East River Flats Shoreline

You're kidding, right? A large boat suddenly appears underneath a major pedestrian and light rail bridge, with no warning, notice or permit request to the city or DNR (or whomever controls/patrols the river in the city)? Someone could call 911 thinking it's a terrorist attack.

Give me a break. If your in the river, not blocking traffic, then your fine. Obviously they wouldn't let you live there, but a couple hours... NBD

Since it's Minneapolis Park Board land, sounds like you need a permit/approval of the superintendent.

PB4-86. - Permits for mooring.

Except at locations designated by the park board, no person shall land any boat on park land or launch any boat therefrom or dock, moor or anchor any boat in the waters of the Mississippi River abutting upon or adjoining any park or parkway, except boats belonging to the United States Government, without a special permit from the superintendent of parks as provided for hereinafter. No person shall in any manner tape or secure any boat to any tree, shrub, post or other object in or on any park or parkway without a special permit from the superintendent of parks as provided for hereinafter. (Code 1960, As Amend., § 1034.020; Pk. Bd. Ord. No. 86-102, § 1, 7-2-86)

Since it's Minneapolis Park Board land, sounds like you need a permit/approval of the superintendent.
There you go. Pretty strong language that just rolling up to either East River Flats or Bohemian Flats and tying your boat off to a tree or something else, and then walking off for a few hours, is going to get you a hefty fine and who knows what else, maybe they tow your boat away to somewhere.

There doesn't even appear to be any actual beach in either park? I think on the East River side it's all rocks and then goes sharply up to the land. On the Bohemian side, it looks like the water goes right up to man-made wall all the way. There does appear to be a little bit of beach to the very north side of Bohemian, right under the small pedestrian bridge.

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