Edited- UW staff member reportedly groped male subordinate

To each his own, I guess. Don't get me wrong, watching the Badgers lose a la hail marys and other heartbreaking ways is very satisfying to me. A recruiting scandal or some other form of cheating scandal would make me laugh pretty hard as well. But when it seems like people are hoping and praying for Penn State v.2, count me out. That's not something I'm going to root for.

I'd get much more satisfaction out of beating the Badgers on the field when they're at the height of their program.
I don't think myself or anyone on here is hoping for Penn State v.2, and that's a big leap you take to make that assumption. I don't get why PSU was even brought up? The situation at UW is not even close to that. When I say I hope a scandal takes down the UW football program I would hope most people understand I don't mean a child sex abuse scandal or anything even close to that. I shouldn't even have to make that clear as it goes without saying.

You can't want to beat the Badgers at their height without wishing them to be at their height.

I don't think myself or anyone on here is hoping for Penn State v.2, and that's a big leap you take to make that assumption. I don't get why PSU was even brought up? The situation at UW is not even close to that. When I say I hope a scandal takes down the UW football program I would hope most people understand I don't mean a child sex abuse scandal or anything even close to that. I shouldn't even have to make that clear as it goes without saying.

It was brought up because the old name of this thread implied that it was something to do with kids (like the staff member was underage). If you look at the first few responses, you can see people reacting to the name of the thread. It seemed like some posters were cheering for it to be worse (therefore hoping for more damage to victims). I'm not saying you were, but that's why the PSU scandal was brought up.

Hell, this is normal for Sconnyites...they even screw dead deer.

"It's no big deal!" (Bill Murray in Caddyshack.)

Agree, the fact that this doesn't involve a human corpse or animal makes it within normal range of Wisconsinite behavior.

I don't think myself or anyone on here is hoping for Penn State v.2, and that's a big leap you take to make that assumption. I don't get why PSU was even brought up? The situation at UW is not even close to that. When I say I hope a scandal takes down the UW football program I would hope most people understand I don't mean a child sex abuse scandal or anything even close to that. I shouldn't even have to make that clear as it goes without saying.

I didn't mean to put words in your mouth, so I'm sorry for that. I was just trying to clarify my point. I definitely don't think I was taking a big leap by saying what I said. The original title of the thread had to be edited because it contained words like "staff," "touch," and "boys" (or something along those lines). As of now, it definitely looks like (as you say) this situation is not even close to what happened at Penn State. So why try to bring it down that road with stuff like that?

Agree, the fact that this doesn't involve a human corpse or animal makes it within normal range of Wisconsinite behavior.

I view it as the opposite; if it had involved a human corpse or animals it would have been labeled "normal" for someone from wisconsin.

Title of article should have been: "Badger Grad Shows Slow Reaction Time".

How in the world did John Doe let Chadima get his belt undone and his hand all the way down his pants before slapping his hand away in indignation? Isn't that akin to swerving the steering wheel after your car has already hit the tree?

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