Dunbar resigns

And you do know what happened behind the scenes?

I thought it was pretty obvious that Brewster was not happy with how Meyer was running the OL and how Dunbar was running the offense.

I am happy Brewster doesnt sit back and let the coaches on his staff dictate how this team is going to be run. Would any of you rather have him just sit back and let Dunbar keep running the show offensivly even though its not running the way or as efficently as he wants? I really hope Brewster succeds here, he is exactly the kind of coach we need. He knows this might be his only shot at a big time head coaching gig if he fails and he will not let Dunbar or anyone else dictate the outcome of his carrer.

This happends to the best of teams/coaches...USC just lost their OC to Wash as head coach which I can see, but they also just lost their DC to the same position at Wash

"Dunbar would have done just fine as our talent level began to catch up." Can I please see your crystal ball?
"We still need to run the spread to get the recruits." Hasn't Brewster said we will continue to run the spread numerous times in recent weeks?
"If Davis becomes OC it will be a disaster, we will lose out on all the best talent." I don't have a clue if Davis would be a disaster or not, but how would that lead to our missing out on the best talent?

That Texas spread is totally different than the Purdue spread - that would be called talent! Purdue's spread has worked pretty well in the past with the right talent in place.

All that being said, I agree with you that we need to keep the spread. However, I'm not as confident as you that Dunbar had any willingness to be flexible with it at all.

Have to remember Brewster is new at this head coaching gig and still maybe finding his groove. He may have also realized that we are not going to be able to recruit the kind of players needed to run Dunbars offense effectively and successfully, and decided to change to something that could be more succesful quicker.

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