Employment contracts?


Apr 21, 2010
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At some point will this all evolve into players having employment contracts of 1-4 years? My thought is that they would be able to sign for 1, 2, 3 or 4 years. If you think you're stock will rise, sign for fewer years and cash in by renegotiating every year. Or sign for more years and the guarantee that comes with it.

At some point will this all evolve into players having employment contracts of 1-4 years? My thought is that they would be able to sign for 1, 2, 3 or 4 years. If you think you're stock will rise, sign for fewer years and cash in by renegotiating every year. Or sign for more years and the guarantee that comes with it.
I think that’s where this is headed. It would be much better than the mess we have now. The notion they’re still being called “student” athletes is absurd.

One good thing with contracts is if the player doesn’t produce, get rid of him. They want to be pros, treat them like pros. The fans should, too.

I also think this is probably where it is headed but there are enormous Title IX issues to overcome from any system where the school is directly paying the athlete.

I am also not sure it solves anything. Non-competes are essentially banned from employment contracts at this point.

As far as treating it like a sports league, that's also tough. Those are collectively bargained agreements within the confines of the NFL. Courts, so far, have treated the NFL as like 1 large company with several different "franchises". Think of how different people can own their own McDonald's franchise. That's how the courts have viewed the relationships between the teams.

It's hard to say that U of MN and USC are simply franchises of the same organization. This is important because if they are separate entities, it could be argued this is price fixing and colluding (anti-competitive).

I do agree that it's heading that way but it's going to be messy.

At some point will this all evolve into players having employment contracts of 1-4 years? My thought is that they would be able to sign for 1, 2, 3 or 4 years. If you think you're stock will rise, sign for fewer years and cash in by renegotiating every year. Or sign for more years and the guarantee that comes with it.
That’s my hope they have contracts that will slow the amount of players entering the portal. Break the contract and have to give the money back. Slow down the free for all.

That’s my hope they have contracts that will slow the amount of players entering the portal. Break the contract and have to give the money back. Slow down the free for all.
Tough to enforce giving money back though. Company I started with required a promissory note when you went through training stipulating you would pay the company x number of dollars if you left within three years. It never held up in court. Some type of collective bargaining agreement among the power five schools with regard to transferring is going to be needed.

Tough to enforce giving money back though. Company I started with required a promissory note when you went through training stipulating you would pay the company x number of dollars if you left within three years. It never held up in court. Some type of collective bargaining agreement among the power five schools with regard to transferring is going to be needed.
That's a wild attempt.

As for what the schools could do, they would have to be collectively bargained for between the schools and the players.

Tough to enforce giving money back though. Company I started with required a promissory note when you went through training stipulating you would pay the company x number of dollars if you left within three years. It never held up in court. Some type of collective bargaining agreement among the power five schools with regard to transferring is going to be needed.
Maybe but contracts are enforced all the time. Not sure why this would be any different.

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