Dunbar resigns

This makes Brewster look

he was lying through his teeth when asked about Haislet's comments that the St. Louis Rams offensive coordinator was offered the Gopher job before leaving for the Tennesseee Vols job.

I hear Mike Shanahan is looking for a job. ;)

Does anyone know if there are any names being tossed around at the moment??

Brewster's mojo with his coaches is show results or you are gone. I am OK with that especially considering how poorly our O performed this year and the D in 07. A lot can be said about putting quality players out there too; something we don't have across the board.

Dunbar and Brewster were not a match. Brewster always impressed me as wanting to play tough physical football and Dunbar went 100% with the Suzy Spread Offense. Enter Davis. Brewster and Davis are in the same mold along with Roof.

There will come a time when Brewster will face the same scrutiny. In the meantime, we need to be patient and give him at least two more years to show significant improvement.

So will Brewster promote Davis? Or find someone else who shares his philosophy?

I hate the spread offense, even when you have the right personnel to run it. It's just not my brand of football. Grind it out, control the clock and keep your defense fresh. It's not sexy, but it works.

he was lying through his teeth when asked about Haislet's comments that the St. Louis Rams offensive coordinator was offered the Gopher job before leaving for the Tennesseee Vols job.

That is sure what it sounds like and at what point do you question Brewster and hold him accountable for the ridiculous amount of turnover in his staff. The most successful programs have stability and longevity in their coaching staffs and it is hard to move forward when the players have to learn a new terminology and offense and or defense every year. The other thin that concerns me is that Brewster appears more than willing to throw his staff under the bus at a moments notice and lets hope it doesn't hurt him from getting good assistants to come here in the future. Coach Dunbar whether you liked him or not had a record of success prior to coming here and I wish him well. If Brewster didn't want to run the spread fine, but he should have had an idea on this before hiring Dunbar because he is running the same offense he has run for years so it shouldn't have been a surprise to Brewster. If the issue is truly that all these coaches relieved of their duties were bad coaches(which I do not believe across the board), then what does that say about Brewsters evaluation of coaches and his hiring decisions and what faith should we put in his future hires. He appears to be grasping at straws in my opinion.

thank goodness. We finally get a better defense and our offense is pukey.

Do not agree

I hate the spread offense, even when you have the right personnel to run it. It's just not my brand of football. Grind it out, control the clock and keep your defense fresh. It's not sexy, but it works.

What offense do the two teams playing for the national championship run?

Have to seriously question Punky's ability to pick assistants. After recruiting for the spread for two years, is he going full circle now? Seems like Punky is a little wishy washy. No wonder Roof may be looking to leave. He may be trying to get out before he is told to resign and pursue other interests.

You have your own mess to worry about, GV.

Not Surprising

I'm neither happy nor sad at Dunbar's departure. He's a good coordinator who had less success than I expected, but it wasn't totally his fault. He had a young QB, a young and thin OL, a young and relatively thin WR corps, and young RBs due to injury. He also made some questionable play calls, especially given his personnel.

I think the offense would have been better next year under Dunbar, simply because we would have a better OL, and more talent and experience at every position.

That being said, I think that Brew will find a new OC who better fits his view of football. I don't thiink we'll see Brew abandon the Spread's 4 & 5 WR sets, but that will be mixed with I formation, Ace, and multiple TE sets as well. A more balanced offense, where we can beat teams in multiple ways.

Brew has shown that he can make good hires to replace outgoing coaches (see Roof and Davis), and I'm guessing he'll do the same with the new OC.

I wish coach Dunbar the best of luck.

looks like another rebuilding year coming up...

...it is tough for ANY offense to be effective with a bunch of underclassmen. Especially when they only have two years of learning and playing in a complex system like Dunbar's "spreadcoast". Hopefully, this change in offense does not alter recruits opinions about the U.

