see how the season plays out.

I think you are over reacting but we will see how the season plays out.
Let's not wait to see the season play out. Fire Claeys now! The tix and gear are costly enough that we have the right to expect to see a better product in return for our fandom. And for all the losers who want tell me about the screen door on the way out - Listen! The screen door never made so much noise! JK is gone and it's over. I will return - and spend my money and enthusiasm - if the U commits to a new and exciting start for football. Until then - Skol Vikes!

Let's not wait to see the season play out. Fire Claeys now! The tix and gear are costly enough that we have the right to expect to see a better product in return for our fandom. And for all the losers who want tell me about the screen door on the way out - Listen! The screen door never made so much noise! JK is gone and it's over. I will return - and spend my money and enthusiasm - if the U commits to a new and exciting start for football. Until then - Skol Vikes!

The Vikes will love having you - well until they struggle and you jump ship there too.

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The Vikes will love having you - well until they struggle and you jump ship there too.

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Don't worry, the minute the Vikings lose to someone he feels they shouldn't do, or fail to beat someone badly that he feels they should, he'll turn and run from them as well. It is his god given right as a native Minnesotan. Fan means something very different in the scandanavian languages apparently. I consulted the consulates and apparently roughly translated (and it varies slightly between languages) fan, to guys like him, mean bitch whine and cry when you don't win every game you feel you should. If they don't -- take your ball and go home.

Loved going to the U. Love that I don't think like the vast majority of Minnesotans and act like a spoiled entitled assmunch every time things don't go how I think they should. I'm upset about today, but I understand this team is very different with Kiante Hardin on the field on defense and that Mitch is not our biggest problem.

Don't worry, the minute the Vikings lose to someone he feels they shouldn't do, or fail to beat someone badly that he feels they should, he'll turn and run from them as well. It is his god given right as a native Minnesotan. Fan means something very different in the scandanavian languages apparently. I consulted the consults and apparently roughly translated (and it varies slightly between languages) fan, to guys like him, mean bitch whine and cry when you don't win every game you feel you should. If they don't -- take your ball and go home.

Loved going to the U. Love that I don't think like the vast majority of Minnesotans and act like a spoiled entitled assmunch every time things don't go how I think they should. I'm upset about today, but I understand this team is very different with Kiante Hardin on the field on defense and that Mitch is not our biggest problem.

It's not a coincidence that the defense is vastly improved with him out there. If we're really paying attention you'll notice the defensive playcalling is different also. Best defensive performances of the season come when we have him and 2 of the other suspended players.

Damnit Leidner!

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I counted four collisions between gopher players today that led to bad things. WTF does not begin to suffice. Mother there are no words.
Coaching is the problem. How the h*ll do you run these plays in practice, then get on the field in a game and turn into the Keystone Kops?

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What's more troubling to me are the numerous illegal formation penalties we are getting this year.

Damnit Leidner!

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So many bad things in that shot. 2 receivers running into each other and 2 offensive lineman clearly getting beaten...but yeah tough to fault Leidner on that one when the friggin receivers run into each other, so much is based on timing and clearly he wasn't going to have much more time to wait on the throw given he was about to get rocked by #51 straight up the middle.

I have been solidly on Leidner island the past 3 years and like most fans was expecting to see the big improvement this year as a Senior. But it is just not happening. Good evidence on the pic 6, but lets be honest what about all the passes this year that have been at receivers ankles, behind them or thrown way too high like the slant pass yesterday when the receiver was wide open. He just does not look comfortable nor confident to my amateur eyes. He is still staring down his primary receivers and RARELY checks off to secondary receivers.
Sometimes teams respond well when things and players are changed up {ie Maryland}
I am trolling nor trying to be cruel to a Senior who has done some good things on the field for this University.

Yes, this post reads like it's from someone solidly on leidner island.

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Don't worry, the minute the Vikings lose to someone he feels they shouldn't do, or fail to beat someone badly that he feels they should, he'll turn and run from them as well. It is his god given right as a native Minnesotan. Fan means something very different in the scandanavian languages apparently. I consulted the consulates and apparently roughly translated (and it varies slightly between languages) fan, to guys like him, mean bitch whine and cry when you don't win every game you feel you should. If they don't -- take your ball and go home.

Loved going to the U. Love that I don't think like the vast majority of Minnesotans and act like a spoiled entitled assmunch every time things don't go how I think they should. I'm upset about today, but I understand this team is very different with Kiante Hardin on the field on defense and that Mitch is not our biggest problem.

Yeah, people act like this has been going on for 50-years or something.

I have been solidly on Leidner island the past 3 years and like most fans was expecting to see the big improvement this year as a Senior. But it is just not happening. Good evidence on the pic 6, but lets be honest what about all the passes this year that have been at receivers ankles, behind them or thrown way too high like the slant pass yesterday when the receiver was wide open. He just does not look comfortable nor confident to my amateur eyes. He is still staring down his primary receivers and RARELY checks off to secondary receivers.
Sometimes teams respond well when things and players are changed up {ie Maryland}
I am trolling nor trying to be cruel to a Senior who has done some good things on the field for this University.

I've been disappointed in Leidner's performance as well but I don't get how he can be blamed for that interception. He had to get rid of the ball before he got smoked and he didn't anticipate our receivers running into each other.

Let's not wait to see the season play out. Fire Claeys now! The tix and gear are costly enough that we have the right to expect to see a better product in return for our fandom. And for all the losers who want tell me about the screen door on the way out - Listen! The screen door never made so much noise! JK is gone and it's over. I will return - and spend my money and enthusiasm - if the U commits to a new and exciting start for football. Until then - Skol Vikes!
Tracy Claeys or Tim Brewster, take your pick.

I've been disappointed in Leidner's performance as well but I don't get how he can be blamed for that interception. He had to get rid of the ball before he got smoked and he didn't anticipate our receivers running into each other.

Can I start to blame him for doing nothing to elevate the offense as a 5th year senior? Can I blame him for not improving since his sophomore season?

Can I start to blame him for doing nothing to elevate the offense as a 5th year senior? Can I blame him for not improving since his sophomore season?

That's the thing though, clearly he elevates the offense above the ability of the guys behind him on the roster or one of them would be out there. I mean blame him if you want to but he was never projected to be a high level QB at the college level (most expected him to be playing a different position) but go ahead and fault him for not developing a skill set it never seemed like he was destined to have anyway.

Can I start to blame him for doing nothing to elevate the offense as a 5th year senior? Can I blame him for not improving since his sophomore season?

You can do whatever you want. I was simply stating that the INT wasn't really his fault. Do you disagree?

I think it's ridiculous to say he hasn't improved since his sophomore season. Maybe hasn't improved enough but he is better than he was two seasons ago.

For me the troubling thing with Leidner is the inconsistency. One game he'll go 23/30 with two TD's and the next week he'll be 13/28 with two INT's.

That said, he's by far our best option and I agree he has improved since Sophomore year.

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