Dumb Announcers


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Nov 21, 2008
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Michigan St. scores a TD to get within 5 with 6 minutes left in the game. Michigan St. decides to go for two, the announcer asks Chris Martin, "What do you think of the decision?" He answers "It's a gutsy call."

Is it just me, or is going for 2 there a no-brainer? Why wouldn't you try to get two to get within a FG? It amazes me how some announcers know so little about the game.

It was the right call at that point, IMO...not too Gutsy...If it were the 3rd quarter I would agree, but not with 6 minutes left in the game.

Yeah, I just thought it was an odd thing to say. It's so obvious to me. Maybe if it was the 3rd quarter or even early in the 4th you might think twice. But that late you have to go for two.

Play by play announcers are not dumb - they are just juggling a dozen different things while behind the scenes people yell in their ear. They have very little time to analyze on-field situations and strategies. People who can do play by play without a making a lot of mistakes are very rare. Recently, I heard Soucheray and Reusse broadcast one inning of the Twins on KSTP. Between them they have about 60 years of radio experience. The inning they did for the Twins was beyond pathetic. It sounded like they had never been on the radio before.

Play by play announcers are not dumb - they are just juggling a dozen different things while behind the scenes people yell in their ear. They have very little time to analyze on-field situations and strategies. People who can do play by play without a making a lot of mistakes are very rare. Recently, I heard Soucheray and Reusse broadcast one inning of the Twins on KSTP. Between them they have about 60 years of radio experience. The inning they did for the Twins was beyond pathetic. It sounded like they had never been on the radio before.

No...the announcer from the game Gopher in Iowa mentions above is dumb. lol

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