Email to Souhan: Subject Line: 'Lazy or slanted? Help, I can't tell!'

Wow....This thread is getting way too much attention. Who really cares what Souhan has to say?

Need to calm down. His articles dont dictate how the gophers play or have any effect on the program.

If you think Souhan is a hack, and frankly who doesn't...let his boss know:

Glen Crevier
Assistant Managing Editor | Sports
Phone: 612-673-4748
Email: [email protected]

He's saying that Kill panicked in the middle of the season, a desperation move, just to go to play at a Little Cesar's bowl in front of 18 fans.

Surprising that this statement wasn't a part of his article.

Of course, putting it in the article would directly compete with his "kill sucks at evaluating his own players" BS take.

Instead, he chose to suggest that Nelson - a better quarterback than denard robinson - was under Kill's nose the whole time undetected and not playing because of the coaches' incompetence.

I can only hope that Phil Miller or someone with some actual college football knowledge went up to him after he read the article and said "Bro - you're my collegue and everything - but did you really just write that Nelson is better than denard robinson?"

I don't complain about the writings of media members very often, because they are paid for their opinions. But when I see lazy venom like this spewed out I have to say something.

If he poked around, did a little digging and - I don't know - maybe talked to a coach or two, he could have discovered that Kill desperately wanted to go to a bowl this year and pulled his redshirt as a result. Then he could have written the "Little Caesar's 18 fans" column and I wouldn't have had one problem with it.

This is one of the worst articles I've seen written in a long time - and this is coming from someone who would rather have Nelson redshirt than play. I think that says something.

Yeah pretty much takes after Barreiro. He is about as negative as they come. Cant stand either one! Barreiro your Indiana club is about as brutal as they come.

...when I see lazy venom like this spewed out I have to say something.
This is one of the worst articles I've seen written in a long time - and this is coming from someone who would rather have Nelson redshirt than play. I think that says something.

Pretty much my position exactly. That's why I wrote the email. This was too lazy and/or venomous not to let slide by. If I don't hear back from Mr. Souhan in a day or two, I'll go directly to his editors. Which in all likelihood will accomplish nothing, they are probably patting him on the back now saying "Way to get fans talking about the Gophers, Jim!". When in reality, all Souhan's articles do is push me further into the blogosphere and away from the Strib as a whole. Decent writers like Chip and Phil get left behind at the expense of this guy's inability to write a worthwhile column on the U.

His job is to write articles that create interest and sell papers.

Well...yes. But not in the traditional method of journalism.

In the age of the "new media" his job is to generate as many clicks as possible with circulation numbers falling and individual sales of newspapers falling.

The easiest way to do this is to be inflammatory to the point that anonymous readers can then chime in on the comment section.

In reality it is much easier, and takes less creativity to spew negative 1 liners than to post a thoughtful comment, either agreeing or disagreeing with the author.

And the beauty of that is that the authors of these comments click back on the story to join on the piling on, or just to see if they got more "thumbs up" from their incredibly original savaging that they posted, thus generating even more clicks to the article.

This next sentence is not intended to be a throw-away, snarky comment, I truly wonder this: How can a person who dedicated their college education and the majority of their professional career in the pursuit of journalism look at the garbage they write, knowing full well that it is nothing more than chumming the waters, and feel fulfilled? I'm no writer, but when I was in school at "The U" and tried my level best to churn out the best product I could, whether it was a creative written assignment, speech or a technical paper, I would go to bed proud of the work I had done, and I sincerely enjoyed that feeling. I honestly wonder when the last time Souhan truly felt pride in his work.

And speaking of sportswriting, can we please finally throw the weary and hyperbolic metaphor "under the bus" under the bus? It needs to join "dial up", "skill set", "step up", "cheap shot", "crunch time", "pick six", "three and out", "one and done", "bucket of baseballs", "110 per cent", "diss", and "props" on the scrap heap of never-clever but nevertheless mindlessly repeated sports cliches.

I like how you slipped in 'diss' and 'props' with the other sports ones lol.

Souhan's doing his job, he's gotten all kinds of attention from this. I'm not sure why it's worth spending the time even bothering with this dude. I mean, I never read his stuff mainly cause I know it is iffy whether the research has really been done to even form the opinions he usually lays out there.

I don't really read any of the "opinion" guys around here cause most of them just fall back and look at things from afar and then spin off some kind of article that'll get 'em some hits. Looks like in this case it REALLY worked for him.

