Empty Trophy Case... except BOBC

Fleck isn't on record stating winning Trophy games is important? That's news to me
Anyone can see Fleck and the team feels there are bigger things this year having turned down a bowl invite. Nobody is saying they aren't important but to make an issue of it this year is trollish.

What a depressing thread.

I hope all of you cheer up over the holidays and have a happier new year.

Maybe you can all find something good in your life.

When was the last time that the GOphers had the Axe, Pig, and the Jug in the same year if ever?

When was the last time that the GOphers had the Axe, Pig, and the Jug in the same year if ever?
May have missed some but here's what I tallied.

Since 1948 (Axe established) Minnesota won the Axe, Pig and Jug in:
  • 1960
  • 1965
  • 1967

In particular, since 1948 Minnesota won the Axe and the Jug in:
  • 1963
  • 1977
  • 1986

In particular, since 1948 Minnesota won the Axe and the Pig in:
  • 1948
  • 1949
  • 1969
  • 1971
  • 1972
  • 1973
  • 1975
  • 1984
  • 1989
  • 1990

In particular, since 1948 Minnesota won the Pig and the Jug in:
  • 1961
  • 1962
  • 2014

I would be much more sympathetic to your cause .... if the trophy had even given a quarter-ass effort to look and feel like a real trophy.

It was a joke. Literally a joke, that then got brought to life by the internet. The name of it, for cripes sakes. It's disrespectful to actual trophies, if this one were elevated to that status.
Do you get invited to parties very often?

What a depressing thread.

I hope all of you cheer up over the holidays and have a happier new year.

Maybe you can all find something good in your life.
I hope that everyone has many things far more important in their life than sports.

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