This board reminds me of the Illinois loss last year or the TCU and Illinois football losses this year.

Yeah. It just would be nice to bank a couple nice wins before we have 2 ugly losses.

Haha, I pretty much avoided the football board for a week after the Illinois game. It seems like on the football board they would lament about how much the entire team sucks and how we won't win another game the rest of the year, whereas this thread is just angrily $hitting on individual players.

Also personally, I thought Elliot had a legitimate gripe when he got the technical, that looked like a clean block to me.
I noticed before he got the technical he didn't even argue with the ref about the foul. The ref just overheard something he didn't like that Elliott said to his own teammates.

Horrendous call. He whines about a lot of fouls he does actually commit, but he also gets penalized for being the unathletic and clumsy giant white guy. Iverson got a lot of that treatment.

Haha, I pretty much avoided the football board for a week after the Illinois game. It seems like on the football board they would lament about how much the entire team sucks and how we won't win another game the rest of the year, whereas this thread is just angrily $hitting on individual players.

Also personally, I thought Elliot had a legitimate gripe when he got the technical, that looked like a clean block to me.

Elliot lost the game for us. Not because of his lazy passes or missed free throws, but rather his big f**** mouth. He's been a whiny little puss for 4 years now and it finally caught up with him. I bet he doesn't even learn his lesson.


I thought it was telling in the Louisville game, when Mason stepped in try pull EE away for getting a T. If you read Mason lips, he told him " shut the F*** up". A true freshman in his first real game has to step in for the senior.

This board reminds me of the Illinois loss last year or the TCU and Illinois football losses this year.

We seem to be a perennial bubble team, so losing a game we could have won because most of our team decided they had better things to do than exert any effort or focus in the second half could prove costly. Even if we aren't a bubble team, and even if we go on to have a great season, I'll forget about this half, but that doesn't make it ok to come out of the halftime break like they did.

That was a difficult game to swallow. I'd be lying if I said my expectations are rapidly dropping. We have only looked good against a division 2 team so far. Friday is a must win, if we lose that we are in free fall mode.

Put Joey king in that group too. Absolute garbage. Neither one should be playing big 10 ball

Joey had a great game. Not his fault EE, Mo, and Andre stunk it up. The there's at the end were in desperation time.

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Horrendous call. He whines about a lot of fouls he does actually commit, but he also gets penalized for being the unathletic and clumsy giant white guy. Iverson got a lot of that treatment.

Regardless, he has been whining for four years and it hasn't changed any of the calls. It only makes you a bigger target. You would think he would have learned that by now.

That was a 5 point play. And then he fouls the three point shooter sealing the deal. He needs to grow up, and fast.

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Regardless, he has been whining for four years and it hasn't changed any of the calls. It only makes you a bigger target. You would think he would have learned that by now.

That was a 5 point play. And then he fouls the three point shooter sealing the deal. He needs to grow up, and fast.

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I forgot about the outlet pass to the other team leading to his face in a crotch on a poster.

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Regardless, he has been whining for four years and it hasn't changed any of the calls. It only makes you a bigger target. You would think he would have learned that by now.

That was a 5 point play. And then he fouls the three point shooter sealing the deal. He needs to grow up, and fast.

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I wonder how many Gopher players have never gotten a technical in college. It is not impossible to hold your tongue and move on, in fact lots of guys do it on a regular basis despite getting hosed by the refs. Wait until you are in the locker room, then you can say whatever you want about the ref's mother, his weight, his girth below the belt, his eyesight, or anything else. I don't know why he still thinks that acting like a toddler who got his rattle stolen is the way to go, and how many times the team is going to have to pay for it before he figures it out.

Regardless, he has been whining for four years and it hasn't changed any of the calls. It only makes you a bigger target. You would think he would have learned that by now.

That was a 5 point play. And then he fouls the three point shooter sealing the deal. He needs to grow up, and fast.

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I would be so happy if someone put together a montage of Elliot whining over the last 4 years. I would pay for the ability to watch.

EE is a horrible athlete and is not a division 1 player.I have stood by this for years when others on this board thought he was the second coming. That two handed jam in his face should have gotten his attention.

In all fairness, there have been games where EE contributed to victories by playing solid defense and rebounding. Yes, he does some dumb stuff - but at least he can jump more than 2" off the floor - unlike Big Mo - who appears to be glued to the floor most games.

I sure hope Gaston is doing well in his English classes.

EE is a horrible athlete and is not a division 1 player.I have stood by this for years when others on this board thought he was the second coming. That two handed jam in his face should have gotten his attention.

Most definitely is a division 1 player. He has played a lot for a major conference big ten team. Honestly man

EE is a horrible athlete and is not a division 1 player.I have stood by this for years when others on this board thought he was the second coming. That two handed jam in his face should have gotten his attention.

exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
synonyms: exaggeration, overstatement, magnification, embroidery, embellishment, excess, overkill, rhetoric; More

Give it a rest.

In all fairness, there have been games where EE contributed to victories by playing solid defense and rebounding. Yes, he does some dumb stuff - but at least he can jump more than 2" off the floor - unlike Big Mo - who appears to be glued to the floor most games. I sure hope Gaston is doing well in his English classes.

You think ee can out jump mo? You are high or stupid or both wow

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