Well the guy takes shots at us and Gopher players and coaches all the, but he still has time to put up this on a singles site!

Souhan Profile #1.jpg

Souhan #4.JPG


As promised, here's the email I fired off to Jim Souhan in response to his rather lazy and hindsight is 20/20 column. My hope is to generate a personal discussion with him to gain some insight on his intent/motives, a la my talk with Chip Scoggins after his hit piece on Ralph Sampson earlier this year. Hoping I at least get an email back from him.

Mr. Souhan,

I’ll be completely honest with you, in the hopes you’ll return the favor. I’ve held your columns in fairly low standing for several years now, particularly when they cover anything related to University of Minnesota football or basketball. I typically find them to be full of throwaway statements and weak on research. They also seem to take a strange level of glee when criticizing Gopher coaches, administrators, and fans. I’m uncertain as to where this sadism comes from, but I suspect you’ll tell me that this is simply my perception and not reality. But maybe I’m being unfair. Perhaps I’m simply too naïve to expect even a modicum of positive or at least even-handed coverage of the U.

Your latest column, titled ‘Nelson’s Quarterbacking Tools Didn’t Merit a Long Shelf Life’ backhandedly compliments Jerry Kill’s improved recruiting stature for landing Nelson. Only to immediately thereafter toss him under the bus for not having the foresight to have started true Freshman QB Philip Nelson from day 1. Exploring any rationale for Kill to have initially redshirting Nelson is absent. Instead you describe how he failed as an assessor of talent of his own squad. Assessment the very same talent he deemed worthy of recruiting hard for, less than a year earlier. Had your post-supposition come, say after Week 1 or 2 of the season, you might have looked the part of football expert and would have every right to throw out an article with this level of criticism now. Heck, I’d be reconsidering my opinion of you right now. But unfortunately, you had no deeper insight to share on the Gopher football depth chart then, than you do right now.

Of course, it’s very easy to second guess Kill’s assessment to have not started the season off with Nelson under center, you fail to make any legitimate explanation as to why Kill might just have thought it initially best to keep Nelson under wraps for a season. Perhaps it was intended to protect Nelson from having to play behind an offensive line that has been dinged up since Week 1 and is not particularly deep or experienced. Perhaps Gray and Shortell simply knew the offense better at the time camp broke. Perhaps it was a chance for a young man to get his feet under him as he started college for the first time, before throwing him to the wolves (Big Ten defenders and hack journalists alike). Perhaps the Senior Gray simply had a significant edge in leadership, and Shortell had more collegiate experience. Situations change. Injuries happen. Needs evolve. All factors you lazily ignored and which make this article just another exhibit of your lack of any real insight into the workings of Jerry Kill regime at the University of Minnesota.

To close your column, state that with Nelson at QB and Gray at WR gives the Gophers their best possible lineup and you “…wonder why it wasn’t easy to say 2 months ago.” I think you know the answer to this even while writing it, but decided it was simply easier to attack Kill than explore the nuances of this situation. If true, that’s just flat out disingenuous. And if you really didn’t know, then why not explore rather than attack. So which is it? Slanted writing, or simple lack of effort.

Would love to hear your response on this. Feel free to contact me with any format you feel comfortable using. I’m an educated and reasonable person, who happens to be a Gopher football fan and athletic booster (yes, we exist and we are passionate about our team). I’m not looking for a fight, but rather a reasoned explanation and perhaps a better understanding of where you are coming from when writing about the Gophers. And I’ll admit it, I’m one of the folks who wasn’t exactly pleased when I learned the morning of October 20 that Nelson’s redshirt was going to be burned. I wanted to swallow more bile for a season, in the hopes that the program would be better off long term with him waiting in the wings and getting a year of education under Kill’s system before being put on the field. I’m not an instant gratification kind of guy.

When I took issue with an article Chip Scoggins wrote earlier this year, he had the decency to call me in person and discuss his position. We had a brief and productive conversation and he was even willing to admit he was probably being unfair and the timing of the article poor. And while I don’t expect the same level of courtesy from you, I’m hoping you’ll surprise me. Perhaps my perception is all out of whack, and I’m simply another of many overly sensitive Gopher alums who want desperately for his alma mater to succeed.