I have a feeling Davis will be promoted to OC. I don't know if the job will be appealing to many other big name coordinators because it will be a rebuilding project now and it may appear that Brewster is a revolving door for coordinators.

Oh well....let's hope for the best.

I'm neither happy nor sad at Dunbar's departure. He's a good coordinator who had less success than I expected, but it wasn't totally his fault. He had a young QB, a young and thin OL, a young and relatively thin WR corps, and young RBs due to injury. He also made some questionable play calls, especially given his personnel.

I think the offense would have been better next year under Dunbar, simply because we would have a better OL, and more talent and experience at every position.

That being said, I think that Brew will find a new OC who better fits his view of football. I don't thiink we'll see Brew abandon the Spread's 4 & 5 WR sets, but that will be mixed with I formation, Ace, and multiple TE sets as well. A more balanced offense, where we can beat teams in multiple ways.

Brew has shown that he can make good hires to replace outgoing coaches (see Roof and Davis), and I'm guessing he'll do the same with the new OC.

I wish coach Dunbar the best of luck.

I don't think we can say yet that Davis was a good hire, I think he will be but one game does not tell us for sure.

Does anyone worry that Brewster is gonna get the rep that at the first sign of trouble you are done?

I don't think we can say yet that Davis was a good hire, I think he will be but one game does not tell us for sure.

It's possible that he'll do poorly here, but Davis' track record as an OL coach is successful. That's really what I was referring to, although I admit it wasn't clear in my first go at it.

My money says we will still run a spread offense with some power formation sprinkled in. I just dont see Brewster abandoning it. Brewster seems to be all about recruiting and I believe a spread offense makes it easier to pull in the top offensive talent these days.

Now things get interesting.

I cant see the Gophers getting to far away from multiple WR sets especially after recruiting what seems like 10 of them the past 2 years. I do think we will see an offense similar to the early 90's version of the Redskins and the Vikings that used the 3 WR set. Its a style that will fit our current players pretty well and can be used in different ways to include the option or straight ahead power blocking. Brewster is a guy who coaches TE's for years and you would think and offense that uses a TE more would make sense. As long as we can win I dont care if we run wishbone.

First off many of you are overreacting. I'm betting Brew is staying with the spread but wants it to be more diverse. Teams like Texas and Oklahoma run the spread with multiple formations and a running game. Dunbar's playcalling frustrated everyone and he was very uncreative and the offense was overly complex. We have a lot of young guys and newcomers and it shouldn't take young WRs a month of camp then 10 weeks of the season to be able to grasp the offense.

I'm betting Brew is staying with the spread but wants it to be more diverse.

This is correct, given the guy he apparently offered the job to was Jim Chaney, a known spread offense guru under Tiller.

he was lying through his teeth when asked about Haislet's comments that the St. Louis Rams offensive coordinator was offered the Gopher job before leaving for the Tennesseee Vols job.

What was he supposed to do? It happens all the time.


Dunbar's play calling is what finished him as a Gopher.

Isn't this why Dunbar left Cal? From what I remember reading they brought him in there to help implement the spread, but then differences arose on just how often it would be run. Dunbar wanted all, and the coach wanted just some.

Take a hike GVB

Have to seriously question Punky's ability to pick assistants. After recruiting for the spread for two years, is he going full circle now? Seems like Punky is a little wishy washy. No wonder Roof may be looking to leave. He may be trying to get out before he is told to resign and pursue other interests.

When you come posting here, leave the crappy nicknames off, or don't ever come back. Your posts will never be good enough for us to put up with you dissing our coach.

Red flag

All the stuff going on smells of red flags. Eventually, Brew will run out of coaches to pin the blame on, and the only guys who will want to work for him will be inexpensive "yes" men. I hope he knows what he's doing. Two years in and I still think he's quite naive about what it takes to build a winning program in the Big 10. Mostly talk so far, moreso than results. Perception-wise, the Gophers really need to beat Syracuse in the opener next season or the floodgates are really going to open.

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