East River Flats

Sorry for being totally clueless here, but how does this work? How much is it, and do they usually fill up?

Sorry for being totally clueless here, but how does this work? How much is it, and do they usually fill up?

I am pretty sure it's $10. I doubt it will fill up for the Kent St. game, but probably does for the sellouts. I was there for the TCU game and it seemed pretty close to full when I got there. The parking there is run by Mpls. parks so you won't find anything on the U of M web pages about it. (talking about the park, not the ramp)

Money goes to the MPLS Park and Rec Board.

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Sorry for being totally clueless here, but how does this work? How much is it, and do they usually fill up?

You just drive up with $10 cash and they give you a ticket to put on your dash. You don't need any kind of pass or do anything else ahead of time (other than hit an ATM if you are someone who doesn't usually carry cash like me). A good chunk of my group usually shows up before the cashier, so we just park, start tailgating, and then walk up to buy the tickets. The actual paved spots fill up pretty early, but usually people just park on the grass.

Sorry for being totally clueless here, but how does this work? How much is it, and do they usually fill up?

Even with TCU being a sell out and more parking pressure from the state fair they were still letting people into the lot about 45 minutes before game time. I don't think it ever sells out, too much room along the river in the grass to park.

This sounds like a much better option than the St. Paul lots. I don't mind the walking, so I think I'll start using this. My group usually likes to get there 4 or so hours prior to kickoff, so we shouldn't have any problem at all with finding a spot. Glad I found this thread!

This sounds like a much better option than the St. Paul lots. I don't mind the walking, so I think I'll start using this. My group usually likes to get there 4 or so hours prior to kickoff, so we shouldn't have any problem at all with finding a spot. Glad I found this thread!
We had passes for c89 on the West Bank, but gave those up when I discovered this. Great decision. Never been hassled once by any kind of security. There's a cop usually parked at one end, but that's it. Plus, there's all kinds of super-secret bathrooms located all along the river bank.

After the TCU game it took a good hour just to exit the lot. is that always the case?

After the TCU game it took a good hour just to exit the lot. is that always the case?

One and only time there has been any delay at all getting out of that lot in the last three years. I heard there was an accident somewhere, we just hung out until 1:00am and then they must have cleared that accident because it started flowing out of there like poop through a goose.

After the TCU game it took a good hour just to exit the lot. is that always the case?

Most people turn right out of the lot at the end of the game (we generally have one beer, turn left and scoot right out). But turning right didn't appear to be an option after the TCU game. That was the problem. I'm hoping it was a one-time issue.

Multiple factors @ the TCU game led to the backup:
1. No post-tailgating so everyone left about the same time.
2. Cars couldn't turn south onto East River Road, only North, due to some construction signs they had up.
3. More cars in the lot for that game than any other we've been to and we've been parking there for 4 years now.

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