Thanks for your time,
Jon Tortomasi

Good letter Jon. I think the cynic style of sportswriting in this area started with Souch and Reusse making fun of Sid as a "homer". Now it seems there is a lot of peer pressure to see who can be the biggest cynic. Barrermo is another one who loves to rip and doesn't want to come across as a fan. Max tries to come across as a good guy but is a passive agressive cynic. He just HAD to bring up the Carolina buyout once again on his Sunday sports show. I long for the days of Dick Cullum, the greatest sportswriter ever in these parts.

Well the guy takes shots at us and Gopher players and coaches all the, but he still has time to put up this on a singles site!

View attachment 1814

View attachment 1815
Wait, a sportswriter who can't hold a marriage together and likes the sauce? Knock me over with a feather.
I don't know how or why you found that, but good work. If you're going to start a tinkling contest with a bunch of people on the Internet, you'd better be damn sure you don't leave yourself open for mock and ridicule.

And speaking of sportswriting, can we please finally throw the weary and hyperbolic metaphor "under the bus" under the bus? It needs to join "dial up", "skill set", "step up", "cheap shot", "crunch time", "pick six", "three and out", "one and done", "bucket of baseballs", "110 per cent", "diss", and "props" on the scrap heap of never-clever but nevertheless mindlessly repeated sports cliches.

I'd like to add swagger to the list........and can we please end the Gatorade Bath.

Souhan's doing his job, he's gotten all kinds of attention from this. I'm not sure why it's worth spending the time even bothering with this dude. I mean, I never read his stuff mainly cause I know it is iffy whether the research has really been done to even form the opinions he usually lays out there.

I don't really read any of the "opinion" guys around here cause most of them just fall back and look at things from afar and then spin off some kind of article that'll get 'em some hits. Looks like in this case it REALLY worked for him.

It's not about having just a negative opinion. I'm actually fine with that. A negative position on a subject is healthy and normal from time to time, especially if the topic has a history of failure. It's these ridiculously negative potshots that don't even make sense to a rational, thinking person that I find so objectionable and worthy of my ire. This latest column is the pinnacle of nonsensical Souhan revisionism. That someone is paid to share his opinion on something without the slightest effort in understanding what they are derriding is an awful practice the Strib has let Souhan get into for far too long. Sometimes sanity dictates you bump back. But that's just me.

Bandanna Guy- good work! I see you in the beer line and its on me.

I like how you slipped in 'diss' and 'props' with the other sports ones lol.

Souhan's doing his job, he's gotten all kinds of attention from this. I'm not sure why it's worth spending the time even bothering with this dude. I mean, I never read his stuff mainly cause I know it is iffy whether the research has really been done to even form the opinions he usually lays out there.

I don't really read any of the "opinion" guys around here cause most of them just fall back and look at things from afar and then spin off some kind of article that'll get 'em some hits. Looks like in this case it REALLY worked for him.

I think we all understand the attention grabbing gameplan of getting clicks. However, that doesn't mean that he isn't going to get some negative attention.

It's not about having just a negative opinion. I'm actually fine with that. A negative position on a subject is healthy and normal from time to time, especially if the topic has a history of failure. It's these ridiculously negative potshots that don't even make sense to a rational, thinking person that I find so objectionable and worthy of my ire. This latest column is the pinnacle of nonsensical Souhan revisionism. That someone is paid to share his opinion on something without the slightest effort in understanding what they are derriding is an awful practice the Strib has let Souhan get into for far too long. Sometimes sanity dictates you bump back. But that's just me.

I feel you, and it's good you're at least getting his attention a little bit, usually they just brush you off. I just never see any of these things anymore cause frankly, I never even bother to read them. Only time is when I get fooled into clicking one of his is cause they don't put the "Souhan: blah blah blah" type title like they usually do lol.

Twin cities media personalities and the scribes in the local paper have helped shape the negative persona and perception of the Gophers as much as any of the losing over the years. They pile on when a bad gaffe or game slips away and then they crap all over any or what little success the Football program has had and taunt's them for any gains they may make.
Reusse, and Souhan and Max are all eager to point out that we stink and perpetuate this myth at the same time patting themselves on the back for calling this out or making it come to light. They should stick to doing MIAC story's as it is what these rubes seem to love to cover. Souhan is easily the weakest, he never even try's to show up and offer a fair criticism or column, and he most assuredly wasn't even at the game Saturday.

