What's not to get about it? He may well be a we'll intentioned, good person. But our society is more & more becoming such, that integrity is being devalued. There was a time when a handshake was as good as a contract to people of integrity. Now it's becoming a culture of instant gratification & "what have you done for me lately"? I'm not saying the coaches are any better. It was more of a comment on people who's word means nothing, than a comment about him personally. He's simply a manifestation of a bigger problem. If you look another person square in the eyes, shake their hand & give them your word, it's a done deal and that's how it should be. Nobody put a gun to his head & made him lie to Fleck. He gave him his word & his word wasn't worth the toilet paper he used on his visit. So this "Fleck comes on strong" crap holds no water. Boo hoo, a nice man really wants to mentor & coach you. Poor baby. It's a university visit, not a tour in Vietnam. They roll out the red carpet for you & only ask you to be honest with them. Being honest and forthcoming are virtues. Your word should be your bond. If by 17 you don't know that, that says something about you. There is an ocean of people guilty of this(and far worse). So to say he's not unwittingly being influenced by the culture I referred to, would be unfair. But integrity is important, no matter who it is. I'm simply saying we shouldn't loose sight of that.
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