How often has every meaningless bowl or even a win like Saturday been downplayed by the local media? Even when the Gophers pull off a major upset like they did during the Mason years they would downplay any signifigance it had.
If they the media personality's like Souhan ripped the Vikings the way they handled Christian Ponder last year the way these guy's are ripping coach Kill for the handling of Nelson I would have a little more understanding. Nelson playing was necessitated by injury, without that happening he would never have played. It is clear that Coach Kill had to send a message to the Seniors and upperclassmen that we need to at least try to win. With Gray's unfortunate ankle injury against Western Michigan, we look like the Gophers were left with little choice.
The Vikings signed a worthless veteran and were forced to play Ponder because of there inept decision to sign D Mcnabb at QB.

The level of bile, derision and hatred spewed the Gopher football programs way especially by the Star Tribune, has always outnumbered anything the Vikings, Twins or Wolves or Wild have ever had to put up with.
We have warranted our share of criticism and negativity over the years but being the Whipping boy, and the easy to knock program has only compiled the problem with attendance and everything else. When your constantly told it is a waste of your time by the local media, don't you think that has an effect on people even considering showing up or buying a ticket?

Thanks Souhan...

...for stopping the conversation about canceling our series with UNC. You finally did something worthwhile. Now it is your bosses turn to do something worthwhile. As a matter of fact it is a twofer. He can replace you with a real reporter and probably save some money. Does anybody know who I should send this suggestion to at the Strib?

...for stopping the conversation about canceling our series with UNC. You finally did something worthwhile. Now it is your bosses turn to do something worthwhile. As a matter of fact it is a twofer. He can replace you with a real reporter and probably save some money. Does anybody know who I should send this suggestion to at the Strib?

From Post #32, try this:

Glen Crevier
Assistant Managing Editor | Sports
Phone: 612-673-4748
Email: [email protected]

Thanks Dr.Don

From Post #32, try this:

Glen Crevier
Assistant Managing Editor | Sports
Phone: 612-673-4748
Email: [email protected]

I would like to make the case that it is in Stribs interest to have journalists with integrity representing his organization. It seems to be though a common belief here that is all about clicks. I have a hard time believing that it is as simple as that but I could be wrong. I also suspect that there has to be some well qualified younger reports that could do a much better job at a lower cost. Anyway, I will give it my best shot.

Thanks gopheraddict. It will be nice to be able to let her know that I appreciated Chip's article today.

Day 3 and no reply from Mr. Souhan. So I fired this off to his editors. Stay tuned for any type of response/reply.

Sports Editors of the Star Tribune,

I felt obligated to contact you this week, as a follow up to a questioning email I sent to your columnist, Jim Souhan, on Monday morning (10/29/12). I’m looking for some type of explanation or rationale behind his latest Golden Gopher Football column titled ‘Nelson’s Quarterbacking Tools Didn’t Merit a Long Shelf Life’. The aforementioned email is listed in full below, as part of this forward. I contacted Mr. Souhan in the hopes that he could provide some additional explanation to an article I (and many others I’ve been in contact with) believe to be weakly researched or simply unfairly slanted as a misrepresentation of the reality of the situation. Mr. Souhan has not surprisingly, neglected to engage me in any type of conversation. So I come to you to help me understand why such a column was even approved for print.

I’m truly struggling with what passes for acceptable opinionated writing for print in the sports section of your newspaper. Never would I question any newspaper’s right to publish an article that views something in a critical light. And in fact I believe it to be healthy and necessary when reviewing the failures and successes of any sports team or program. But I also feel such heavy criticism should be based on facts and evidence, rather than simple conjecture. Mr. Souhan’s article clearly fails to actually investigate any of the underlying issues within the Gopher football program that have lead them to remove Philip Nelson’s redshirt and promote him to starting quarterback. I realize there is limited space in a column to perhaps fully express details, but this piece of writing forces a reader to nearly assume Mr. Souhan knows far more about the Gopher football program than anyone else. To an astute Gopher football fan, this article comes off as poorly researched and/or unnecessarily slanted. In my eyes, neither should be unacceptable. To the casual reader, it casts an undeserving negative light on a man who still isn’t even 2 years into his tenure as head coach of the Minnesota Golden Gopher football program.

To close, I’d just like to say that your continued employment of writers like Jim Souhan further pushes me away from your newspaper and website, as well as your advertisers. If lazy and unfair sports journalism is something you pride your newspaper in supplying, then by all means carry on. But if you care at all about your customers and readers, think twice about letting weakly researched articles off your collective desks. I don’t implore you to push Mr. Souhan to respond to me personally, but I do implore you to provide me with a reasonable explanation as to why you would allow writing like this at the Star Tribune.

Thank you for your time,

Jon Tortomasi

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